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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc237

(Standard - GM: Phantomas)

Post:< 10741 >
Subject:< dc237-game ends 
Topic:< dc237 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:May 08, 2009 at 12:35 pm
Viewed:1362 times

  [New Post]  [Reply]  [Quote]

J-Luc, I congratulate you on an impeccably organized game, from start to finish.
Bruce, well played
Tim, good effort between the both of us mate. Too bad we didn't coordinate earlier in the game and avoid some inefficiencies.
Joe, strong work surviving till the bitter end.
See you all on some future battlefilelds
Best regards

From: phantomas13(at)orange.fr
To: stevelytton(at)gmail.com; dc237(at)diplomaticcorp.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; coebq(at)yahoo.com; ecommander0(at)hotmail.com; von_kluge(at)hotmail.com; rude13(at)gmail.com; josepayne(at)gmail.com; john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com; timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com
Subject: dc237-game ends
Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 19:08:58 +0200

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Hello everybody,

The concession of the Russian solo was unanimously voted up.

So the game ends with a solo for Russia and 3 survivors : France, Austria and England.

Since the motion has passed, there is no need to adjudicate the Fall season and thus the final map is the last one you received (spring0Cool

I thank you all to have played this game and apologize for some mistakes I could have made, it was the first time I GMed a game on DC.

Your GM,


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This message is in reply to post 10740:

Hello everybody,

The concession of the Russian solo was unanimously voted up.

So the game ends with a solo for Russia and 3 survivors : France, Austria and England.

Since the motion has passed, there is no need to adjudicate the Fall season and thus the final map is the last one you received (spring0Cool

I thank you all to have played this game and apologize for some mistakes I could have made, it was the first time I GMed a game on DC.

Your GM,


There are 3 Messages in this Thread:

dc237-game ends (phantomas) May 08, 12:09 pm

dc237-game ends (von_kluge) May 08, 12:35 pm

dc237-game ends (coebq) May 10, 02:47 am

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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