Well... the summer came and went and at least one of you was not convinced to end this game. So we move on. Well, most of us, that is. With the greens and yellow moving into his final territories, we say a fond (or not so fond, as may be the case) adieu to the South African Trout.
There is but one retreat necessary and as soon as Frank can get that to me, we'll be able to move on to the Winter adjustments. And so, on to the moves:
A Paris Supports F Rome
A Iberia - Tunisia
F Tyrrhenian Sea Convoys A Iberia - Tunisia
F Morocco Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Boston - Ouagadougou
F Florida - Virginia
F Bermuda Triangle Supports F Atlantic Ocean
F Quebec Holds
A Boston - Ouagadougou
A Nunavut Supports F Alaska
F Alaska Supports F Pacific Ocean
F Galapagos Sea - Revillagigedo Sea
F Pacific Ocean Supports F Alaska
F Coral Reef - Sydney
F Melbourne Supports F Cocos Sea - Perth
South America:
F Argentina - Tongan Sea
F Auckland Supports F Argentina - Tongan Sea
F Chile - Easter Sea
F Falkland Sea - Cape of Good Hope (*fails*)
F Skeleton Coast - Pretoria
F Pretoria - Maputo
A Zambezi Supports F Pretoria - Maputo
F Cocos Sea - Perth
F Micronesian Sea Supports F Pacific Ocean
F Cape Verde Sea Convoys A Boston - Ouagadougou
F Angola - Windhoek (*fails*)
F Bay of Bengal - Jakarta (*fails*)
F Beaufort Sea Supports F Bering Sea
F Labrador Sea Supports F Atlantic Ocean
F English Channel Supports A Paris
F Arctic Ocean Supports F Labrador Sea
A Holland Holds
A Berlin Holds
A Vienna Supports F Rome
A Irkutsk - Vladivostok (*bounce*)
A Ulaanbaatar - Vladivostok (*bounce*)
A Beijing Holds
F Bering Sea Holds
F Honshu Holds
F East China Sea Supports F Honshu
F Taiwan Holds
West Africa:
A Congo Supports A Nairobi - Dar es Salaam
F Yaounde Supports A Congo
A Algeria Supports A Tombouctou
A Tombouctou Supports A Algeria
South Africa:
A Dar es Salaam Supports A Maputo (*disbanded*)
A Maputo Supports A Dar es Salaam (*disbanded*)
F Windhoek - Angola (*fails*)
A Tibet Supports A Hong Kong - Shanghai
A Hong Kong - Shanghai
A Nairobi - Dar es Salaam
A Khartoum Supports A Addis Ababa - Nairobi
F Rome Supports F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Zagreb Supports F Rome
A Addis Ababa - Nairobi
A N'Djamena Supports A Congo
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*fails*)
F Zanzibar Sea Supports A Nairobi - Dar es Salaam
F Arabian Sea Supports F Somalia - Indian Ocean
A Mumbai Holds
A Baghdad - Galilee
F Somalia - Indian Ocean
F Cape of Good Hope - Falkland Sea (*fails*)
F Tongan Sea Supports F Cape of Good Hope - Falkland Sea (*dislodged*)
F Great Australian Bight - Cocos Sea
F Jakarta Supports F Siam
F Siam Supports F Jakarta
F Manila - South China Sea
Oceania's F Tongan Sea may retreat to Christchurch, Great Australian Bight, Tasman Sea, Fijian Sea, Honolulu, Chile or OTB
Next Deadline:
Whenever Frank gets it to me, but for clarity's sake let's have it in by Saturday, March 21, 2200GMT.