No sweat gentlemen. I use the same program as Rachael, and knew the outcome of the commit move. That's the outcome I prefer.
I will be submitting disband orders so everyone keep their cool.
Cheers gents
From: Former Trout [former.trout(at)]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 6:46 PM
To: verticallychallangedcutie(at)
Cc: yeeha77(at); David.Ellsworth(at); David Ellsworth DC 212 Russia; DC 212 Forum; Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey; Ghostine, Jimmy; Jon Stern DC 212 Austria; Patrick Canning DC 212 France; Stephen Lytton
Subject: Re: dc212 1904 Winter Disbands Open Question/Clarification
Woah woah woah.. How did I get roped into that end part there... =P
Thanks Rachael..
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 4:38 PM, Rachael Jameson <verticallychallangedcutie(at)<mailto:verticallychallangedcutie(at)>> wrote:
Italy is not in Civil Disorder. Italy did not send in a retreat, so therefore the unit was a no move received. I use a program called realpolitik, so when I put the orders in and then commit and resolve those orders. His unit is automatically disbanded due to not retreating. I will be replacing Italy if he does NMR one more time. End of story. If anyone has any complaints or questions please feel free to ask Trout or shoot an email to Stephen Lytton at stevelytton(at)<mailto:stevelytton(at)>
--- On Wed, 12/10/08, Former Trout <former.trout(at)<mailto:former.trout(at)>> wrote:
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)<mailto:former.trout(at)>>
Subject: Re: dc212 1904 Winter Disbands Open Question/Clarification
To: yeeha77(at)<mailto:yeeha77(at)>
Cc: "Rachael Jameson" <verticallychallangedcutie(at)<mailto:verticallychallangedcutie(at)>>, David.Ellsworth(at)<mailto
avid.Ellsworth(at)>, "David Ellsworth DC 212 Russia" <davidellsworth(at)<mailto:davidellsworth(at)>>, "DC 212 Forum" <dc212(at)<mailto:dc212(at)>>, "Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey" <drew3739o(at)<mailto:drew3739o(at)>>, "Jimmy Ghostine DC 212 Italy" <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)<mailto:Jimmy.Ghostine(at)>>, "Jon Stern DC 212 Austria" <jstern78(at)<mailto:jstern78(at)>>, "Patrick Canning DC 212 France" <patrick.t.canning(at)<mailto:patrick.t.canning(at)>>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)<mailto:stevelytton(at)>>
Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 11:49 AM
Probably a momentary slip - happens to the best of us folks. I'm sure Jimmy will be back in contact with Rachael and with the rest of us. =)
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 9:47 AM, Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)<mailto:yeeha77(at)>> wrote:
I know we haven't played nice, but we want you back. Things can always change, but being a pain in someone's tush can be rewarding and fun. In Dave's spirit- I am not suggesting a target. They are numerous....
To the rest- if we don't hear from Jimmy I would suggest we find a replacement. We all signed up for a seven person game.
--- On Wed, 12/10/08, David.Ellsworth(at)<mailto
avid.Ellsworth(at)> <David.Ellsworth(at)<mailto
avid.Ellsworth(at)>> wrote:
From: David.Ellsworth(at)<mailtoavid.Ellsworth(at)> <David.Ellsworth(at)<mailtoavid.Ellsworth(at)>>
Subject: dc212 1904 Winter Disbands Open Question/Clarification
To: "Rachael Jameson" <verticallychallangedcutie(at)<mailto:verticallychallangedcutie(at)>>
Cc: "David Ellsworth DC 212 Russia" <davidellsworth(at)<mailto:davidellsworth(at)>>, "DC 212 Forum" <dc212(at)<mailto:dc212(at)>>, "Andrew Ott DC 212 Turkey" <drew3739o(at)<mailto:drew3739o(at)>>, "Former Trout DC 212 Germany" <former.trout(at)<mailto:former.trout(at)>>, "Jimmy Ghostine DC 212 Italy" <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)<mailto:Jimmy.Ghostine(at)>>, "Jon Stern DC 212 Austria" <jstern78(at)<mailto:jstern78(at)>>, "Patrick Canning DC 212 France" <patrick.t.canning(at)<mailto:patrick.t.canning(at)>>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)<mailto:stevelytton(at)>>, "Greg Neilsen DC 212 England" <yeeha77(at)<mailto:yeeha77(at)>>
Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 9:45 AM
I am hoping this is not the case, but should Italy not turn
in a disband
order this winter, what happens?
1. It is my understanding that his Eastern Mediterranean
Fleet would be
the default disband. Is that correct?
2. Would a NBR put him in Civil Disorder, thus leaving his
unit in place
for the next year? Would we pause to fill the (extremely)
lost position?
Would he be allowed to submit orders in the Spring even if
he doesn't
submit his disband order?
I am concerned about this for it does affect the game
somewhat. Should no
orders be given for the Italians, Austria will occupy
Naples in the Spring
and be able to support the defense in the fall. Should an
active and
concerned Italian player still submit orders, Italy will
still very likely
be lost by years end, but he could confound things for
Austria (most
likely), and possibly France, Turkey, and Russia. (not
indirectly Germany and England.)
Please don't try to read any personal opinion as to
what outcome I would
prefer. I am only trying to ascertain what dynamics I need
to consider.
Having been a GM myself, I know the frustrations of losing
players and the
remaining players needing to adjust to the new dynamic. I
am just trying
to understand the possible outcomes of a possible NBR.
Jimmy, I know we haven't seen eye to eye on much in
this game, but for
the sake of the sport, I encourage you to openly let us
know if you are
still with the game.
David Ellsworth