Spring 959: red is this season's color.
The Romans have introduced a new recipe for Beef a la Burgundy: pound the meat until it's soft, then cook softly in red wine. The Burgundians, widely known for their great taste, have come up with Gaspazo di Romani: crush and cut all ingredients into a juicy mix, cook slightly, serve cold.
The Slavs, not stubborn at all, try the same approach once more (when will the Romans ever change theirs?). The Norse and Swedes however have a smooth campaign.
A Abruzzi - Ancona (*Fails*)
A Alsace - Mainz (*Fails*)
F Barca - Eastern Mediterranean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Frankfurt, no move received
A Genova Supports A Pisa
F Ligurian Sea - Cagliari (*Fails*)
A Lombardy - Venezia (*Fails*)
A Mainz - Zurich (*Fails*)
A Marseilles Hold
F Palma - Western Mediterranean Sea
A Pisa Supports A Abruzzi - Ancona (*Cut*)
A St. Gallen - Tirol (*Bounce*)
A Verdun Hold
A Zurich - Lombardy (*Fails*)
F Alexandria - Eastern Mediterranean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Ancona Supports F Roma - Pisa (*Cut*)
A Buda Supports A Venezia
F Cagliari Supports F Western Mediterranean Sea - Strait of Sicily (*Cut*)
F Cherson Bight Supports A Kaffa
A Graz - Tirol (*Bounce*)
F Ionian Sea Supports F Libyan Sea
A Jorsal - Alexandria (*Fails*)
A Kaffa Supports A Valakia - Cumaniya
A Khazar Empire Supports A Kaffa (*Cut*)
F Libyan Sea Supports F Western Mediterranean Sea - Strait of Sicily (*Cut*)
F Napoli - Abruzzi (*Fails*)
F North Black Sea Supports A Khazar Empire
A Paristria Supports A Valakia - Cumaniya
A Pest - Transylvania
A Praha - Pest
F Roma - Pisa (*Fails*)
A Tirol - St. Gallen (*Fails*)
A Valakia - Cumaniya
A Venezia Supports A Ancona (*Cut*)
F Western Mediterranean Sea - Strait of Sicily
A Burta Supports A Cumaniya - Kaffa
A Cumaniya - Kaffa (*Disbanded*)
A Gardarike - Kjonugard (*Fails*)
A Kjonugard - Cumaniya (*Fails*)
A Mordvin Supports A Burta
A Rostov - Holmgard
A Smolensk Hold
F Vladimir - Khazar Empire (*Fails*)
A Auvergne Hold
F Berber Coast Supports F Cordoba - Gulf of Lyons
F Bretagne - Mid Atlantic Ocean
A Catalonia Hold
F Cordoba - Gulf of Lyons
F English Channel - Bretagne
F Gulf of Cadiz - Serkland
A Lapland Hold
A Maine Hold
F North Sea - Sea of England
A Savoie Hold
F Sea of England - English Channel
A Skiringssal Hold
A Toulouse Hold
F Tunis - Libyan Sea (*Fails*)
F Baltic Sea Convoys A Pommern - Birka
A Bavaria - Hessen (*Bounce*)
A Birka - Uppsala
F Bornholmer Sea Convoys A Jomsborg - Kalmar
A Brandenburg - Hessen (*Bounce*)
A Breslau Hold
A Hessen - Oldenburg
A Jomsborg - Kalmar
A Pommern - Birka
A Prussia - Gdansk
F Reval - Gulf of Finland
A Ruthenia Hold
No retreats, so we're good for Fall 959, aren't we all?
Deadline for Fall 959 is Monday Dec 15 at 23:00 GMT.