Initially, I was convinced my long term partner would be the Samurais. The game could have turned out quite differently, probably with the Hobbits gone, unless the code of honor would have held. But it didn't in my case. Like the Wizards, I was skeptical that the Hobbits and Wizs could get along without a stab, but as things seemed to hold together through the first years the relationship, along with the addition of the Pirates with whom I had an initial separate arrangement, it ended up a huge source of strength. I gave me about a 180 degree scope of protection. The downside of working with the Sams is that the position against the edge did worry me. In consideration, perhaps this isn't such a problem given their route of expansion toward the Ogres.
I also focused early on the underground. From my perspective I didn't want anyone popping up near my home centers and there was an easy path to a second front against the Leps/Ogres. At first I was content to let the Dwarves be after getting the very useful Spirt Pond, but eventually it seemed safest to just grab the whole area.
I don't think I would to like to see the Nomads done away with completely. The suggestion to allow the consideration of the second provinces captured has merit to me. I think it is worth thinking about giving the Nomads an additional unit at the start in one of the empty provinces - even chose an additional home center - or you could allow the Nomads to pick with or more exosting units.
I'm not sure about linking up the N/S. The issue of what to do with Devils Canyon is there, perhaps split it with Crystal Lake?
So thanks very much Mike for running the game. I am definititely in the next one. Thanks too to Max and Baz for helping this be a 'successful experience'!