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Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.


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G.M. emaildriscollej-at-gmail-dot-com
MapSoutheast Asia  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonWinter 02
Next Deadline2014-08-02 @ 20:00:00 GMT
Result2-Way Draw
S. C.33
Start Date2014-04-17
End Date2014-08-02
Real-Life Time108 days
Slideshow SC Chart dpw File
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Australia Captain of the Watch Blank9diplomacyworldSurvival 8 12 0 -2.84 1180.18
0 China Captain of the Watch Blank9FlapJackEliminated 0 6 0 -4.96 1135.88
0 Indonesia Captain of the Watch Blank9BaronVonPWNEliminated 0 12 0 -4.99 1186.14
0 Malaysia Order of the Alliance Gold Star9FuzzyLogicSurvival 2 12 0 -7.12 1528.43
0 Philippines Captain of the Watch Blank9hurupSurvival 1 12 1 -3.31 1139.75
0 Thailand Esquire Blank9NobunagaDraw 9 12 0 11.47 1224.07
0 Vietnam Esquire Gold Star9ProfessorMoriartyDraw 13 12 0 11.78 1277.98

PREV  Spring 1998 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Following failed surprise negotiations on peace which stalled the movements of nations' militaries, the war broke out again in fever pitch. Malaysia defended rather well, recapturing Singapore and keeping the Malaysian Sea vacant for now. China was slow out of the gate and had an unfortunate bout of missedorderitis while suffering inroads from Thai armies and Vietnamese fleets. Jack, if you did send me your orders, let me know, because I couldn't find them anywhere in my inbox.

No units were dislodged. Fall 1998 orders are due 19 May, 20:00 GMT.

F Arafura Sea - East Timor
F Java Sea - Medan
F Port Hedland - South Indian Ocean
A Papua New Guinea Hold

F Hong Kong, no move received
A Kunming, no move received
F Guangzhou, no move received
A Guangxi, no move received

F Malacca Strait Supports F Singapore - Java Sea
A Surabaya Hold
F Jakarta - North Indian Ocean
F Singapore - Java Sea
A Sabah - Brunei (*Fails*)

F Brunei - Malaysian Sea (*Bounce*)
F Kuching Supports F Brunei - Malaysian Sea
A Pahang Supports F Kuala Lumpur - Singapore
F Kuala Lumpur - Singapore

A Cebu, no move received
F Davao - Sulawesi Sea
F Manila - Spratly Sea
F Marianas Islands - South Philippine Sea
F Taiwan - South China Sea

F Gulf of Thailand - Malaysian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Burma - Sichuan
A Laos Supports A Bangkok - Burma
F Thammerat(ec) Supports F Gulf of Thailand - Malaysian Sea
A Bangkok - Burma

F Spratly Islands Supports F Saigon - Vietnam Sea
A Cambodia Hold
F Saigon - Vietnam Sea
F Da Nang - Gulf of Tonkin
A Hanoi - Haiphong

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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