This turn we say goodbye to Germany as his last remaining unit is disbanded off the board. Josh thanks for playing and we hope the rest of your deployment goes well and that you are home soon.
Also I know I may not always sent out a deadline reminder but I am not required to do so. After some rough events in another game and after some advice from the Mods I've decided to crack down on the deadlines just a bit. If you do not have your orders into me by the deadline I will NMR you. No more waiting a few days after writing the person to see if they send in orders. Once I start writing the adjudication the NMR goes into effect.
Austria: Mark Utterback <MDemagogue(at)>
England: Alexander Kossoff <akossoff(at)>
France: Jeffrey Cole <jeffcole854(at)>
Germany: Josh Mayo <zauberlichneo(at)> ELIMINATED
Italy: Kevin Dietz <insky(at)> ELIMINATED
Russia: Andrew Jameson <Cloudhurler77(at)>
Turkey: Michael Thompdson <psychosis(at)>
disband A Rome
A Vienna - Budapest
Remove F Belgium
Winter 1907 is due on Sat May 23rd at 7pm CDT. ( 11:59pm GMT ). Map and Dpy. file are attached for your convenience.