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BuildChaos  [Wiki]
MapSengoku6DP  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonWinter 76
Next Deadline2021-11-30 @ 13:00:00 GMT
S. C.41
Start Date2021-07-28
End Date2021-11-30
Real-Life Time126 days
Slideshow SC Chart dpw File
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Asakura Artisan Gold Star9Shaunanthony1Survival 5 14 0 -4.67 1335.61
0 Chosokabe Artisan Blank9WobblySurvival 8 14 0 -2.08 1221.03
0 Hojo Artisan Blank9mgarceauEliminated 0 12 0 -4.15 1213.97
0 Mori Captain of the Watch Silver Star9ConradWSurvival 7 14 0 -3.26 1259.78
0 Oda Captain of the Watch Blank9BaronVonPWNEliminated 0 6 0 -4.99 1189.1
0 Shimazu Artisan Blank9DimatarokEliminated 0 8 0 -5.43 1225.97
0 Takeda Artisan Silver Star9CorvinusSolo 19 14 0 8.89 1343.25
0 Uesugi Artisan Blank9RSJEliminated 0 4 0 -5.29 1212.82

PREV  Spring 1573 Adjudication:  NEXT    

The Takeda march continues onward, taking Kaga while the Shimazu clan lose their final unit but are still technically active unless the Mori & Chosokabe abandon that center - unlikely, albeit possible. But now we find ourselves in a rather interesting situation - two teams of two on the edges, with Asakura in the middle. Will the Asakura clan be kingmaker, or our 16th century daimyo equivalent of Poland? In the Sea of Japan, the Mori fleets move towards the Takeda coast, all with tactical positioning for now, whereas in the Pacific the Hojo moves were parried both at sea and on land as the Hojo and Chosokabe come to blows for the first time. The lingering question, though, is whether or not the teams will be able to continue to trust each other and send their soldiers away from the shared borders - and though I suspect Asakura sides with the Mori & Chosokabe (if only because of the rapid rise of Takeda), there is still much that needs to be planned and plotted.

No retreats! Fall 1573 orders due Monday, October 11th, 07:00 US-Central. Maybe it's sensible to ensure a weekend is included in the major turns.

F Echizen - Kaga (*Fails*)
F Inaba - Sanin Coast
A Kaga - Noto
F Noto - Toyama Bay
A Omi - Ise (*Bounce*)
F Settsu - Osaka Bay
A Tango - Echizen (*Fails*)
A Yamashiro Supports A Omi - Ise
A Yamato - Shima (*Bounce*)

A Bungo Supports F Satsuma - Higo
F Bungo Strait - Hyuga Coast
A Iyo - Awa
F Osumi - Hyuga
F Satsuma - Higo
F Tosa - Kii Straits (*Bounce*)

A Hitachi Supports A Sagami
A Izu - Shima (*Bounce*)
F Kii - Kii Straits (*Bounce*)
F Pacific Ocean - Kumano Sea
A Sagami Supports A Hitachi
F Sagami Bay Convoys A Izu - Shima
F Totomi Sea Convoys A Izu - Shima

A Bingo - Bizen (*Bounce*)
F Chikuzen Supports A Hizen
A Hizen Supports A Bungo - Higo (*Void*)
A Hoki - Bizen (*Bounce*)
F Kanmon Strait Hold
F Nagato - Iwami Coast
F South Sea of Japan - Sea of Japan

A Higo Hold (*Disbanded*)

F Echigo - North Sea of Japan
A Etchu Supports A Hida - Kaga
A Hida - Kaga
A Kozuke Supports A Musashi
A Mikawa - Owari (*Fails*)
A Mino Supports A Owari - Ise
A Musashi, no move received
A North Shinano - Echigo
A Owari - Ise (*Bounce*)
A South Shinano - Hida
F Totomi - Suruga

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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