I do not have the Fall 1901 results for there is a player who has yet to turn in orders. My house rules state:
After the
first year of a game, each player will be given ONE eight hour grace period,
enabling them to turn in their orders and not receive an NMR up to eight hours
after the adjudication. Please note that any other players who take advantage
of the offending player's eight-hour grace period will, in the process, be
giving up their own since grace period for the game! As such, players who have
already used their grace period may never change their orders during another
player's use of this grace period.
We are eight hours after the deadline, but I take some blame for failing to publish this notice last night. I had an incredibly long week and fell asleep before doing so. Because of this, and because I would like to avoid the imbalance caused by NMRs I am going to begin the countdown with this message. If I receive orders from the offending player before 1 PM PDT today (8 PM GMT), they will be included with the results, otherwise that player will NMR.