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Flying Hellfish


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G.M. emailsam_buck_productions-at-icloud-dot-com
Cur SeasonWinter 04
Next Deadline2008-11-21 @ 18:00:00 GMT
Result4-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2008-10-01
End Date2008-11-24
Real-Life Time55 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| Samnuva's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Captain of the Watch Blank9ordewinDraw 6 8 0 5.31 1179.4
0 England Countryman Blank9Bassdrum13Draw 9 8 0 4.88 1255.51
0 France Nobleman Blank9neversawthatcomingDraw 9 8 1 4.88 1255.51
0 Germany Captain of the Watch Silver Star9MDemagogueEliminated 0 8 1 -8.45 1268.2
0 Italy Nobleman Blank9gmanDraw 6 8 0 4.88 1255.51
0 Russia Order of the Parchment Gold Star9coebqSurvival 2 8 1 -5.66 1241.91
0 Turkey Nobleman Blank9ArnySurvival 2 8 1 -5.84 1234.94

PREV  Winter 1903 Adjudication:  NEXT    

The factories and shipyards of Europe are rather busy this winter, as
the Kaiser clears his last stronghold of defense and puts all his
hopes in his Baltic sea forces.

Spring 1904 Orders due Friday the 14th of November, at 2:00 PM Eastern Time (US). Time Zones are:

GMT-8: 10 AM Friday the 14th
GMT-5: 1 PM Friday the 14th
GMT: 6 PM Friday the 14th
GMT+1: 7 PM Friday the 14th
GMT+11: 5 AM Saturday the 15th

Austria: Build A Vienna
Italy: Build F Rome & F Naples
France: Build A Paris & F MAR
England: Build A London
Germany: Disband A Munich

Another note- A player, who will remain anonymous, asked me wether I am bothered to be CCd on press. Quite the contrary. I love seeing what's happening behind the scenes of the game. Plus, I always need a good laugh now and then. Feel free, no, feel obliged to CC me your communiqué and press. Squad Leader Out.

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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