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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc110

(Imperial - GM: Trout)

Subject:< Guns, Germs and Steel 1264 / DC110 - Fall 1871 - Turn Into >
Topic:< dc110 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Sep 13, 2007 at 12:00 am
Viewed:887 times

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Heya folks,

Attached is the .dpw file and map from the Fall 1871 turn. There was a slight error in the results I emailed last night as the US ordered an illegal move for Bogota. Net result is that instead of bouncing, the US army moves out of BRC and that center remains in Brazilian hands.

I auto-retreated Russia to Walachia and one of Austria's armies to Berlin - disbanding the other army. Rob and Mike, if either of these goes against your wishes please just let me know and I will correct it. If not though, we'll move into Winter 1871 with adjustments due Wednesday, Apr 16th (11:59 PM GMT).

Thanks again so much for the patience last weekend folks. That won't happen again - at least not for another ten years or so. =P



Movement results for Fall of 1871. (GGS 1264 - DC110 - 1871 FALL)

Austria: F Aegean Sea (aeg) Supports F Constantinople (con).
Austria: A Bosnia (bos) Supports A Rumania (rum).
Austria: A Budapest (bud) Supports A Vienna (vie) - Galicia (gal).
Austria: F Constantinople (con) Supports A Sofia (sof).
Austria: A Croatia (cro) Supports A Budapest (bud).
Austria: F Eastern Mediterranean (eas) - Crete (cre) (*Bounce*).
Austria: A Gall Land (gld) - Dar Es Sallam (dar).
Austria: A Kiel (kie) Supports A Ruhr (ruh) (*Dislodged*).
Austria: A Prussia (pru) Supports A Silesia (sil) (*Dislodged*).
Austria: A Ruhr (ruh) Supports A Kiel (kie) (*Cut*).
Austria: A Rumania (rum) Supports A Vienna (vie) - Galicia (gal).
Austria: A Silesia (sil) Supports A Vienna (vie) - Galicia (gal).
Austria: A Sofia (sof) Supports A Rumania (rum).
Austria: A Stuttgart (stu) Supports A Ruhr (ruh).
Austria: A Tawarek (twr) - Algeria (alg).
Austria: A Vienna (vie) - Galicia (gal).

Brazil: F Eastern Carribean (eca) Hold.
Brazil: F Falkland Islands (fal) Hold (*Disbanded*).
Brazil: F Uruguay (uru) Hold (*Disbanded*).

Britain: F Bay of Biscay (bob) - Toledo (tld).
Britain: F Edinburgh (edi) - North Passage (nps).
Britain: F Greenland (grn) Supports F Edinburgh (edi) - North Passage (nps)
Britain: F Norway (nwy) - Sweden (swe).
Britain: F Norwegian Sea (nwg) - Norway (nwy).

China: F Fuchan (fuc) - Shanghai (sha) (*Bounce*).
China: F Hong Kong (hko), no move received.
China: A Inner Mongolia (img) Supports A Vladivostok (vla).
China: A Irkutsk (irk) Supports A Krasnoyarsk (kra) - Evenki (eve).
China: A Kashgar (ksg) - Bokhara (bkh).
China: A Kashmir (kas), no move received.
China: A Kirghiz (kir) Supports A Kashgar (ksg) - Bokhara (bkh).
China: A Krasnoyarsk (kra) - Evenki (eve).
China: A Mongolia (mon), no move received.
China: F Peking (pek) Supports F Fuchan (fuc) - Shanghai (sha).
China: A Rangoon (rng), no move received.
China: A Shanghai (sha) - Wuhan (wuh).
China: A Tashkent (tsh) Supports A Kashgar (ksg) - Bokhara (bkh).
China: A Tibet (tib) - Kashgar (ksg).
China: A Tonkin (tnk) - Canton (can).
China: A Vladivostok (vla) Supports A Irkutsk (irk) (*Cut*).
China: A Yunnan (yun) - Canton (can) (*Fails*).

France: F Adriatic Sea (adr), no move received.
France: F The Azores (azo) Hold.
France: A Brasilia (bra) Hold.
France: F Brazil Current (bcu) - Falkland Islands (fal).
France: F Cape Verde Islands (vrd) Hold.
France: F Coast of Argentina (cag) Supports F Oliveira (oli) - Uruguay (uru).
France: A Denmark (den) - Kiel (kie).
France: A El Jouf (elj) - Tawarek (twr).
France: F Greece (gre) Hold.
France: F Helgoland Bight (hel) Supports A Denmark (den) - Kiel (kie).
France: A Holland (hol) Supports A Metz (met) - Ruhr (ruh).
France: F Ionian Sea (ion) - Crete (cre) (*Bounce*).
France: A Metz (met) - Ruhr (ruh) (*Fails*).
France: F Middle Atlantic (mat) Hold.
France: F Morocco (mrc) Hold.
France: F North Sea (nth) - Denmark (den).
France: F Oliveira (oli) - Uruguay (uru).
France: F Pramaiba (pra) Hold (*Disbanded*).
France: A Recife (rec) Supports A Brasilia (bra).
France: A Rio de Janeiro (rdj) - Oliveira (oli).
France: A Rome (rom) Supports A Venice (ven).
France: F Rouen (rou) - Nantes (nan).
France: F South Atlantic (sat) - Brazil Current (bcu).
France: F Tripoli (trp) - Ionian Sea (ion) (*Fails*).
France: A Tubruq (tbq) - Tripoli (trp) (*Fails*).
France: A Venice (ven) Hold.

Holland: F Abyssinia (aby) Hold.
Holland: A Aden (ade) - Syria (syr).
Holland: A Afganistan (afg) - Khiva (khv) (*Bounce*).
Holland: F Antarctic Atlantic Ocean (aat) Supports F Drake (dra).
Holland: F Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa) Supports F Drake (dra) (*Cut*).
Holland: F Arabian Sea(ara) - Gulf of Manaar (gum).
Holland: A Aswan (asw) Supports A Cairo (cai).
Holland: A Bangalore (ban) Supports A Tabrize (tbr) - Tehran (teh).
Holland: F Bangkok (bnk)(wc) - Rangoon (rng) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Bismark Sea (bis) Supports F Izu Trench (izu).
Holland: A Cairo (cai) Supports A Aden (ade) - Syria (syr).
Holland: A Cambodia (cmb) - Siam (sia).
Holland: F Cape Town (ctn) Supports F Goodhope (goo).
Holland: F Cochin (cch) - Annam (ann).
Holland: F Coral Sea (cor) - Fiji (fij).
Holland: A Cyprus (cyp) Supports A Aden (ade) - Syria (syr).
Holland: A Dar Es Sallam (dar) - Fezz (fzz).
Holland: F Drake (dra) Supports F Brazil Current (bcu) - Falkland Islands (fal).
Holland: F East China Sea (ecs) - Shanghai (sha) (*Bounce*).
Holland: F Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco) Supports F South West Pacific (swp)
Holland: F Goodhope (goo) Supports F Antarctic Atlantic Ocean (aat).
Holland: F Hadramaut (hdr)(nc) - Persian Gulf (pgu).
Holland: F Izu Trench (izu) Supports F Kagoshima (kag).
Holland: F Java Sea (jse) - Andaman Sea (ase).
Holland: F Kagoshima (kag) Supports F Yellow Sea (yse).
Holland: A Karachi (krc) - Rajputana (raj).
Holland: A Kenya (ken) Hold.
Holland: F Marshal Islands (mhl) Supports F Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco).
Holland: F New Zealand (nzl) Supports F Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa).
Holland: F North East Monsoon (nem) - East Indian (ein).
Holland: F Okinawa (oki) - East China Sea (ecs) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Persian Gulf (pgu) - Karachi (krc).
Holland: A Perth (per) - Sumatra (sum).
Holland: F Philippine (phi) Supports F Okinawa (oki) - East China Sea (ecs)
Holland: F Red Sea (rse) Convoys A Aden (ade) - Syria (syr).
Holland: F South China Sea (scs) Supports A Tonkin (tnk) - Canton (can).
Holland: F South East Trades (set) Convoys A Perth (per) - Sumatra (sum).
Holland: F South West Pacific (swp) Supports F Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco)
Holland: A Tabrize (tbr) - Tehran (teh).
Holland: F Yellow Sea (yse) Supports F East China Sea (ecs) - Shanghai (sha).

Japan: F Edo (edo) Supports F Sapporo (sap).
Japan: F Fusan (fsn) Supports F Sea of Japan (soj).
Japan: F Port Arthur (poa) Hold.
Japan: F Sakhurlin (sak) - Vladivostok (vla) (*Fails*).
Japan: F Sapporo (sap) Supports F Edo (edo).
Japan: F Sea of Japan (soj) Supports F Sapporo (sap).
Japan: A Seoul (seo), no move received.

Russia: F Angora (ang)(sc) Hold.
Russia: A Baku (bku) Supports F Angora (ang)(sc).
Russia: F Black Sea (bla) - Sevastopol (sev).
Russia: A Bokhara (bkh) - Tashkent (tsh) (*Disbanded*).
Russia: A Evenki (eve) - Omsk (oms).
Russia: A Galicia (gal) - Silesia (sil) (*Dislodged*).
Russia: A Kasala (ksl) Supports A Khiva (khv) - Orenburg (orn).
Russia: A Khiva (khv) - Orenburg (orn).
Russia: A Livonia (lvn) Supports A Warsaw (war) - Prussia (pru).
Russia: A Warsaw (war) - Prussia (pru).
Russia: A Sevastopol (sev) - Warsaw (war).
Russia: A Tehran (teh) - Khiva (khv) (*Disbanded*).
Russia: A Yakutsk (yak) - Evenki (eve) (*Fails*).

USA: A Alaska (ala) Hold.
USA: A Amazon (ama) - Brasilia (bra) (*Fails*).
USA: A Barcelone (brc) - Caledonia (cld).
USA: F Bering Sea (bse) Supports F Kamchatka (kam).
USA: A Bogota (bgt) - Caledonia (cld) (*Fails*).
USA: A Cayenne (cyn) - Pramaiba (pra).
USA: F Chesapeake Approaches (che) - North Atlantic (nat).
USA: F Chilean Basin (cba) - Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa) (*Fails*).
USA: F Cuba (cub) - Western Carribean (wca) (*Fails*).
USA: F Dublin (dub) - Edinburgh (edi).
USA: F Eastern Seaboard (ese) Supports F Chesapeake Approaches (che) - North
Atlantic (nat).
USA: F Gulf of Panama (gop) - Pacific Basin (pba).
USA: F Haiti (hai) Supports F Sargasso (sar).
USA: F Hawaii (haw) - Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco) (*Fails*).
USA: F Hudson (hud) - Greenland (grn) (*Fails*).
USA: F Kamchatka (kam) Supports F Okhotsk (okh).
USA: F Kirbati Sea (kse) - South West Pacific (swp) (*Fails*).
USA: F Kuril (kur) Supports F West Pacific (wpa).
USA: A Lima (lim) - Quito (qto).
USA: F London (lon) Supports F Dublin (dub) - Edinburgh (edi).
USA: F North Atlantic (nat) - Canary Seaway(cny).
USA: F North East Trades (net) Supports A Cayenne (cyn) - Pramaiba (pra).
USA: F North Pacific (npa) - Hawaii (haw) (*Fails*).
USA: F North Passage (nps) - Norwegian Sea (nwg).
USA: F Okhotsk (okh) Supports F Sea of Japan (soj).
USA: F Pacific Basin (pba) - South Pacific (spa).
USA: A Quito (qto) - La Paz (lpa).
USA: F Sargasso (sar) Supports F North Atlantic (nat) - Canary Seaway(cny).
USA: F Society Islands (sct) Supports F Pacific Basin (pba) - South Pacific
USA: A Tennessee (ten) - Richmond (ric).
USA: F Virgin Islands (vis) Supports F North East Trades (net).
USA: F West Coast (wco) - Eastern Pacific (epa).
USA: F West Pacific (wpa) Supports F Hawaii (haw) - Equatorial CounterCurrent
USA: F Westerlies (wst) Supports F West Pacific (wpa).
USA: F Western Carribean (wca) - Bogota (bgt)(nc) (*Fails*).

Retreat orders for Fall of 1871. (GGS 1264 - DC110 - 1871 EW)

Austria: A Kiel (kie) - Berlin (ber).
Austria: disband A Prussia (pru).

Russia: A Galicia (gal) - Wallacia (wlc).

Unit locations:

Austria: F Aegean Sea (aeg), A Algeria (alg), A Berlin (ber), A Bosnia (bos), A
Budapest (bud), F Constantinople (con), A Croatia (cro), A Dar Es
Sallam (dar), F Eastern Mediterranean (eas), A Galicia (gal), A Ruhr
(ruh), A Rumania (rum), A Silesia (sil), A Sofia (sof), A Stuttgart
Brazil: F Eastern Carribean (eca).
Britain: F Greenland (grn), F North Passage (nps), F Norway (nwy), F Sweden
(swe), F Toledo (tld).
China: A Bokhara (bkh), A Canton (can), A Evenki (eve), F Fuchan (fuc), F
Hong Kong (hko), A Inner Mongolia (img), A Irkutsk (irk), A Kashgar
(ksg), A Kashmir (kas), A Kirghiz (kir), A Mongolia (mon), F Peking
(pek), A Rangoon (rng), A Tashkent (tsh), A Vladivostok (vla), A Wuhan
(wuh), A Yunnan (yun).
France: F Adriatic Sea (adr), F The Azores (azo), A Brasilia (bra), F Brazil
Current (bcu), F Cape Verde Islands (vrd), F Coast of Argentina (cag),
F Denmark (den), F Falkland Islands (fal), F Greece (gre), F Helgoland
Bight (hel), A Holland (hol), F Ionian Sea (ion), A Kiel (kie), A Metz
(met), F Middle Atlantic (mat), F Morocco (mrc), F Nantes (nan), A
Oliveira (oli), A Recife (rec), A Rome (rom), A Tawarek (twr), F
Tripoli (trp), A Tubruq (tbq), F Uruguay (uru), A Venice (ven).
Holland: F Abyssinia (aby), A Afganistan (afg), F Andaman Sea (ase), F Annam
(ann), F Antarctic Atlantic Ocean (aat), F Antarctic Pacific
Ocean(apa), A Aswan (asw), A Bangalore (ban), F Bangkok (bnk)(wc), F
Bismark Sea (bis), A Cairo (cai), F Cape Town (ctn), A Cyprus (cyp), F
Drake (dra), F East China Sea (ecs), F East Indian (ein), F Equatorial
CounterCurrent (eco), A Fezz (fzz), F Fiji (fij), F Goodhope (goo), F
Gulf of Manaar (gum), F Izu Trench (izu), F Kagoshima (kag), F Karachi
(krc), A Kenya (ken), F Marshal Islands (mhl), F New Zealand (nzl), F
Okinawa (oki), F Persian Gulf (pgu), F Philippine (phi), A Rajputana
(raj), F Red Sea (rse), A Siam (sia), F South China Sea (scs), F South
East Trades (set), F South West Pacific (swp), A Sumatra (sum), A
Syria (syr), A Tehran (teh), F Yellow Sea (yse).
Japan: F Edo (edo), F Fusan (fsn), F Port Arthur (poa), F Sakhurlin (sak), F
Sapporo (sap), F Sea of Japan (soj), A Seoul (seo).
Russia: F Angora (ang)(sc), A Baku (bku), A Kasala (ksl), A Livonia (lvn), A
Warsaw (war), A Omsk (oms), A Orenburg (orn), A Prussia (pru), F
Sevastopol (sev), A Wallacia (wlc), A Yakutsk (yak).
USA: A Alaska (ala), A Amazon (ama), F Bering Sea (bse), A Bogota (bgt), A
Caledonia (cld), F Canary Seaway(cny), F Chilean Basin (cba), F Cuba
(cub), F Eastern Pacific (epa), F Eastern Seaboard (ese), F Edinburgh
(edi), F Haiti (hai), F Hawaii (haw), F Hudson (hud), F Kamchatka
(kam), F Kirbati Sea (kse), F Kuril (kur), A La Paz (lpa), F London
(lon), F North Atlantic (nat), F North East Trades (net), F North
Pacific (npa), F Norwegian Sea (nwg), F Okhotsk (okh), F Pacific Basin
(pba), A Pramaiba (pra), A Quito (qto), A Richmond (ric), F Sargasso
(sar), F Society Islands (sct), F South Pacific (spa), F Virgin
Islands (vis), F West Pacific (wpa), F Westerlies (wst), F Western
Carribean (wca).

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Bavaria (bav), Berlin (ber), Budapest (bud), Constantinople (con),
Crete (cre), Croatia (cro), Ruhr (ruh), Rumania (rum), Serbia (ser),
Silesia (sil), Sofia (sof), Stuttgart (stu), Vienna (vie).
Brazil: Barcelone (brc), Paraguay (prg).
Britain: Greenland (grn), Norway (nwy), Sweden (swe).
China: Bengal (ben), Burma (brm), Canton (can), Chungking (chk), Delhi (del),
Hong Kong (hko), Irkutsk (irk), Kashmir (kas), Manchuria (mac), Peking
(pek), Rangoon (rng), Shanghai (sha), Sinkiang (snk), Tashkent (tsh),
Tonkin (tnk), Vladivostok (vla), Wuhan (wuh), Yuthia (yut).
France: The Azores (azo), Brasilia (bra), Cameroon (cmn), Cape Verde Islands
(vrd), Corsica (crs), Denmark (den), Falkland Islands (fal), Gibraltar
(gib), Grain Coast (gcs), Greece (gre), Holland (hol), Ivory Coast
(ivc), Kiel (kie), Marseilles (mar), Monrovia (mnv), Morocco (mrc),
Nantes (nan), Okrana (okn), Oliveira (oli), Paris (par), Piedmont
(pie), Recife (rec), Rio de Janeiro (rdj), Rome (rom), Salerno (sal),
Sicily (sic), Sierra Leone (sie), South Georgia Islands (sgr), Tripoli
(trp), Tunis (tun), Uruguay (uru), Valencia (vlc), Venice (ven).
Holland: Abyssinia (aby), Aden (ade), Andaman Islands (amn), Baghdad (bag),
Bangalore (ban), Bangkok (bnk), Bombay (bom), Borneo (brn), Botswana
(bsw), Cairo (cai), Cambodia (cmb), Cape Town (ctn), Ceylon (cey),
Cochin (cch), Cyprus (cyp), Fiji (fij), Formosa (for), Irian Java
(ija), Java (jav), Kagoshima (kag), Karachi (krc), Luzon (luz),
Madagascar (mad), Madras (mds), Malaysia (mal), Maldives (mld),
Marshal Islands (mhl), Mindanao (mnd), New Guinea (ngu), New South
Wales (nsw), New Zealand (nzl), Okinawa (oki), Oman (oma), Perth
(per), Queensland (qnl), Rhodesia (rho), Sarawak (srw), Seychelles
(sey), Singapore (sin), Sudan (sud), Sumatra (sum), Tehran (teh),
Transvaal (trn).
Japan: Caroline Islands (crl), Edo (edo), Fusan (fsn), Port Arthur (poa),
Sakhurlin (sak), Sapporo (sap), Seoul (seo).
Russia: Angora (ang), Baku (bku), Georgia (geo), Khiva (khv), Warsaw (war),
Omsk (oms), Orenburg (orn), Prussia (pru), Sevastopol (sev), St
Petersburg (stp), Moscow (mos).
USA: Alberta (alb), Anchorage (anc), Atlanta (atl), Austin (aus), The
Bahamas (bah), Bogota (bgt), Cayenne (cyn), Chicago (chc), Cuba (cub),
Detroit (det), Dublin (dub), Edinburgh (edi), Galapagos (glp), Haiti
(hai), Hawaii (haw), Honduras (hon), Kansas (kan), La Paz (lpa), Lima
(lim), London (lon), Mazatlan (maz), Merida (mer), Mexico City (mex),
Nebraska (neb), New Mexico (nme), New Orleans (nol), New York (nyc),
Nova Scotia (nsc), Oklahoma (okl), Oregon (ore), Panama (pan),
Paramaribo (pmb), Quebec (que), Richmond (ric), San Francisco (sfo),
Seattle (sea), Society Islands (sct), Vancouver (van), Victoria (vic),
Virgin Islands (vis), Washington DC (wdc), Yukon (yuk).

Austria: 13 Supply centers, 15 Units: Removes 2 units.
Brazil: 2 Supply centers, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units. [No Available Home Centers]
Britain: 3 Supply centers, 5 Units: Removes 2 units.
China: 18 Supply centers, 17 Units: Builds 1 unit.
CSA: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 33 Supply centers, 25 Units: Builds 8 units.
Holland: 43 Supply centers, 40 Units: Builds 3 units.
Japan: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Mexico: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Prussia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 11 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
USA: 42 Supply centers, 35 Units: Builds 7 units.


There is 1 Message in this Thread:

Guns, Germs and Steel 1264 / DC110 - Fall 1871 - Turn Into (test_gm) Sep 13, 12:00 am

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