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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc221

(Steve's Fog of War Expedition)

Subject:Dc221 GM Wrap Email 1 >
Topic:< dc221 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Jan 31, 2010 at 2:59 am
Viewed:1410 times

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Okay, This game has officially ended in a draw. I must admit, i dragged my heels towards the end hoping that whatever plagued Drew might see his return.

Official Standings
Matthew, Trout, Jorge, Sam, Frank - Drawn First
Mike - Eliminated 2014
Fredrik - Eliminated 2011
Drew - CD.

Mike/Garry - I'll have to go back into the game and update the players and each turn's game map before the stats can be run.

I want to design a completely unknown map and i chose the TV show LOST as a launching pad. After desigining the map, I worked on the SC and the abilities they would give (loosely based on the TV show) and drafted different rules for the game. I decided to keep everything hidden in the game and would allow players to work it out as they went along. I added different elements to the game as they game progressed as situations arose that i hadn't predicted in the beginning. I have attached the starting map as you can see.

My initial look at the map was that it was completely inbalanced, especially for Matthew (Originals/Purple). However Matthew played an exceptional game and was strongly in the lead in the last few turns of the game.

Trout played The Others/Dark Green and started in the north of the map. Trout's position had 2 disadvantages - his home SC could no be next to each other and unless he deliberately ignored an early SC, all of his Home SC would be inland. To offset this, trout had access to the 'fence' which would delay an attack on his Home by one turn. However no-one ever got close enough to have this come into play, even though Trout had the fence on all game.

Sam played The Tailies/Yellow and started in the North east. IMO, I think Sam made 2 critical mistakes at the start of the game, although he was only in control of one. One of Sam's strongest initial builds was the RAFT site (which would have allowed him to instantly launch to take the Tail section which was in the water), but Sam moved out to explore. I also felt that Sam held a little too much at the start. I anticipated that he would be the initial threat to Trout but it never happened.

Drew played the French Scientists/Dark Blue and started in the middle west. Drew had no special SCs near him, but did have a lot of SC near him so he could grow in size but had no abilities.

Matthew played the Original Inhabitants/Purple and started in the east. Matthew expanded well, controlled the temple and ruins very early on releasing The Monster (who i know played havoc with some of Mike's defences). I think Matthew was in the strongest position at game end, but would have lost a valauble ally in Drew.

Mike played the Fuselage Survivors/red and started in the middle, on the western side. Mike's position was hard as he started surrounded by a lot of SC but would encounter other players quite early in the game. It would require a lot of diplomacy and unfortunately.

Fredrik played The Widmore Team/Orange and I have to admit the constant updates that Fredrick wrote as the guise of team Widmore were fabulous and help inspire my own write-ups at the start of the game. You may have noticed that my write-ups fell off the wagon towards the end of the game, and I admit this around the time of Fredrik's elimination.

Frank played The Freighter Folk/White and started in the bottom left hand corner. Frank had a quite isolated position and moved in opposite directions near the start of the game, narrowly missing opportunities to meet other players.

Jorge played The Dharma Initiative /Light Freen and started in the bottom right hand corner. Jorge had a small island aas his starting position and was quite isolated from both players and SCs, allowing for a slow growth. Jorge also encountered the Cabin/teleported first which allowed me to randomly send him up into the north.

Stephen Lytton
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There is 1 Message in this Thread:

Dc221 GM Wrap Email 1 (deathblade_penguin) Jan 31, 02:59 am

There are 9 Threads in dc221:

dc221 - Widmore EOG (z93blom) [2 Replies]

DC221: Originals EOG (Rocketship)

dc221 Fuselage EOG (msims at wellsgardner.com)

DC221 Survivors EOG (sam_buck_productions a...)

DC221 Dharma Initiative EOG (txurce)

DC221 - EOG feedback on the Lost game - Team Freighter (bielf11)

Dc221 GM Wrap Email 2 (deathblade_penguin) [2 Replies]

Dc221 GM Wrap Email 3 (deathblade_penguin)

Dc221 GM Wrap Email 1 (deathblade_penguin)

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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