Curiously, I believe this is the first time that Galicia has been involved in a seismic order. That leaves the Unaltered List as (I think): Syria, Clyde, Liverpool, Wales, Yorkshire, Paris, and… Budapest. [I would have to go back and check, but I think London was the target of a bounced order early on].
Regarding this season's orders, a couple have me scratching my head, but I won’t explain, as I do not wish to influence future events.
Russia successfully safeguards his Turkish dominions... for one season, at least. But that allows England to open a door unimpeded. "Hmmm, I'll peek behind the door labeled GALICIA". And, speaking of doors, Austria opens the back door to Tunis. While France shuts the door on his homeland by giving Burgundy a glimpse of coastline.
We will now take a long pause. Monday, June 1st at 10:00 CST.
Split NAf/WMe, Join Tun/Spa
[Note: canal in NAf disappears]
Split Ukr/Rum - Join Gal/Sev
Tyl and Mar split, GoL and Bur connect
Connect Aeg-emed. Split Smy and Ion