Dear Players - Joyous Rulers of a Peaceful & (yet worryingly) mobilising Europe,
The Winter Orders for 1898 were as follows:
AUSTRIA: kevinokelly(at) ([email]kevinokelly(at)[/email])
Austria builds A TRI.
ENGLAND: bielschowsky.f(at) ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)[/email])
Build F Edi
FRANCE: ecommander0(at) ([email]ecommander0(at)[/email])
Build Fleet - BRE
GERMANY: briankingfox(at) ([email]briankingfox(at)[/email])
Build A Kiel
ITALY: david.kodarin(at) ([email]david.kodarin(at)[/email])
I want a fleet in Napoli
RUSSIA: matthew.kremer(at) ([email]matthew.kremer(at)[/email])
Build F StP (nc)
TURKEY: scaponig(at) ([email]scaponig(at)[/email])
Build F Smy
Thanks for managing to get orders in (pretty much) on time
- I should very much like to keep this game NMR-free. Sending prelims, as some of you already have for Spring '99 is very helpful in achieving this goal.
As mentioned before, Deadline for Spring '99 is Tuesday 20th of May, 3pm GMT. Please get them in directly - will of course adjudicate as soon as I have a complete set of orders marked 'Final'
Kind regards
D "Its starting to get crowded out there" Fresh