Next deadline is Monday 11/15, 3pm Central.
From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 11/8/2010 9:55 AM
Subject: dc339 s216bc retreats!
Summer came quick this year... must be global warming.
Carthage retreats to Gaetulia.
NEXT: Fall, due Friday! 11/12, 3pm Central.
(Is that too fast? If any want it pushed back to Monday let me know)
From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 11/8/2010 8:46 AM
Subject: dc339 s216bc results!
Sorry for the delay guys rough weekend here...
But results are out!
The big blows this round seem to fall upon Carthage, who suffers the tactical loss of Cyrenaica. Egypt attempts to restore order to Alexandria, but time will tell if it can last more than 6 mo... And the Scythians? Well, with not much better to do they go ravaging the peaceful countryside in Bithynia.
One retreat! Tomorrow 3pm Central, Carthaginian A Cyr has lots of choices.
F O.Cantabricus - O.Britannicus
F Carthage - Syrtis Major
F Cartenna - Numidian Sea
A Saguntum Hold
A Lugdunum - Helvetii
F Lutetia Supports F O.Cantabricus - O.Britannicus
A Aremorica - Lugdunum
A Cyrenaica Supports A Memphis - Alexandria (*Dislodged*)
A Memphis Supports A Sistrum - Alexandria
A Sistrum - Alexandria
F O.Britannicus - O.Hibernicus
A Aliso Supports A Belgica
F Treva - O.Germanicus
A Biskupin - Bojohaemum
A Bojohaemum - Raetia
A Belgica Supports A Bojohaemum - Raetia
F Ionian Sea Supports F Syrtis Major (*Ordered to Move*)
F Mare Hadriaticum Supports F Ionian Sea
A Aqueleia Supports A Bojohaemum - Raetia (*Cut*)
A Pella - Moesia
F Athens - Aegaeum Mare
A Sparta - Delphi
F Kul Oba Hold
A Dacia - Gelonus
A Pannonia Supports A Aqueleia
F Syrtis Major - Carthage (*Disbanded*)
F Lybian Sea Supports A Alexandria - Cyrenaica
F Gulf of Judea Convoys A Antiochia - Sinai
A Maikop - Armenia (*Bounce*)
A Asiatica - Armenia (*Bounce*)
F Attaleia - Lycian Sea
A Antiochia - Sinai
A Alexandria - Cyrenaica
F Tyrhennian Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
F Punic Sea Supports F Carthage - Syrtis Major
A Genua - Aqueleia (*Fails*)
A Roma - Apulia (*Bounce*)
A Neapolis - Apulia (*Bounce*)
F Sicilia Supports F Tyrhennian Sea - Ionian Sea
F Maeotis Palus - Bithynia