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DCI #7 (2013)


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G.M. emailuntitled36-at-hotmail-dot-com
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Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next Deadline2014-04-07 @ 17:00:00 GMT
Result4-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2013-08-26
End Date2014-04-14
Real-Life Time232 days
Slideshow SC Chart dpy File
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Dickensians Esquire Gold Star9RichelieuDraw 16 20 0 6.01 1279.76
0 Drunkards Order of the Shrubbery Gold Star9garry.bledsoeEliminated 0 16 0 -5.15 1290.52
0 GGugvuntt Order of the Jagged Edge Gold Star9jerome777Eliminated 0 10 0 -5.76 1290.52
0 Mike Order of the Alliance Gold Star9FuzzyLogicDraw 11 20 0 3.52 1435.15
0 PDR Marchmont Captain of the Watch Blank9catsfatherDraw 2 20 0 6.79 1231.15
0 PR Schemia Captain of the Watch Gold Star9SlangersEliminated 0 10 0 -6.43 1330.71
0 Sarducci Vatican Captain of the Watch Gold Star9ddz999cat23Draw 5 20 0 5.18 1329.52
0 Zonotrichia Order of the Unicorn Silver Star9alwayshuntedEliminated 0 20 0 -4.14 1254.07

PREV  Winter 1901 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Sorry again for any confusion. Next deadline Thursday at 5:00 PM CST. This is the Winter of the Fleets, I suppose, as every build is a fleet with the exception of landlocked Budapest and Munich. Here's your builds:

Build A Munich

Build F Rome

Build F Norway

Build F Marseilles

Build F Liverpool
Build F Edinburgh

Build F Sevastopol
Build A Budapest

Build F Constantinople
Build F Smyrna

And some press:
From the Dickensians to the Schemians et al,

Fear not the advance of the Dickensian troops (after all they do mainly consist of soot covered child conscript soldiers) they come in good will and with the offer of work for all.

That's right, everyone of your country's citizens will be made the (mandatory) offer to work down a mine or in a factory or as cannon fodder on the front line. Here in the land of the Dickensians we do not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, health, disability or race - everyone (except those of the appropriate class of course) must work and die in a dangerous gritty job so as to make more money for the noble oligarchy that rule our fine (now grossly polluted) lands...

PS: how did you find out about our plan for world domination? Our code based on Chinese whispers was unbreakable!

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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