Ah, check the wiki page, www.dipwiki.com?title=Seismic.
In the section on isthmuses… if you connect two land zones which divides two sea zones, then the default is for them to then be treated like Denmark-Sweden. That is, no coasts, fleets can enter and exit either side. That’s easily represented in map form via a canal right on the border.
One can (but doesn’t have to) specifiy you’d prefer in the join, only a canal in one province or the other (leading to dual coasts in one province), or none at all (leading to dual coasts on both provinces)
The English fleet is now on the West Coast of London (bordering ENG).
From: Pete Dale [mailto:pete(at)atlantichouse.org.uk]
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 10:02 AM
To: Michael Sims; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; mrh(at)panix.com; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; dc401
Subject: RE: dc401 s01 results!
Thanks Mike; chaos already!
Can you clarify for me please what rules we’re playing under. The orders “canal” and “no canal” don’t seem to come either from the original rules nor from AceRunner’s Revisions (where canals would be through one territory or another, rather than “straits” running between them).