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Eat well, for tonight we dine in Hades!


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G.M. emaildriscollej-at-gmail-dot-com
MapAegean  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonFall 09
Next Deadline2015-01-07 @ 20:00:00 GMT
S. C.38
Start Date2014-07-09
End Date2015-01-11
Real-Life Time187 days
Slideshow SC Chart dpw File
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Athens Captain of the Watch Silver Star9scaponigSurvival 1 18 0 -3.37 1210.64
0 Boeotia Order of the Raven Gold Star9fencertimSurvival 5 18 0 -6.32 1420.96
0 Ionia Captain of the Watch Blank9StepperAbandon 3 11 1 -5.82 1159.04
1 Ionia Order of the Oak Silver Star9offdiscEliminated 0 16 0 -1.24 1241.89
0 Macedonia Order of the Alliance Gold Star9FuzzyLogicSolo 20 18 0 24.66 1535.55
0 Persia Countryman Blank9sashaSurvival 1 18 0 -3.14 1273.77
0 Sparta Captain of the Watch Blank9Sean2010Survival 10 18 0 -2.49 1216.15
0 Thessalia Captain of the Watch Blank9OperationsSurvival 1 18 0 -3.06 1191.73

PREV  Fall 303 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Welcome back from the break! The internet connection was spotty so I couldn't do much yesterday, so my apologies for the slight delay. By some methods of counting, we are not yet in the mid-game, yet already the balance of threat is shifting as Ionia breaks off the Persian attack to focus on Boeotia and Athens. Ionia's ever-growing control of the Aegean Sea may prove to be the determining factor in the end-result of this game! Macedonia continues to invade the Near East and has bridged the Bosporus, with the Hellespont perhaps soon to follow. Boeotia takes three off Thessaly, but loses two.

Winter 303 adjustments are due 07th August, 20:00 GMT.

Athens: 0 (3)
Boeotia: +1 (7)
Ionia: 0 (7)
Macedonia: 0 (6)
Persia: 0 (5)
Sparta: +1 (6)
Thessalia: -1 (4)

F Acte - Aegina (*Bounce*)
F Athens - West Cyclades (*Bounce*)
A Megara Supports F Acte - Aegina

A Aetolia - Ithaca
A Dodona Supports A Dolopia - Ambracia
A Dolopia - Ambracia
F North Euboic Gulf - Chalcis (*Fails*)
F North Ionian Sea Supports A Aetolia - Ithaca
A Phthiotis - Pharsalus (*Fails*)

A Caria Hold
F Cnossos Hold
F Dorian Sea - South Sporades
F East Cyclades - West Cyclades (*Bounce*)
F Halicarnassus Hold
F West Aegean Sea Supports F Pagasaean Gulf - Chalcis
F West Cyclades - Aegina (*Bounce*)

A Byzantium - Bithynia
F East Aegean Sea Supports F Thracia - Propontis
A Odrysae - Byzantium
A Therma - Pella
F Thracia - Propontis
F Thracian Sea - Lemnos

A Pergamum Supports A Troia
F Propontis - Cyzicus
F Rhodes Hold
A Sardes Hold
A Troia Hold

A Argos Supports A Corinthus
A Corinthus Supports A Argos
F Gulf of Argolis Supports F West Cyclades - Aegina
F North Cretan Sea - South Ionian Sea
F South Ionian Sea - Olympia

A Ambracia - Aetolia
A Ithaca Hold (*Disbanded*)
F Pagasaean Gulf - Chalcis
A Pharsalus - Phthiotis (*Fails*)
A Pieria - Larissa
F Thermaic Gulf - Pherae

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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