Dc131 Spring 1907
The DIAS has been voted down.
There are now 3 draw proposals on the table. They are :-
1) A proposed Draw for Argentina-Brazil. (Chile would record a survivial)
2) A proposed Draw for Chile-Brazil (Argentina would record a survivial)
3) A DIAS.
This is the order that i will look at and process the votes. So for example I will only look at the chile-brazil draw votes IF the argentina-brazil draw fails. I will only look at the votes for the DIAS if both other proposed draw fail. Players need to vote on all 3 draws proposals. If you submit a vote for less than 3 proposals, then any proposal you 'dont' submit a vote for - that vote will count as a NO. If you fail to submit any votes at all but do submit moves, your votes will count as a NO. If you NMR, your votes will count as a YES.
A Mar del Plata Hold
F Buenos Aires - Coast of Argentina
A Santa Fe Supports A Paraguay
F Southwest Atlantic Hold
A Paraguay Supports A Yungas - Brasilia
A Yungas - Brasilia (*Bounce*)
F Rio de Janeiro - Southwest Atlantic (*Fails*)
A Pernambuco - Rio de Janeiro (*Fails*)
A Brasilia - Pantanal
A Belem - Brasilia (*Bounce*)
A Mato Grosso Supports A Belem - Brasilia
A Caracas - Orinoco Springs
A Orinoco Springs - Amazon Basin
A Bogota - Cordillera Oriental
A Barranquilla - Medellin
F Brazilian Sea Supports F Rio de Janeiro - Southwest Atlantic
A Manaus Supports A Orinoco Springs - Amazon Basin
F Santiago - Southeast Pacific
A Antofagasta - Arequipa
A Patagonia - Santiago
A Gran Chaco Supports A La Paz
F Scotia Sea Supports F Southwest Atlantic
A La Paz Supports A Yungas (*Ordered to Move*)
A Lima - Montana
Dc131 Fall 1907 is due Thursday 17th, 9pm Australian EST.
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Garter)
Tournament Director of the Diplomaticcorp Winter Blitz 2008.
at www.diplomaticcorp.com
Listen now! New music from the Rogue Traders.