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Version 1 Playtest


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G.M. emailkremer-dot-matthew-at-gmail-dot-com
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Cur SeasonSpring 98
Next Deadline2012-04-19 @ 04:00:00 GMT
Result3-Way Draw
S. C.7
Start Date2012-04-03
End Date2012-10-07
Real-Life Time188 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| MattTheLesser's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 House Baratheon (Stag) Herald Blank9laxrulz777Eliminated 0 14 0 -5.32 1188.08
0 House Greyjoy (Kraken) Order of the Mammoth Silver Star9ndeilyDraw 13 14 0 7.62 1185.94
0 House Lannister (Lion) Captain of the Watch Gold Star9Blueraider0Eliminated 0 14 0 -5.31 1213.58
0 House Martell (Sun) Captain of the Watch Gold Star9pieandmashDraw 14 14 0 7.16 1243.57
0 House Stark (Direwolf) Captain of the Watch Blank9hurupEliminated 0 14 3 -5.78 1165.88
0 House Targaryen (Dragon) Order of the Oak Silver Star9offdiscDraw 7 14 0 6.76 1245.25
0 House Tyrell (Flower-Green) Captain of the Watch Blank9StepperEliminated 0 14 0 -5.13 1164.86

PREV  Fall 1903 Adjudication:  NEXT    

"I dreamt that the sea came to Winterfell..."

Bran's dreams typically come true, apparently even in our game, as the Greyjoys follow the model laid out for them in the canon, sneaking up the Stony Shore to capture Winterfell. The Krakens add to the Starks' woes by also forcing their way through The Neck into Moat Cailin, vaulting themselves into the lead (7 supply centers) in the process. In the southwest, the Baratheons are beginning to feel the heat as they look off shore of their two great strongholds to see Martell and Targaryen fleets in Shipbreaker Bay and Blackwater Bay, respectively - next year could prove pivotal for all the powers in that area. Finally, in the southwest, for some reason everyone decided this turn that Blackmont was the place to be, as three different powers attempt to send units there; unfortunately for the Lannisters and Tyrells, the Martells were the only one who thought to bring support, so Prince Martell earns the honor of spending the winter with Lady Blackmont.

I desperately wanted to avoid NMRs in this playtest, but unfortunately I was left with no choice when the original deadline was over 48 hours behind us, so all the Stark units are ordered to hold this season. I've heard through the grapevine that Poul has seemingly disappeared, so if he does not send in orders for the winter adjustments then I will attempt to seek a replacement.

Last adjudication I promised a new map, so you all receive...a partially new map. I have redone all the territory labels and added abbreviations in the style of Sims' Haven map, so feel free to use those from now on if you wish. I added coastal designations on the appropriate territories to avert any confusion there. Also, I renamed Deepwood Motte to Greywater Watch - I realized I had my locations mixed up, and Deepwood Motte isn't actually anywhere close to there. Still to be done are redoing the units and SC markers (to make them more clear and distinct) and the cleaning up of the underlying map itself. Hopefully I'll get to those soon.

Winter is coming this Friday, May 18, at 9pm Pacific. Adjustments due are listed below (there aren't very many...).

Valar dohaeris,

Adjustments due:
House Baratheon: Build 0
House Greyjoy: Build 2
House Lannister: Build 0
House Martell: Build 0
House Stark: Remove 1
House Targaryen: Build 0
House Tyrell: Build 0


House Baratheon:
A Crownlands - King's Landing
A Storm's End - Stormlands
A Ashford - Dornish Marches (Fails)
F Dornish Marches - Sea of Dorne (Fails)
F Griffin's Roost Supports F Dornish Marches - Sea of Dorne

House Greyjoy:
A The Neck - Moat Cailin
A Greywater Watch S A The Neck - Moat Cailin
F Stony Shore - Winterfell
F North Sunset Sea Hold
F The Twins Hold

House Lannister:
A Highgarden - Blackmont (Fails)
A Riverlands - Riverrun
A Riverrun - Westerlands
A Harrenhal Hold
F Searoad Supports F North Sunset Sea - South Sunset Sea (Void)

House Martell:
A Prince's Pass - Blackmont
A Starfall Supports A Prince's Pass - Blackmont
A Sandstone - Prince's Pass
F Sea of Dorne Supports A Sandstone - Prince's Pass (Cut)
F South Narrow Sea - Shipbreaker Bay
F Stepstones S F Sea of Dorne

House Stark (NMR):
A Kingsroad Hold
F The Bite Hold
F North Narrow Sea Hold
F Beyond the Wall (wc) Hold

House Targaryen:
A Braavos Hold
F Pentos - South Narrow Sea
F The Narrow Sea - Blackwater Bay
F Braavosi Coastlands (wc) - The Narrow Sea
F The Eyrie - Bay of Crabs

House Tyrell:
A Oldtown - Blackmont (Fails)
F The Arbor - Redwyne Straits
F Shield Islands - Horn Hill

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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