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France was able to successfully attack London, disbanding that army. However, that was the only action this round, everyone else either bounced or just??repositioned??for Fall.??
Fall 04 orders are due Monday, Nov 5 at 9:00 pm MST (04:00 06-11-12 GMT) (Daylight Savings [summer time] ends this coming Sunday in the USA)
Movement results for Spring of 1904.??
Austria: A Albania Supports A Serbia.Austria: A Serbia Hold.Austria: A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Bounce*).
England: A Liverpool Supports F Wales.England: F London Hold (*Disbanded*).England: F Wales Supports A Liverpool.
France: F English Channel - London.France: F Irish Sea - North Atlantic Ocean.
France: A Marseilles Hold.France: A Spain - Gascony.France: A Yorkshire Supports F English Channel - London.
Germany: A Belgium Supports A Munich - Burgundy.
Germany: A Denmark - Kiel.
Germany: F Holland Supports F North Sea.Germany: A Munich - Burgundy.Germany: F North Sea Supports F English Channel - London.Germany: A Picardy - Paris.
Italy: F Ionian Sea Hold.
Italy: F Naples Supports F Ionian Sea.Italy: F Trieste - Adriatic Sea.Italy: A Tuscany - Venice.
Russia: F Barents Sea - Norway.Russia: A Budapest Supports A Bulgaria - Serbia.
Russia: A Galicia - Vienna (*Bounce*).Russia: A Moscow - Ukraine.Russia: F Norway - Sweden.Russia: F Rumania - Black Sea.Russia: A Sevastopol - Armenia.Russia: A Ukraine - Rumania.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Greece.Turkey: A Ankara Hold.Turkey: A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Fails*).Turkey: F Greece Supports F Ionian Sea - Serbia (*Fails*).
Turkey: F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean.
Unit locations:
Austria: ?? A Albania, A Serbia, A Tyrolia.England: ?? A Liverpool, F Wales.France: ?? ??A Gascony, F London, A Marseilles, F North Atlantic Ocean, A??Yorkshire.
Germany: ?? A Belgium, A Burgundy, F Holland, A Kiel, F North Sea, A Paris.Italy: ?? ?? F Adriatic Sea, F Ionian Sea, F Naples, A Venice.Russia: ?? ??A Armenia, F Black Sea, A Budapest, A Galicia, F Norway, A Rumania,??F Sweden, A Ukraine.
Turkey: ?? ??F Aegean Sea, A Ankara, A Bulgaria, F Eastern Mediterranean, F??Greece.
The next phase of dc435 will be Movement for Fall of 1904.
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