Here are the builds for Winter 1940. Despite our early problems, we seemed to have an evenly matched board. Let the fun begin!
Our Spring 1941 orders are due on Monday, Oct 21 at 8:30 pm MDT (02:30 22-10-13 GMT)
Adjustment orders for Winter of 1940.
Balkans: Build A Croatia.
Balkans: Build A Serbia.
England: Build F Liverpool.
France: Build A Normandy.
France: Build A Gaskony.
France: Build A Marseilles.
Italy: Build F Rome(wc).
USSR: Build A Moscow.
Turkey: Build F Armenia.
Turkey: Build A Adana.
Spain: Build F Valencia.
Unit locations:
Balkans: F Tobruk Sea, A Croatia, A Serbia, A Bulgaria, A Hungary, A Austria.
England: A Cyrenaica, F Norway, F North Sea, F Liverpool, A Dublin, F Tobruk.
France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Gaskony, A Normandy, A Piedmont, A Marseilles, A Belgium, F Sardinia.
Germany: A Denmark, F Malmo, F Baltic Sea, A Slovakia, A Danzig, A Holland, A Silesia.
Italy: A Tunisia, A Tripolitania, F Malta Sea, F Tyrrhenian Sea, F Sicily, F Rome(wc).
USSR: F Lapland, A Estonia, A Moscow, F West Black Sea, A Ukraine, A Warsaw.
Turkey: A Caucasus, F Armenia, A Alexandria, A Adana, F Lebanon Sea, F Eastern Mediterranean, A Istambul, F Ionian Sea.
Spain: A Sahara, A French West Africa, F Western Mediterranean, A Salamanca, F Valencia, F Utica Sea.
The next phase of dc465 will be Movement for Spring of 1941.
"War does not determine who is right - only who is left" -Bertrand Russell |