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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc134

(Wheel of Time)

Subject:< DC 134 WOT Spring 998 Results >
Topic:< dc134 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Sep 13, 2007 at 12:00 am
Viewed:1365 times

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Well, it took a while, but the opening moves were worth the wait!
Four contested districts are the scene of engagements, one a Four army Battle Royal!
I will not subject you all to bad poetry, but I will tell you that the Guardians of the Blight Border, and the Guardians of the Light are already at eachothers throats. The Dark One is very happy!

Please let me k now if you see any mistakes, or if there is info you want that I have not included here.

No retreats are necessary, so we will move straight into the Fall.

Our next deadline will be Monday, December 3rd (at) 9PM East Coast US Time

here we come to save the day!!
mighty mouse is here to stay!!
wonder woman don't be stubborn!!
smurfs shall make some ambrosia!!

Um... Lets try to keep the press in Character....

As Ordered:
A Shayol Ghul - The Blasted Lands

F The Aryth Ocean - Aile Dashar Sea
F Sea of Storms - Kabal Deep
F Tremalking - Sea of Storms

A Shienar - Almoren
A Arafel Supports A Shienar - Almoren
A Kandor - Maradon

A Arad Doman - Dhagon
A Katar - Arad Doman
A Tarabon - Amadacia

A Illian - Far Madding
A Tear - Far Madding
A Godon - Mayene

A Caemlyn Supports A Four Kings - Braem Wood
A Four Kings - Braem Wood
A Whitebridge - Malden
A Lugard - Illian

A The Black Hills - Maradon
A Tar Valon - Almoren
A Cairhien Supports A Tar Valon - Almoren

A Amadacia - Elmora
A Salidar Hold
A Ebou Dar - The Shadow Coast

As Adjucated:
A sg - tbl

F tao - ads
F sos - kd
F tre - sos

A shi - alm (*Bounce*)
A ara Supports A shi - alm
A kan - mar (*Bounce*)

A ad - dha
A kat - ad
A tar - ama

A ill - fmd (*Bounce*)
A tea - fmd (*Bounce*)
A god - may

A cae Supports A fki - brw
A fki - brw
A wbr - mal
A lug - ill (*Fails*)

A tbh - mar (*Bounce*)
A tv - alm (*Bounce*)
A cai Supports A tv - alm

A ama - elm
A sal Hold
A ebd - tsc

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There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC 134 WOT Spring 998 Results (test_gm) Sep 13, 12:00 am

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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