The game flavour continues - the big get bigger and, with the exception of Japan, the struggling continue to struggle. Five retreats are required after the Fall onslaught - three Russian, one Chinese and one Austrian.
Deadline for Early Winter 1872 retreats will be set for Thursday, May 8th (11:59 PM GMT). As always, please triple-check me for errors.
Movement results for Fall of 1872. (1872 FALL)
Austria: A Abyssinia (aby) Hold (*Dislodged*).
Austria: F Aegean Sea (aeg) - Constantinople (con).
Austria: A Algeria (alg) - Tunis (tun) (*Bounce*).
Austria: A Berlin (ber) Supports A Stuttgart (stu) - Kiel (kie) (*Cut*).
Austria: A Bosnia (bos) Supports A Sofia (sof) - Rumania (rum).
Austria: F Constantinople (con) - Black Sea (bla).
Austria: A Croatia (cro) - Budapest (bud) (*Bounce*).
Austria: A Silesia (sil) Supports A Berlin (ber).
Austria: A Sofia (sof) - Rumania (rum).
Austria: A Stuttgart (stu) - Kiel (kie) (*Disbanded*).
Austria: A Vienna (vie) - Budapest (bud) (*Bounce*).
Austria: A Wallacia (wlc) Supports A Sofia (sof) - Rumania (rum).
Britain: F Denmark (den) - Sweden (swe).
Britain: F Norway (nwy) - North Sea (nth) (*Bounce*).
Britain: F Toledo (tld) - Gibraltar (gib) (*Bounce*).
China: A Assam (asm) - Burma (brm).
China: A Bokhara (bkh) Supports A Orenburg (orn) - Khiva (khv).
China: A Canton (can) - Tonkin (tnk) (*Fails*).
China: A Delhi (del) - Rajputana (raj).
China: F Fuchan (fuc) Supports F Hong Kong (hko).
China: F Hong Kong (hko), no move received.
China: A Irkutsk (irk) Supports A Vladivostok (vla).
China: A Kashgar (ksg) - Kashmir (kas).
China: A Kirghiz (kir) - Kashgar (ksg).
China: A Langchow (lch) - Inner Mongolia (img).
China: A Lucknow (lck) - Delhi (del).
China: A Peking (pek), no move received (*Dislodged*).
China: F Shanghai (sha) Supports A Peking (pek) (*Cut*).
China: A Tibet (tib) Supports A Kashgar (ksg) - Kashmir (kas).
China: A Vladivostok (vla), no move received.
China: A Wuhan (wuh) Supports F Shanghai (sha).
China: A Yunnan (yun) Supports A Canton (can) - Tonkin (tnk).
France: F Adriatic Sea (adr) Supports A Rome (rom) - Venice (ven).
France: F The Azores (azo) Supports F Canary Seaway(cny) - Bay of Biscay (bob).
France: F Brazil Current (bcu) Supports A Recife (rec).
France: F Canary Seaway(cny) - Bay of Biscay (bob).
France: F Cape Verde Islands (vrd) Supports F Tiris (tir) - Middle Atlantic
France: F Coast of Argentina (cag) - Oliveira (oli) (*Bounce*).
France: A Cochabamba (coh) Supports A Rio de Janeiro (rdj) - Brasilia (bra)
France: F Falkland Islands (fal) Supports F Drake (dra) (*Ordered to Move*).
France: F Gibraltar (gib) - Straits of Gibraltar (sog).
France: A Goyamas (goy) Supports A Cochabamba (coh).
France: F Grain Coast (gcs) - Gulf of Guinea (gog).
France: F Greece (gre) Hold.
France: F Helgoland Bight (hel) - Holland (hol) (*Bounce*).
France: A Holland (hol) - Rouen (rou) (*Bounce*).
France: F Ionian Sea (ion) Supports F Greece (gre).
France: F Kiel (kie)(wc) - Holland (hol) (*Bounce*).
France: A Metz (met) - Stuttgart (stu).
France: F Monrovia (mnv) Supports F Tiris (tir) - Middle Atlantic (mat).
France: A Morocco (mrc) - Gibraltar (gib) (*Bounce*).
France: F Nantes (nan) Supports F Canary Seaway(cny) - Bay of Biscay (bob).
France: A Paris (par) Supports F Nantes (nan).
France: A Recife (rec) Supports A Rio de Janeiro (rdj) - Brasilia (bra) (*Cut*).
France: A Rio de Janeiro (rdj) - Brasilia (bra) (*Fails*).
France: A Rome (rom) - Venice (ven).
France: A Ruhr (ruh) Supports A Metz (met) - Stuttgart (stu).
France: F Tiris (tir) - Middle Atlantic (mat).
France: F Tripoli (trp) - Tunis (tun) (*Bounce*).
France: A Tubruq (tbq) - Tripoli (trp) (*Fails*).
France: F Uruguay (uru) - Oliveira (oli) (*Bounce*).
France: A Valencia (vlc) - Gibraltar (gib) (*Bounce*).
France: A Venice (ven) - Bavaria (bav).
Holland: A Afganistan (afg) Supports A Tehran (teh) - Khiva (khv).
Holland: F Andaman Sea (ase) Supports A Hyderabad (hyd) - Rangoon (rng).
Holland: F Annam (ann) Supports A Cochin (cch) - Tonkin (tnk).
Holland: F Antarctic Atlantic Ocean (aat) Supports F Drake (dra) (*Ordered to
Holland: F Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa) - South Pacific (spa) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Arabian Sea(ara) - Gulf of Manaar (gum).
Holland: A Armenia (arm) Supports A Tabrize (tbr) - Baku (bku).
Holland: A Bangalore (ban) - Karachi (krc).
Holland: F Bangkok (bnk)(wc) - Malaysia (mal).
Holland: F Barrier Sea (brr) - Tasman (tas).
Holland: F Bay of Bengal (bbe) Convoys A Hyderabad (hyd) - Rangoon (rng).
Holland: F Bismark Sea (bis) Supports F Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco) - West
Pacific (wpa).
Holland: A Cochin (cch) - Tonkin (tnk).
Holland: A Cyprus (cyp) - Angora (ang).
Holland: A Dar Es Sallam (dar) Supports F Sudan (sud) - Abyssinia (aby).
Holland: F Drake (dra) - Chilean Basin (cba) (*Fails*).
Holland: F East China Sea (ecs) - Shanghai (sha) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco) - West Pacific (wpa) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Fezz (fzz) - Cairo (cai) (*Bounce*).
Holland: F Fiji (fij) - Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Formosa (for) - East China Sea (ecs) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Goodhope (goo) Supports F South Atlantic (sat).
Holland: A Hyderabad (hyd) - Rangoon (rng).
Holland: F Kagoshima (kag) Supports F Okinawa (oki) - Izu Trench (izu).
Holland: F Karachi (krc) - Arabian Sea(ara).
Holland: A Kashmir (kas) - Tibet (tib) (*Disbanded*).
Holland: A Kenya (ken) Supports A Dar Es Sallam (dar).
Holland: F Marshal Islands (mhl) Supports F Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco) -
West Pacific (wpa).
Holland: F New Zealand (nzl) - South West Pacific (swp) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Okinawa (oki) - Izu Trench (izu).
Holland: F Persian Gulf (pgu) Supports A Bangalore (ban) - Karachi (krc).
Holland: F Philippine (phi) Supports F Okinawa (oki) - Izu Trench (izu).
Holland: A Rangoon (rng) - Yuthia (yut).
Holland: F Red Sea (rse) - Cairo (cai)(ec) (*Bounce*).
Holland: A Siam (sia) Supports A Cochin (cch) - Tonkin (tnk).
Holland: F South Atlantic (sat) Supports F Grain Coast (gcs) - Middle Atlantic
(mat) (*Void*).
Holland: F South China Sea (scs) Convoys A Cochin (cch) - Tonkin (tnk).
Holland: F South West Pacific (swp) - Kirbati Sea (kse) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Sudan (sud) - Abyssinia (aby).
Holland: A Syria (syr) Supports A Cyprus (cyp) - Angora (ang).
Holland: A Tabrize (tbr) - Baku (bku).
Holland: A Tehran (teh) - Khiva (khv) (*Bounce*).
Holland: F Yellow Sea (yse) - Peking (pek).
Japan: F Edo (edo) Supports F Sapporo (sap) - Kuril (kur).
Japan: F Manchuria (mac) Supports F Yellow Sea (yse) - Peking (pek).
Japan: F Okhotsk (okh) - Kamchatka (kam) (*Fails*).
Japan: F Sakhurlin (sak) Supports A Seoul (seo) - Vladivostok (vla).
Japan: F Sapporo (sap) - Kuril (kur).
Japan: F Sea of Japan (soj) Supports F Sapporo (sap) - Kuril (kur).
Japan: A Seoul (seo) - Vladivostok (vla) (*Fails*).
Russia: F Angora (ang)(sc) Hold (*Dislodged*).
Russia: A Baku (bku) Hold (*Dislodged*).
Russia: A Evenki (eve) Hold.
Russia: A Kasala (ksl) Supports A Bokhara (bkh).
Russia: A Livonia (lvn) - Prussia (pru) (*Fails*).
Russia: A Warsaw (war) Supports A Livonia (lvn) - Prussia (pru) (*Fails*).
Russia: A Omsk (oms) Supports A Evenki (eve).
Russia: A Orenburg (orn) - Khiva (khv) (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Prussia (pru) - Berlin (ber) (*Fails*).
Russia: A Rumania (rum) Hold (*Dislodged*).
Russia: F Sevastopol (sev) Supports A Rumania (rum).
USA: A Amazon (ama) Supports A Quito (qto) - La Paz (lpa) (*Fails*).
USA: A Anchorage (anc) Hold.
USA: F The Bahamas (bah) - Eastern Seaboard (ese).
USA: F Bering Sea (bse) - Kuril (kur) (*Fails*).
USA: A Bogota (bgt) - Barcelone (brc).
USA: A Brasilia (bra) Supports A La Paz (lpa) - Cochabamba (coh) (*Cut*).
USA: F Cayenne (cyn) Hold.
USA: F Chilean Basin (cba) Hold.
USA: F Counter Current (ccu) Supports F Hawaii (haw).
USA: F Eastern Carribean (eca) Supports F Haiti (hai) - Sargasso (sar).
USA: F Eastern Pacific (epa) Supports F Kirbati Sea (kse).
USA: F Eastern Seaboard (ese) - Chesapeake Approaches (che).
USA: F Edinburgh (edi) - North Sea (nth) (*Bounce*).
USA: F Haiti (hai) - Sargasso (sar).
USA: F Hawaii (haw) Supports F West Pacific (wpa).
USA: F Kamchatka (kam) Supports A Vladivostok (vla) (*Cut*).
USA: F Kirbati Sea (kse) Hold.
USA: F Kuril (kur) - Okhotsk (okh) (*Disbanded*).
USA: A La Paz (lpa) - Cochabamba (coh) (*Fails*).
USA: F London (lon) Supports F Nova Scotia (nsc) - North Atlantic (nat)
USA: F North Atlantic (nat) - Bay of Biscay (bob) (*Fails*).
USA: F North East Trades (net) - Recife (rec) (*Fails*).
USA: F North Passage (nps) Supports F Nova Scotia (nsc) - North Atlantic (nat)
USA: F North Sea (nth) - Rouen (rou) (*Bounce*).
USA: F Norwegian Sea (nwg) Supports F Edinburgh (edi) - North Sea (nth)
USA: F Nova Scotia (nsc) - North Atlantic (nat) (*Fails*).
USA: F Pacific Basin (pba) Supports F Chilean Basin (cba).
USA: A Paramaribo (pmb) - Caledonia (cld).
USA: A Pramaiba (pra) Supports A Brasilia (bra).
USA: A Quito (qto) - La Paz (lpa) (*Fails*).
USA: A Richmond (ric) Hold.
USA: F Sargasso (sar) - Canary Seaway(cny).
USA: F Society Islands (sct) Supports F South Pacific (spa).
USA: F South Pacific (spa) Hold.
USA: F Virgin Islands (vis) Supports F Haiti (hai) - Sargasso (sar).
USA: F West Pacific (wpa) Supports F Bering Sea (bse) - Kuril (kur) (*Cut*).
USA: F Westerlies (wst) Supports F West Pacific (wpa).
The following units were dislodged:
Austrian A Abyssinia (aby) can retreat to Somalia (som) or Gall Land (gld).
Russian F Angora (ang)(sc) can retreat to Eastern Mediterranean (eas).
Russian A Baku (bku) can retreat to Georgia (geo).
Chinese A Peking (pek) can retreat to Langchow (lch).
Russian A Rumania (rum) can retreat to Serbia (ser) or Galicia (gal).
Unit locations:
Austria: A Abyssinia (aby), A Algeria (alg), A Berlin (ber), F Black Sea (bla),
A Bosnia (bos), F Constantinople (con), A Croatia (cro), A Rumania
(rum), A Silesia (sil), A Stuttgart (stu), A Vienna (vie), A Wallacia
Britain: F Norway (nwy), F Sweden (swe), F Toledo (tld).
China: A Bokhara (bkh), A Burma (brm), A Canton (can), A Delhi (del), F
Fuchan (fuc), F Hong Kong (hko), A Inner Mongolia (img), A Irkutsk
(irk), A Kashgar (ksg), A Kashmir (kas), A Peking (pek), A Rajputana
(raj), F Shanghai (sha), A Tibet (tib), A Vladivostok (vla), A Wuhan
(wuh), A Yunnan (yun).
France: F Adriatic Sea (adr), F The Azores (azo), A Bavaria (bav), F Bay of
Biscay (bob), F Brazil Current (bcu), F Cape Verde Islands (vrd), F
Coast of Argentina (cag), A Cochabamba (coh), F Falkland Islands
(fal), A Goyamas (goy), F Greece (gre), F Gulf of Guinea (gog), F
Helgoland Bight (hel), A Holland (hol), F Ionian Sea (ion), F Kiel
(kie)(wc), F Middle Atlantic (mat), F Monrovia (mnv), A Morocco (mrc),
F Nantes (nan), A Paris (par), A Recife (rec), A Rio de Janeiro (rdj),
A Ruhr (ruh), F Straits of Gibraltar (sog), A Stuttgart (stu), F
Tripoli (trp), A Tubruq (tbq), F Uruguay (uru), A Valencia (vlc), A
Venice (ven).
Holland: F Abyssinia (aby), A Afganistan (afg), F Andaman Sea (ase), A Angora
(ang), F Annam (ann), F Antarctic Atlantic Ocean (aat), F Antarctic
Pacific Ocean(apa), F Arabian Sea(ara), A Armenia (arm), A Baku (bku),
F Bay of Bengal (bbe), F Bismark Sea (bis), A Dar Es Sallam (dar), F
Drake (dra), F East China Sea (ecs), F Equatorial CounterCurrent
(eco), A Fezz (fzz), F Fiji (fij), F Formosa (for), F Goodhope (goo),
F Gulf of Manaar (gum), F Izu Trench (izu), F Kagoshima (kag), A
Karachi (krc), A Kashmir (kas), A Kenya (ken), F Malaysia (mal), F
Marshal Islands (mhl), F New Zealand (nzl), F Peking (pek), F Persian
Gulf (pgu), F Philippine (phi), A Rangoon (rng), F Red Sea (rse), A
Siam (sia), F South Atlantic (sat), F South China Sea (scs), F South
West Pacific (swp), A Syria (syr), F Tasman (tas), A Tehran (teh), A
Tonkin (tnk), A Yuthia (yut).
Japan: F Edo (edo), F Kuril (kur), F Manchuria (mac), F Okhotsk (okh), F
Sakhurlin (sak), F Sea of Japan (soj), A Seoul (seo).
Russia: F Angora (ang)(sc), A Baku (bku), A Evenki (eve), A Kasala (ksl), A
Livonia (lvn), A Warsaw (war), A Omsk (oms), A Orenburg (orn), A
Prussia (pru), A Rumania (rum), F Sevastopol (sev).
USA: A Amazon (ama), A Anchorage (anc), A Barcelone (brc), F Bering Sea
(bse), A Brasilia (bra), A Caledonia (cld), F Canary Seaway(cny), F
Cayenne (cyn), F Chesapeake Approaches (che), F Chilean Basin (cba), F
Counter Current (ccu), F Eastern Carribean (eca), F Eastern Pacific
(epa), F Eastern Seaboard (ese), F Edinburgh (edi), F Hawaii (haw), F
Kamchatka (kam), F Kirbati Sea (kse), F Kuril (kur), A La Paz (lpa), F
London (lon), F North Atlantic (nat), F North East Trades (net), F
North Passage (nps), F North Sea (nth), F Norwegian Sea (nwg), F Nova
Scotia (nsc), F Pacific Basin (pba), A Pramaiba (pra), A Quito (qto),
A Richmond (ric), F Sargasso (sar), F Society Islands (sct), F South
Pacific (spa), F Virgin Islands (vis), F West Pacific (wpa), F
Westerlies (wst).
Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: Berlin (ber), Budapest (bud), Constantinople (con), Crete (cre),
Croatia (cro), Rumania, Serbia (ser), Silesia (sil), Sofia (sof),
Vienna (vie).
Brazil: Paraguay (prg).
Britain: Greenland (grn), Norway (nwy), Sweden (swe).
China: Bengal (ben), Burma (brm), Canton (can), Chungking (chk), Delhi (del),
Hong Kong (hko), Irkutsk (irk), Shanghai (sha), Sinkiang (snk),
Tashkent (tsh), Vladivostok (vla), Wuhan (wuh).
France: The Azores (azo), Bavaria (bav), Cameroon (cmn), Cape Verde Islands
(vrd), Corsica (crs), Denmark (den), Falkland Islands (fal), Gibraltar
(gib), Grain Coast (gcs), Greece (gre), Holland (hol), Ivory Coast
(ivc), Kiel (kie), Marseilles (mar), Monrovia (mnv), Morocco (mrc),
Nantes (nan), Okrana (okn), Oliveira (oli), Paris (par), Piedmont
(pie), Recife (rec), Rio de Janeiro (rdj), Rome (rom), Ruhr (ruh),
Salerno (sal), Sicily (sic), Sierra Leone (sie), South Georgia Islands
(sgr), Stuttgart (stu), Tripoli (trp), Tunis (tun), Uruguay (uru),
Valencia (vlc), Venice (ven).
Holland: Abyssinia (aby), Aden (ade), Andaman Islands (amn), Angora (ang),
Baghdad (bag), Baku (bku), Bangalore (ban), Bangkok (bnk), Bombay (bom),
Borneo (brn), Botswana (bsw), Cairo (cai), Cambodia (cmb), Cape Town
(ctn), Ceylon (cey), Cochin (cch), Cyprus (cyp), Fiji (fij), Formosa
(for), Irian Java (ija), Java (jav), Kagoshima (kag), Karachi (krc),
Kashmir (kas), Luzon (luz), Madagascar (mad), Madras (mds), Malaysia
(mal), Maldives (mld), Marshal Islands (mhl), Mindanao (mnd), New
Guinea (ngu), New South Wales (nsw), New Zealand (nzl), Okinawa (oki),
Oman (oma), Peking (pek), Perth (per), Queensland (qnl), Rangoon (rng),
Rhodesia (rho), Sarawak (srw), Seychelles (sey), Singapore (sin),
Sudan (sud), Sumatra (sum), Tehran (teh), Tonkin (tnk), Transvaal (trn),
Yuthia (yut).
Japan: Caroline Islands (crl), Edo (edo), Fusan (fsn), Manchuria (mac), Port
Arthur (poa), Sakhurlin (sak), Sapporo (sap), Seoul (seo).
Russia: Angora (ang), Georgia (geo), Khiva (khv), Warsaw (war), Omsk (oms),
Orenburg (orn), Prussia (pru), Sevastopol (sev), St Petersburg (stp),
Moscow (mos).
USA: Alberta (alb), Anchorage (anc), Atlanta (atl), Austin (aus), The
Bahamas (bah), Barcelone (brc), Bogota (bgt), Brasilia (bra), Cayenne
(cyn), Chicago (chc), Cuba (cub), Detroit (det), Dublin (dub),
Edinburgh (edi), Galapagos (glp), Haiti (hai), Hawaii (haw), Honduras
(hon), Kansas (kan), La Paz (lpa), Lima (lim), London (lon), Mazatlan
(maz), Merida (mer), Mexico City (mex), Nebraska (neb), New Mexico
(nme), New Orleans (nol), New York (nyc), Nova Scotia (nsc), Oklahoma
(okl), Oregon (ore), Panama (pan), Paramaribo (pmb), Quebec (que),
Richmond (ric), San Francisco (sfo), Seattle (sea), Society Islands
(sct), Vancouver (van), Victoria (vic), Virgin Islands (vis),
Washington DC (wdc), Yukon (yuk).
Austria: 10 Supply centers, 12 Units: Removes 2 units.
Brazil: 1 Supply center , 0 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Britain: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
China: 12 Supply centers, 17 Units: Removes 5 units.
CSA: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 35 Supply centers, 31 Units: Builds 4 units.
Holland: 50 Supply centers, 43 Units: Builds 7 units.
Japan: 8 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Mexico: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Prussia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 10 Supply centers, 11 Units: Removes 1 unit.
Turkey: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
USA: 44 Supply centers, 37 Units: Builds 7 units.