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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc139

(Live In Rapid City - LIVE/Rapid Deadlines)

Subject:< DC139 Live In Rapid City - Spring 08 >
Topic:< dc139 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Sep 13, 2007 at 12:00 am
Viewed:1355 times

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Heya gang,

Really sorry about the long delay in the adjudication. Couldn't wait any longer and had to head out on my bi-weekly pilgrimmage from Edmonton to Fort McMurray. And of course, another huge crash on the highway of death made the four hour trip a seven hour long one... (I really need to start flying...)

The delay still didn't help. Unfortunately orders for Rome never do surface and the legions stand waiting for instruction allowing Persia to tighten the noose.

Also of note - After the 24th, Jon will be travelling for a month with no internet access. Looks as though we have to have a discussion about whether to declare some sort of game resolution, pause the game for a month or find a replacement Carthage. Let me know what you guys are thinking out there..

Three retreats needed for Summer 08: Two Carthaginian, one Egyptian. Deadline for Summer 08 retreats will be set for 9:00 PM MST Saturday, Dec 22nd.

Cheers all!


Movement results for Spring of 8. (Dc139)

Rome: F Apulia, no move received.
Rome: A Dalmatia, no move received.
Rome: A Epirus, no move received.
Rome: F Ionian Sea, no move received.
Rome: A Neapolis, no move received.
Rome: A Rhaetia, no move received.
Rome: F Sicilia, no move received.
Rome: A Vindobona, no move received.

Carthage: F Ausonian Sea - Messenian Sea.
Carthage: A Cirta - Mauretania.
Carthage: F Gulf of Syrtis - Cyrene.
Carthage: F Leptis Supports F Gulf of Syrtis - Cyrene.
Carthage: F Libyan Sea Supports F Gulf of Syrtis - Cyrene (*Dislodged*).
Carthage: A Numidia - Thapsus.
Carthage: A Phazania - Marmarica (*Dislodged*).
Carthage: F Punic Sea - Gulf of Tacape.

Persia: F Aegean Sea Supports F Messenian Sea - Sparta.
Persia: F Antioch - Cilician Strait.
Persia: A Byzantium - Macedonia.
Persia: A Chersonesus Supports A Sarmatia.
Persia: F Crete - Libyan Sea.
Persia: A Dacia Supports A Macedonia - Illyria.
Persia: F Egyptian Sea Supports F Crete - Libyan Sea.
Persia: F Gulf of Pelusium - Alexandria.
Persia: A Macedonia - Illyria.
Persia: F Messenian Sea - Sparta.
Persia: A Petra - Sinai.
Persia: A Sarmatia Supports A Macedonia - Illyria.
Persia: F Sidon - Syrian Sea.

Greece: F Athens Hold.

Egypt: A Bayuda - Phazania.
Egypt: A Cyrene - Gulf of Syrtis (*Dislodged*).
Egypt: A Marmarica Supports A Bayuda - Phazania.
Egypt: A Sahara Supports A Bayuda - Phazania.

The following units were dislodged:

Egyptian A Cyrene can retreat to Memphis.
Carthaginian F Libyan Sea can retreat to Ausonian Sea or Gulf of Syrtis.
Carthaginian A Phazania can retreat to Numidia or Cirta.

Unit locations:

Rome: F Apulia, A Dalmatia, A Epirus, F Ionian Sea, A Neapolis, A Rhaetia,
F Sicilia, A Vindobona.
Carthage: F Cyrene, F Gulf of Tacape, F Leptis, A Mauretania, F Messenian Sea,
A Thapsus.
Persia: F Aegean Sea, F Alexandria, A Chersonesus, F Cilician Strait, A
Dacia, F Egyptian Sea, A Illyria, F Libyan Sea, A Macedonia, A
Sarmatia, A Sinai, F Sparta, F Syrian Sea.
Greece: F Athens.
Egypt: A Marmarica, A Phazania, A Sahara.

Ownership of supply centers:

Rome: Dalmatia, Massilia, Neapolis, Ravenna, Roma, Sicilia, Sparta,
Carthage: Baleares, Carthage, Cirta, Leptis, Numidia, Saguntum, Sardinia,
Persia: Antioch, Byzantium, Chersonesus, Crete, Cyprus, Damascus, Jerusalem,
Macedonia, Miletus, Petra, Sidon, Sinope, Tyre.
Greece: Athens.
Egypt: Alexandria, Cyrene, Memphis, Thebes.

Rome: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Carthage: 8 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Persia: 13 Supply centers, 13 Units: Builds 0 units.
Greece: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Egypt: 4 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.

The next phase of Dc139 will be Retreats for Spring of 8.

There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC139 Live In Rapid City - Spring 08 (test_gm) Sep 13, 12:00 am

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