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5-Way Draw - Spring 1909


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G.M. emailkremer-dot-matthew-at-gmail-dot-com
Cur SeasonSpring 09
Next DeadlineSee adjudication
Result5-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2008-01-10
End Date2008-05-06
Real-Life Time118 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| MattTheLesser's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Countryman Blank9The_CanallerDraw 5 17 0 2.72 1209.47
0 England Countryman Blank9pyraseaDraw 9 17 0 2.72 1209.47
0 France Nobleman Blank9Integrity69Eliminated 0 12 1 -6.76 1174.77
0 Germany Nobleman Blank9HacosDraw 7 17 0 2.72 1209.47
0 Italy Countryman Blank9hengeDraw 7 17 0 2.72 1209.47
0 Russia Esquire Blank9thankslivingEliminated 0 8 0 -7.11 1174.41
0 Turkey Nobleman Blank9powbillypilgrimDraw 6 17 1 2.98 1198.42

PREV  Fall 1904 Adjudication:  NEXT    

We have our first elimination, as Turkey, England, and Austria have combined to vote Russia off the continent! Thanks to our Czar Shawn for a well played game; an early assaulted Russia is a tough boat to stop from sinking. Elsewhere, the final neutral is finally claimed as the Germans cement their rule in Holland, the Italians assimilate Spain yet leave Portugal under French rule, and a large battle for the Mid-Atlantic is won by the Italians thanks to support from the French.

Shawn, I normally remove eliminated players from the email list for a given game; let me know if you want to be kept on. Note that either way you will receive the final end of game adjudication when the game ends.

The only retreat is the French army from Ruh, and it's only available to retreat is Bur, so I have auto-retreated it. Paul, if you wish to disband it instead you can do so in the winter since you are due a disband anyways.

Winter 1904 is due on Friday at 9 pm eastern. Adjustments due are listed at the bottom of the adjudication. Remember no grace periods on adjustments!

Lastly, I will be out of town next week and it is very unlikely I will have any internet access at all. So just as a heads up, I will send out the Winter results on Friday night or Saturday morning, and the next deadline will not be until Monday the 17th.



Aeg H: OK
Smy - Eas: OK
Bla - Sev: OK
Bul S Ser - Rum: OK

Sev H: Dislodged by Bla 2:1;
Rum S Ser - Bul: Void; Dislodged by Ser 3:1;

Por - MAt: OK
Spa S Por - MAt: OK
Wes S Por - MAt: OK
Mar S Pie H: OK
Pie S Mar H: OK

Bel S Hol H: OK
Den H: OK
Hol S Bel H: OK
Kie - Ruh: OK
Mun S Kie - Ruh: OK
War - Ukr: OK

Bre S Par - Pic: OK
Gas S Por - MAt: OK
Ruh - Mun: Bounce with Mun; Dislodged by Kie 2:1;
Par - Pic: OK

Mos S Bla - Sev: OK
Nwy - Nrg: OK
Nth - Eng: Bounce with Eng;
Eng - MAt: Defeated by Por 4:3;
Iri S Eng - MAt: OK
NAt S Eng - MAt: OK

Bud S Ser - Rum: OK
Ser - Rum: OK
Alb - Ser: OK
Ion S Gre H: OK
Gre H: OK

Russia may retreat army in Sev to: Arm

Russia may retreat fleet in Rum to: Bla

France may retreat army in Ruh to: Bur

*** Adjudicated with Diplo 2.8 ***

Turkey takes Sev from Russia.
England takes Mos from Russia.
Austria takes Rum from Russia.
Germany gains Hol.
Italy takes Spa from France.

Turkey may build 1 unit.
Italy may build 1 unit.
Germany may build 1 unit.
France disbands 1 unit.
England may build 1 unit.
Austria may build 1 unit.

Map Attached

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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