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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc432


Post:< 24210 
Subject:< DC432 Germany EOG >
Topic:< dc432 >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Oct 10, 2012 at 3:42 am
Viewed:1238 times

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Yes, Thanks Justin, really appreciated. I normally like to pick one secure ally and work with them through to the end of the game, though potentially with other strong alliances along the way.  Russia and I resolved early to ally.
 My initial strategy then was to secure the whole of the Balkans and build up enough armies to not be a tempting target to anyone.  In order to achieve this I encouraged Russia, Turkey and Italy to fight, which they all obligingly did.
 With the Balkans secured I looked around and saw that my then ally the Italian's armies were somewhat isolated in Turkey.  The rapid fall of Turkey meant that Russia and Italy would now be contesting for the Turkish centres.  In some ways the Italy was a victim of our success in taking down the Turk early.  I had got a few builds, but Italy had only got one and needed to put in more armies to contest the remainder of Turkey with the Russians.
 I sent over a couple of units to secure Italy, and though initially easily took Venice, was surprised at the vigorous resistance from Italy.  I was forced to use my fleets to simply keep him from bringing back his Armies from Turkey, which would have stymied my invasion.
 I was very aware at this time though, that my attack on Italy would advantage the French.  I believe, wrongly, that Germany would remain a strong northern balwark against the French, that would in turn protect me.
 However, with Germany leaving the door open to France and me taking longer than hoped in Italy, I quickly found a number of French fleets in the Med earlier than I had hoped. Because my ally Russia had built mainly fleets, I felt more confident in throwing my armies to the North and West as a wall against French Eastward advances and securing a stalemate line.
 In the end Russia and I's combined 19 units at one stage versus France's 12 would have proved catastrophic to the Western powers, leaving Germany and France no option but to re-ally.  Had they not done so, I think we would have ended in a 2 way draw between Russia and I.
 Once this alliance was clear though, the outcome of a protracted war was uncertain.  We would have slowly pushed back the French in the South (7 fleets and 3 armies on our side versus 4 french fleets and no stalemate line achieve), but in the north Russia could have lost pieces.
 In the end I voted for the draw as I didn't want to risk France and Germany taking scandanavia and then having France stab Germany for the probably 4th time to claim a solo victory. 
I think France played supurbly in convincing Germany to vacate his supply centres in order for them to be occupied by the French on a large number of occassions. Thanks everyone for the game.
 Am off to find another one to sign up for. Arch Duke Richelieu

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Wladimir Mysonski <wmysonski(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Justin for helping out the Diplomacy cause. I thought you did great for your first game.

Germany had a fairly straight forward strategy from the outset. Reach out to England and France to ensure they don't team up against me. After interacting with the other players, it seemed clear to me that Austria and Russia would be good temporary allies as well with clear growth areas. I wanted to get a strong Aunschluss going too but Russia's cooperation put an end to that since part of the fun with the alliance with Austria is going hard at the Russian. I encouraged Italy and Austria to get along but I regret that it turned out harming Italy. I sincerely do not know how to play Italy much better than it was played.

The central part of my strategy was to get a defensible corner position. France and I had a good thing going so we took down the English quickly. It went so well that I thought France and I might be able to trust one another and make a go at a 2 way with me focusing north and Eric south. This allowed me to lobby Austria to begin working with me against Russia. In all seriousness, I found the Russian strategy odd. Phil expressed interest in trying something unique (strong navy in north and south) so I applaud him for that but it left his inner core painfully tempting. Russia is a land and sea power and really has a hard time if it is not balanced. I felt like I had to make a move. My defensible corner was the North Atlantic and I was quickly on my way towards having another one in Russia. My zenith was when I took Warsaw. It was all downhill from there.

In my zeal for going east, I left my home centers exposed. Eric apparently could not resist and began encroaching under the guise of keeping our alliance a secret. He asked for Belgium and I gave it to him. He asked for Holland and I acquiesced mainly because I didn't think I could really say no without starting a war with him. I was stabbed, as simple as that. Eric made his decision. I would have remained in our alliance to the end so I do think it is interesting France threw in his lot with Austria and Russia to settle for a 3 way instead of our 2 way. That is one question I would have for Eric. Seeing as how this game ended, would you still have stabbed me when you did or would you have waited for us to take out Russia and Italy first?

Austria and Russia seemed hitched from the beginning which really helped them both. I commend them for that solidarity since it allowed Russia to get his coveted (if odd) southern navy pumping through the Bosporus. Any game Austria gets past 6 centers is a success for that power too.

Anyway, I tried to last as long as I could but once Austria told me he would not be supporting my 4 way draw, I threw in the towel. Everyone played fairly well but I would have been curious to see how it could have gone if Austria and Italy had stayed together with me. I'd have liked to see the Aunschluss played out past the early years. 

Good game everyone!
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 7:03 PM, Lam Brian <briankingfox(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Dear All,

First, thanks Justin GMing the game.

Italy has not much to say. As usual, work with Austria, and being stabbed. I am still looking ways for a successful Italy. Again I bid for Lepanto. But the problem of Lepanto will end up strong Austria and being stabbed later. But attack on Austria will face strong Russia and/or Turkey afterwards. At the end, it is still all about diplomacy.

My wrong move is that I guess Austria would have stabbed me, but I did not do any defensive moves. That's my fault. But what would be next after Austrian stab? I thought that Austria would take my advise that after Italy fall, Austria will be sandwiched by Russia and France. This is why I ignore a possible Austrian stab.

It is lucky that there is a 3-way draw for Austria instead of survival in 2-way draw. Again, it is good diplomacy for Austria to get this draw. Congratulations.


2012/10/10 <justin(at)darkenedpath.com>

And with all parties voting yes to a 3-way France, Austria, Russia draw, this game comes to a close.  I apologize for some of the strange issues which have plagued me as far as emails go, and dealt with me as I try to learn how to GM a game.  It's been a pleasure.

If any of you wish to send me EOG statements, I will collect them and send them out on Friday, or you can feel free to send them as well.  I will send whatever is addressed only to me.

If you want me to finish processing this turn so you can see the final map, just let me know and I will do so.  If no one is interested, then I don't see that it matters now.

I'll try to get the site updated in the next day or so.  Have a good number of turns to go back and enter.


-----Original Message-----

From: justin(at)darkenedpath.com

Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 10:27pm

To: justin(at)darkenedpath.com

Cc: andrewgbeaumont(at)gmail.com, tauo(at)sbcglobal.net, ericzred(at)gmail.com, wmysonski(at)gmail.com, briankingfox(at)hotmail.com, martell.p(at)gmail.com, igonmor(at)ea.mde.es, nacvet(at)gmail.com, dc432(at)diplomaticcorp.com, briankingfox(at)gmail.com

Subject: DC432 Winter 05

And we have builds in, and two draw proposals for the next turn.

First is basically the same as last time.  3-way draw for Austria, France, and Russia.

Second is a 4-way draw among all currently surviving parties.

Get your orders and votes in by Wednesday, 10 October (at) 0200 (Tuesday (at) 9PM EST)



Build F Trieste


Build F Marseilles


Remove F Eastern Mediterranean


Build F St Petersburg(sc)

This message is in reply to post 24208:

Thanks Justin for helping out the Diplomacy cause. I thought you did great for your first game.
Germany had a fairly straight forward strategy from the outset. Reach out to England and France to ensure they don't team up against me. After interacting with the other players, it seemed clear to me that Austria and Russia would be good temporary allies as well with clear growth areas. I wanted to get a strong Aunschluss going too but Russia's cooperation put an end to that since part of the fun with the alliance with Austria is going hard at the Russian. I encouraged Italy and Austria to get along but I regret that it turned out harming Italy. I sincerely do not know how to play Italy much better than it was played.

The central part of my strategy was to get a defensible corner position. France and I had a good thing going so we took down the English quickly. It went so well that I thought France and I might be able to trust one another and make a go at a 2 way with me focusing north and Eric south. This allowed me to lobby Austria to begin working with me against Russia. In all seriousness, I found the Russian strategy odd. Phil expressed interest in trying something unique (strong navy in north and south) so I applaud him for that but it left his inner core painfully tempting. Russia is a land and sea power and really has a hard time if it is not balanced. I felt like I had to make a move. My defensible corner was the North Atlantic and I was quickly on my way towards having another one in Russia. My zenith was when I took Warsaw. It was all downhill from there.

In my zeal for going east, I left my home centers exposed. Eric apparently could not resist and began encroaching under the guise of keeping our alliance a secret. He asked for Belgium and I gave it to him. He asked for Holland and I acquiesced mainly because I didn't think I could really say no without starting a war with him. I was stabbed, as simple as that. Eric made his decision. I would have remained in our alliance to the end so I do think it is interesting France threw in his lot with Austria and Russia to settle for a 3 way instead of our 2 way. That is one question I would have for Eric. Seeing as how this game ended, would you still have stabbed me when you did or would you have waited for us to take out Russia and Italy first?

Austria and Russia seemed hitched from the beginning which really helped them both. I commend them for that solidarity since it allowed Russia to get his coveted (if odd) southern navy pumping through the Bosporus. Any game Austria gets past 6 centers is a success for that power too.

Anyway, I tried to last as long as I could but once Austria told me he would not be supporting my 4 way draw, I threw in the towel. Everyone played fairly well but I would have been curious to see how it could have gone if Austria and Italy had stayed together with me. I'd have liked to see the Aunschluss played out past the early years. 

Good game everyone!
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 7:03 PM, Lam Brian <briankingfox(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Dear All,

First, thanks Justin GMing the game.

Italy has not much to say. As usual, work with Austria, and being stabbed. I am still looking ways for a successful Italy. Again I bid for Lepanto. But the problem of Lepanto will end up strong Austria and being stabbed later. But attack on Austria will face strong Russia and/or Turkey afterwards. At the end, it is still all about diplomacy.

My wrong move is that I guess Austria would have stabbed me, but I did not do any defensive moves. That's my fault. But what would be next after Austrian stab? I thought that Austria would take my advise that after Italy fall, Austria will be sandwiched by Russia and France. This is why I ignore a possible Austrian stab.

It is lucky that there is a 3-way draw for Austria instead of survival in 2-way draw. Again, it is good diplomacy for Austria to get this draw. Congratulations.


2012/10/10 <justin(at)darkenedpath.com>

And with all parties voting yes to a 3-way France, Austria, Russia draw, this game comes to a close.  I apologize for some of the strange issues which have plagued me as far as emails go, and dealt with me as I try to learn how to GM a game.  It's been a pleasure.

If any of you wish to send me EOG statements, I will collect them and send them out on Friday, or you can feel free to send them as well.  I will send whatever is addressed only to me.

If you want me to finish processing this turn so you can see the final map, just let me know and I will do so.  If no one is interested, then I don't see that it matters now.

I'll try to get the site updated in the next day or so.  Have a good number of turns to go back and enter.


-----Original Message-----

From: justin(at)darkenedpath.com

Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 10:27pm

To: justin(at)darkenedpath.com

Cc: andrewgbeaumont(at)gmail.com, tauo(at)sbcglobal.net, ericzred(at)gmail.com, wmysonski(at)gmail.com, briankingfox(at)hotmail.com, martell.p(at)gmail.com, igonmor(at)ea.mde.es, nacvet(at)gmail.com, dc432(at)diplomaticcorp.com, briankingfox(at)gmail.com

Subject: DC432 Winter 05

And we have builds in, and two draw proposals for the next turn.

First is basically the same as last time.  3-way draw for Austria, France, and Russia.

Second is a 4-way draw among all currently surviving parties.

Get your orders and votes in by Wednesday, 10 October (at) 0200 (Tuesday (at) 9PM EST)



Build F Trieste


Build F Marseilles


Remove F Eastern Mediterranean


Build F St Petersburg(sc)

There are 2 Messages in this Thread:

DC432 Germany EOG (Wladimir7) Oct 10, 12:20 am

DC432 Germany EOG (Richelieu) Oct 10, 03:42 am

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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