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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc221

(Steve's Fog of War Expedition)

Post:14200 >
Subject:< Dc221 GM Wrap Email 2 >
Topic:< dc221 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Jan 31, 2010 at 3:15 am
Viewed:1347 times

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Okay. Some other aspects

Most of you encountered all the rules of the game as you went along. There were 10 rules. I have attached the rules if you wanted to read them.

Rule 6 (that Mike and Fredrik) missed was encountering the edge of the map
Rule 8 (that everyone was missing except Jorge) was about the dual coast abilities but i didnt check the map clearly and the only one of these was on Jorge's island.
Rule 10 was both about the monster and the Teleporting.

The Monster (released by Matthew) wandered the map moving 2 spaces each season. When it encountered someone it basically stopped them moving. Matthew's advantage was that while he had a person at the Temple SC, he could see where the monster had travelled allowing him to see more of the map.

The Cabin (in the south east), had the ability to teleport out a person if they were 'threatened'. This happened to Jorge early in the game, teleporting to the north and into an area I would assume Trout thought was safe..alowing Jorge to contact trout, steal a SC and constantly annoy trout by claiming he came out of the well. Fredrick was the second person teleported but was only teleported a short difference so he was close to Mike's SC. The person teleported would go to any empty space that was NOT seen by another player.

A lot of the special SC had the abilities of either letting them see the status of other SC, or passing on radio messages (Underutilized i thought...). I've attached the 2 documents if you wanted to read them.

The Tempest station (controlled by Fredrick for most of the game) basically allowed Fredrick to see people coming to attack him. I dont know how useful this was.

The KEY and the Orchid were 2 of the mysteries that came out late in the game. The Orchid was locked (i was initially deciding on the ability it would give and eventually set on a computer that would answer questions about th

Stephen Lytton
Are you coming to the World Diplomacy Championship in Sydney 2011? Ask me how....

Sell your old one fast! Time for a new car?

There are 3 Messages in this Thread:

Dc221 GM Wrap Email 2 (deathblade_penguin) Jan 31, 03:15 am

Dc221 GM Wrap Email 2 (deathblade_penguin) Jan 31, 04:18 am

Dc221 GM Wrap Email 2 (former.trout) Feb 01, 08:40 am

There are 9 Threads in dc221:

dc221 - Widmore EOG (z93blom) [2 Replies]

DC221: Originals EOG (Rocketship)

dc221 Fuselage EOG (msims at wellsgardner.com)

DC221 Survivors EOG (sam_buck_productions a...)

DC221 Dharma Initiative EOG (txurce)

DC221 - EOG feedback on the Lost game - Team Freighter (bielf11)

Dc221 GM Wrap Email 2 (deathblade_penguin) [2 Replies]

Dc221 GM Wrap Email 3 (deathblade_penguin)

Dc221 GM Wrap Email 1 (deathblade_penguin)

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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