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Leaping into battle


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G.M. emailrossjwebb-at-gmail-dot-com
Cur SeasonFall 09
Next Deadline2016-09-09 @ 00:20:00 GMT
S. C.34
Start Date
End Date
Real-Life Time19996 days
Slideshow SC Chart dpy File
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Order of the Raven Gold Star9fencertimEliminated 0 10 0 -8.36 1439.16
0 England Artisan Blank9ignatiusviennaEliminated 0 8 0 -5.68 1224.83
0 France Esquire Gold Star9ProfessorMoriartySolo 19 18 0 27.56 1311.92
0 Germany Captain of the Watch Gold Star9dandip2011Survival 1 18 0 -3.33 1336
0 Italy Esquire Silver Star9ruler462Survival 1 18 0 -4.22 1222.1
0 Russia Artisan Blank9CaaroSurvival 1 18 2 -3.68 1231.84
0 Turkey Artisan Blank9GodotIsWaiting4USurvival 12 18 1 -2.27 1208.73

PREV  Spring 1904 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Well, everyone,

Tonight we have an example of what eventually happens if you don't submit prelims - I've searched my inbox and can't find any orders submitted for Turkey this season so, unfortunately for Stewart, all his units hold.

I know from personal experience how frustrating this is - please remember to submit preliminary orders, everyone! If you put in your "gut feeling" set on the first day, you can always change them later as negotiation progresses. Leaving it until the night before to submit orders will eventually trip you up.

Anyway, on to the actual events: the knives have definitely come out in earnest this turn!

With England nearly eliminated, Germany begins to move troops onto French soil, sending the following press openly:

"From the desk of Dan Dip, Kaiser of Germany, to Lucas Mayer, prime minister of France :

Your excellency,
It has come to my unfortunate attention that yesterday my troops crossed the border into Burgundy.
I understand how you may be slightly upset with this move, but, I assure you, that there is a perfectly reasonable explanation behind all of this.
The truth is that my men heard a rumour that some nasty Belgian immigrants planned to poison the crops in Burgundy, which alarmed us, as we import a lot of our wheat from that region, owing to the fact that German third fleet's navigator is so terrible that he mixed up Belgium with Holland and ended up landing the third fleet there instead. I assure you that we will move out of Belgium as soon as we have finished taking the natural resources that Germany needs from that country.
So there is my explanation. I thank you for your understanding, and we will move out of the Burgundy as soon as the house cleaning mission is complete.
Best Wishes,
Dan - The Kaiser of Germany"

Meanwhile, the Russian bear is positioned ominously on Germany's right flank...

The next few turns should certainly be interesting.

Just the one retreat: French A York can retreat to Liverpool or OTB.

Please could I have the retreat confirmed by Wednesday 18th May, 8pm GMT, and everyone's orders for Fall 04 by Monday 23rd May, 8pm GMT.


F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark
F Belgium - English Channel (*Bounce*)
A Denmark Hold
F Edinburgh Supports A London - Yorkshire
A Kiel - Berlin
A London - Yorkshire
A Munich - Burgundy
A Piedmont - Marseilles

A Budapest Supports A Vienna
F Ionian Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Rome - Venice
A Venice - Piedmont

A Galicia - Silesia
A Moscow - St Petersburg
A Norway - Sweden
A Rumania Supports A Vienna - Budapest (*Void*)
F Sevastopol Supports A Rumania
F Sweden - Skagerrak
A Ukraine - Warsaw

F Black Sea, no move received
A Bulgaria, no move received
F Constantinople, no move received
A Greece, no move received
A Serbia, no move received
F Smyrna, no move received
A Trieste, no move received

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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