In response to Eddie's email attached - I guess this leaves us with several options [none of which we have discussed with previous NMR's which I will explain]:
1. Count Eddie as an ANARCHY [but Eddie will not be greylisted like I have the others because he discussed this previously] and move on with 3 countries in ANARCHY.
2. Try to find a replacement for Eddie. I have not suggested this for previous anarchies because I feel that it is unfair to the neighbors of the country who now may find themselves facing
a potentially hostile neighbor where they weren't previously. I feel a bit different about this one for two reasons: 1] were Eddie not at sea he could find a replacement; 2] three anarchies would
pretty much put this game in danger of a quick end [albeit a good one for those who hold strong].
3. Put forward some sort of draw scenarios.
Please note - I am NOT pre-disposed to any of these options. However, at this point I feel it fairest to let the remaining players decide our course. I will ONLY weigh in if one solution is
not the majority vote.
As a side note, Germany retreated to the NTH sea. Therefore, we can talk about builds and move forward quickly if that is the path chosen.
From: eddie_nicholls(at)
To: kielmarch(at); dc119(at); busckeeper0018(at); vanasten(at); stevelytton(at); themaos(at); sizzlingq20042(at)
Subject: RE: dc119 Persistent Turtle A04 Results
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 15:20:58 +0000
.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass EC_body.hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} Dear all,
I'm afraid that I am going to have to waithdraw myself from this enjoyable game. As I've already mentioned to Garry, I've now started traing with the Royal Navy and I don't have the time to play anymore. Many apologies for this and I have had fun playing.
[quote:127815e043] From: kielmarch(at)
To: dc119(at); eddie_nicholls(at); busckeeper0018(at); vanasten(at); stevelytton(at); themaos(at); sizzlingq20042(at)
Subject: dc119 Persistent Turtle A04 Results
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 00:20:13 -0500
.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass EC_body.hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} Sigh...I spoke too soon.
Another NMR. Russia this time.
Shall this game be a draw with those surviving based on who still sends orders?
Persistent Turtle (Autumn 1904)
F(Bul) sc - Con (FAILED); A(Tri) Stands; A(Vie) s A(Tri)
ENGLAND (Nick Buscaglia)
F(NTH) - Bel; F(ENG) s F(NTH) - Bel; F(Bre) Stands; F(BAR) - StP nc; A(War) Stands; F(MAO) - Por; F(Nwy) s F(BAR) - StP nc
A(Spa) Stands
GERMANY (Peter Van Asten)
A(Ven) - Rom (FAILED); A(Tyr) - Ven (FAILED); A(Mun) - Bur; A(Gas) - Spa (FAILED); F(Kie) - Hol; F(Bel) s F(Kie) - Hol (CUT, DISLODGED - Retreat PENDING); A(Den) Stands
A(Boh) Stands
RUSSIA (Eddie Nicholls - NMR!)
A(Lvn) Stands; A(Mos) Stands; F(GoB) Stands; F(Rum) Stands; F(Swe) Stands
TURKEY (Eric Mao)
F(BLA) - Con (FAILED); A(Bud) Stands; A(Ser) s A(Bud); F(ION) - Tun; F(Nap) - Rom (FAILED)
Autumn 1904 Adjustments:
A: Bul, Tri, Vie, Gre = 4; No change.
E: Bel, Bre, +StP, War, +Por, Nwy, Lon, Edi, Lpl = 9; Gains 2.
F: Spa = 1; No change.
G: +Ven, Hol, Den, Par, Mun, Mar, Ber, Kie = 8; Gains 1.
I: Rom -Ven, -Tun, -Nap = 1; Loses 3.
R: Mos, Rum, Swe, Sev, -StP = 4; Loses 1.
T: Bud, Ser, +Tun, +Nap, Con, Ank, Smy = 7; Gains 2.
Peter - I need a retreat for F Bel. Note that you have two options - NTH or NRO [which is no retreat ordered which means disband so you can build elsewhere].
Orders for Builds/Removes will be contingent on that retreat. When I receive it, I will publish with a request for builds/removals. I expect to get a quick response from Peter and then will publish new deadlines for builds/removals and the next turn.
Note: I will be sending a map in a separate file - HOWEVER, the map will have the following inconsistencies:
* It will show the F Bel as disbanded....note that it is pending retreat.
* It wil show Russia's removal as A(Lvn). That is actually contingent on his request. I had to show something as removed for the program. Until he gives his remove request consider that as an A in place.
Should get interesting. AGAIN - APOLOGIZE FOR THE DELAY!!!!
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