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Version 1 Playtest


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Cur SeasonSpring 98
Next Deadline2012-04-19 @ 04:00:00 GMT
Result3-Way Draw
S. C.7
Start Date2012-04-03
End Date2012-10-07
Real-Life Time188 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| MattTheLesser's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 House Baratheon (Stag) Herald Blank9laxrulz777Eliminated 0 14 0 -5.32 1188.08
0 House Greyjoy (Kraken) Order of the Mammoth Silver Star9ndeilyDraw 13 14 0 7.62 1185.94
0 House Lannister (Lion) Captain of the Watch Gold Star9Blueraider0Eliminated 0 14 0 -5.31 1213.58
0 House Martell (Sun) Captain of the Watch Gold Star9pieandmashDraw 14 14 0 7.16 1243.57
0 House Stark (Direwolf) Captain of the Watch Blank9hurupEliminated 0 14 3 -5.78 1165.88
0 House Targaryen (Dragon) Order of the Oak Silver Star9offdiscDraw 7 14 0 6.76 1245.25
0 House Tyrell (Flower-Green) Captain of the Watch Blank9StepperEliminated 0 14 0 -5.13 1164.86

PREV  Spring 1903 Adjudication:  NEXT    

"You tell him this, m'lord. You tell him he's marching the wrong way. It's north he should be taking his swords. North, not south. You hear me?"

Osha may have been talking about fighting The Others, rather than each other, but nevertheless I bet the Starks now wish they had heeded her words this turn. The army that was convoyed so far south last turn is disbanded just a turn later by advancing Lannister armies, and the Lords of Winter now face the Ironmen on the brink of staking (but not sowing) some serious claims in The North. It's a much milder season in the south, with mostly positioning moves, though a storm does seem to be brewing around the Sea of Dorne. Also, interestingly, two units, Lannister F Lannisport and Baratheon F Kingswood, moved for the first time this season after managing to stay in the same place for the first two full year.

There are no retreats, so we move directly to Fall 300, which will be due next Monday, May 14, at 9 pm Pacific.

Valar dohaeris,

P.S. Today is the last day of my current project at work that has been soaking up all my time (woohoo!), so I promise an updated map with the next adjudication.


House Baratheon:
A Stormlands - Ashford
A Kingswood - Storm's End
A King's Landing - Crownlands
F Dornish Marches - Sea of Dorne (Fails)
F Griffin's Roost Supports F Dornish Marches - Sea of Dorne

House Greyjoy:
A Flint's Finger - Deepwood Motte
A The Twins - The Neck
F Ironman's Bay - The Twins
F North Sunset Sea - Stony Shore
F South Sunset Sea - North Sunset Sea

House Lannister:
A Casterly Rock - Riverlands
A Riverrun Supports A Casterly Rock - Riverlands
A Harrenhal - Kingsroad (Fails)
F Lannisport - Searoad
A Highgarden Supports F Lannisport - Searoad

House Martell:
A Yronwood - Prince's Pass
A Starfall Hold
A Sandstone S A Starfall
F Sunspear - Stepstones
F South Narrow Sea Supports F Sea of Dorne
F Sea of Dorne S A Yronwood - Prince's Pass (Cut)

House Stark:
A Riverlands - Riverrun (Fails) (Disbanded)
A Kingsroad - Harrenhal (Fails)
F Bay of Ice - Beyond the Wall (wc)
F The Bite Supports F North Narrow Sea
F North Narrow Sea Hold

House Targaryen:
A Braavos Hold
F Myr - Pentos
F Dragonstone - The Narrow Sea
F Pentos - Braavosi Coastlands
F The Eyrie Supports F North Narrow Sea

House Tyrell:
A Oldtown Hold
F Shield Islands Hold
F West Summer Sea - The Arbor

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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