Any chance this site will support automated judges for adjudication? I really don't like playing 7 day deadline games. I prefer 24 hour games. I understand that's too much to ask for a human judge. So will this site ever adopt an auto-judge system and therefore be able to do 24hr or even 12hr deadline games?
Also, I'm not a fan of NMRs being treated as CD. I understand that's in the official rules but I prefer the grace period system. The USAK judges uses this system. Every player is given a set number of hours for a grace period. If they are late they get an email warning and their grace period begins to count down. If they use up their grace period the player is kicked from the game and the game pauses until a replacement is found.
It's a sucky system but I prefer it to the cheap-win system when your enemy gets the benefit of a nation that's simply holding.