It's because PRZ is a Slavic Home SC and technically Sweden should not be allowed to build there.
Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 22:36:23 -0500
From: bielschowsky.f(at)
To: dc201(at); dougray30(at); jwmchughjr(at); jmsaralegui(at); stevelytton(at); sturmkraehe(at)
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Winter 959 adjustments - CORRECTION
Please note that for some reason RealPolitik removed the army Sweden just built in Przemysl.
It allows me to build it there but when I choose Resolve and the Commit, the unit is gone.
While I try to resolve this, please keep in mind that the unit is actually there.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at) ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)[/email])>
Date: 2008/12/18
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Winter 959 adjustments & Vote
To: dc201(at) ([email]dc201(at)[/email]), "Douglas Kent (DC201 Burgundy)" <dougray30(at) ([email]dougray30(at)[/email])>, "Jack McHugh - Flapjack (DC223 AH / DC201 Sverige)" <jwmchughjr(at) ([email]jwmchughjr(at)[/email])>, "Jorge Saralegui (DC201 ERE)" <jmsaralegui(at) ([email]jmsaralegui(at)[/email])>, "Steve Lytton (DC195 Columbia / DC201 Norge)" <stevelytton(at) ([email]stevelytton(at)[/email])>, "Kurt Weihs - Sturmkraehe (DC201 Slavic)" <sturmkraehe(at) ([email]sturmkraehe(at)[/email])>
Cc: "Andy Stroup - ajiowa (DC201 Arab)" <ajstroup1(at) ([email]ajstroup1(at)[/email])>, "Former Trout (DC190 South Africa / DC176 Austria / DC195 Argentina / DC201 France)" <former.trout(at) ([email]former.trout(at)[/email])>, "Jackson Foster - Kai (DC201 Danmark)" <jrobfoster(at) ([email]jrobfoster(at)[/email])>, "Lee Taylor (DC201 former Burgundy)" <leewarrentaylor(at) ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)[/email])>
The Winter 959 adjustments:
SlavicNations: Build A Vitebsk
Sverige: Build A Przemysl
Then the vote for a DIAS: after having received all votes, it appears the proposal was VOTED DOWN.
So, sadly
, we have to continue a while longer.
Everyone was okay with the dates so deadline for Spring 960 orders is Monday Dec 29, at 23:00 GMT.
And a note to everyone: since we started I have had to remind several players that their orders were overdue. I like to get the adjudications out as per the deadline. I don't mind adjudicating a few hours later to avoid an impact on gameplay, but at the same time I'd like to ask everyone to watch those deadlines more carefully.
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