Trudging ahead now with 5 players, we have lots of new units on the board: Brazil able to build 3 after having had 3 of his 4 home centers in enemy hands at some point, and only barely holding on to fourth... Chile raises a pair, and Paraguay becomes the party favorite, lamyata (a pinata that looks like... I'm sure you figured it out. And where the kids - yes, in the red pajamas - go and whack at their mamyata lamyata until it explodes with Paraguan supply centers and everyone grabs)
Build F Salvador
Build A Manaus
Build A Rio de Janeiro
Build A Valparaiso
Build A Santiago
Build waived
Remove A Santa Fe
Remove A Misiones
Remove A Asuncion
NEXT: Spring 1846 is due Monday March 1, 3pm Central / 2100 GMT.