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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc505

(The Haven)

Post:27538 >
Subject:< dc505 s14 results - DRAW! >
Topic:< dc505 >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Sep 25, 2015 at 8:41 am
Viewed:1458 times

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Game ends!
Had to hold for some straggler orders, but with a full set of 8 players all agreeing to the 4-way DFPS draw, that is what we have.
So what did you think?  We had some folks in here new to the Haven, all the way up to those who have played in almost all Haven games...
Let's have your end-game thoughts!
Congrats to Patrick, Chris, Garry, and Jim!
Clark, Brian, Warren, and Ross eek out some survivals... Warren by just one dot!

There are 5 Messages in this Thread:

dc505 s14 results - DRAW! (FuzzyLogic) Sep 25, 08:41 am

dc505 s14 results - DRAW! (Corrino) Sep 25, 08:57 am

dc505 s14 results - DRAW! (rosswebb) Sep 25, 09:05 am

dc505 s14 results - DRAW! (briandiffell) Sep 25, 11:57 pm

dc505 s14 results - DRAW! (Nobunaga) Oct 01, 12:46 pm

There are 68 Threads in dc505:

dc505 s14 results - DRAW! (FuzzyLogic) [4 Replies]

dc505 s14 results - STAB! (waschlappen)

dc505 w13 builds! (FuzzyLogic)

dc505 f13 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc505 s13 retreats! (FuzzyLogic)

dc505 s13 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc505 w12 builds! (FuzzyLogic) [3 Replies]

dc505 f12 results! (FuzzyLogic) [5 Replies]

dc505 s12 results! (FuzzyLogic) [2 Replies]

dc505 s12 retreats! (FuzzyLogic)

dc505 w11 builds! (FuzzyLogic)

dc505 f11 results! (FuzzyLogic) [3 Replies]

dc505 Ogres - over and out (waschlappen)

dc505 s11 results! (FuzzyLogic)

AW: dc505 s11 results! (waschlappen)

dc505 w10 builds! (FuzzyLogic)

dc505 f10 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc505 s10 retreats! (FuzzyLogic) [2 Replies]

dc505 s10 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc505 S010 - AUCTION for Ogres orders ! (waschlappen)

1 - 20 of 68 shown [More]

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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