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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc404


Subject:< DC404 Spring 1910 Results >
Topic:< dc404 >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Jun 06, 2012 at 10:08 pm
Viewed:1452 times

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All the action this season is out east in the dusty Anatolian hills and valleys, while defenses from Switzerland to Scotland are fortified in preparation of a possible coming fight.  Italy has moved west, potentially disrupting the balance of power, and swaps a center with Turkey; there was one dislodged unit, but the only retreat was to Syria-Italy, if you want that unit to go OTB, let me know. 

Fall 1910 deadline is 9:00pm US Central Time on 11th June, or 02:00 GMT on 12th June.  Any errors or omissions, let me know before adjudication.


A Trieste HoldsA Vienna Holds
A Budapest S RumaniaA Serbia HoldsA Greece Holds
A Rumania S R A Ukraine - SevastopolA Bulgaria S I F Aegean Sea - Constantinople


F Liverpool Holds

F London HoldsF Brest - English ChannelA Belgium Holds

A Picardy S A Belgium A Burgundy S A Belgium A Marseilles S A Burgundy

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean S F Brest - English Channel

A Munich S A RuhrA Ruhr S F Holland

A Edinburgh HoldsA Kiel S F HollandF Holland Holds

F Heligoland Bight - Denmark

F Aegean Sea - ConstantinopleF Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Med

A Venice - Piedmont
A Smyrna - Ankara
F Eastern Med - Smyrna


F Sevastopol - Black SeaA Ukraine - Sevastopol

F Norwegian Sea S North SeaF North Sea S HollandF Norway S North Sea

A Finland S Norway

A Armenia - SmyrnaA Ankara S A Armenia - Smyrna

There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC404 Spring 1910 Results (Zoterik) Jun 06, 10:08 pm

There are 43 Threads in dc404:

DC404 Complete (Zoterik) [2 Replies]

DC404 Fall 1910 Orders (Zoterik) [4 Replies]

DC404 Winter 1901 Adjustments (Zoterik)

DC404 Spring 1910 Results (Zoterik)

DC404 Winter 1909 Adjustments (Zoterik)

DC404 Fall 1909 Results! (Zoterik)

DC404 ... third email (catsfather)

dc404 ... the second email (catsfather)

DC404 1909 Fall results (RickHunter) [3 Replies]

DC404 1909 Summer results (RickHunter)

DC404 1909 Spring results (RickHunter)

DC404 1908 Winter results (RickHunter)

DC404 1908 Fall results (RickHunter)

DC404 1908 Summer results (RickHunter)

DC404 1908 Spring results (RickHunter)

DC404 1907 Winter results (RickHunter)

DC404 1907 Autumn results (RickHunter)

DC404 1907 Fall results (RickHunter)

DC404 1907 Summer results (RickHunter)

DC404 1907 Spring results (RickHunter)

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