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Version 1 Playtest


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G.M. emailkremer-dot-matthew-at-gmail-dot-com
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Cur SeasonSpring 98
Next Deadline2012-04-19 @ 04:00:00 GMT
Result3-Way Draw
S. C.7
Start Date2012-04-03
End Date2012-10-07
Real-Life Time188 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| MattTheLesser's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 House Baratheon (Stag) Herald Blank9laxrulz777Eliminated 0 14 0 -5.32 1188.08
0 House Greyjoy (Kraken) Order of the Mammoth Silver Star9ndeilyDraw 13 14 0 7.62 1185.94
0 House Lannister (Lion) Captain of the Watch Gold Star9Blueraider0Eliminated 0 14 0 -5.31 1213.58
0 House Martell (Sun) Captain of the Watch Gold Star9pieandmashDraw 14 14 0 7.16 1243.57
0 House Stark (Direwolf) Captain of the Watch Blank9hurupEliminated 0 14 3 -5.78 1165.88
0 House Targaryen (Dragon) Order of the Oak Silver Star9offdiscDraw 7 14 0 6.76 1245.25
0 House Tyrell (Flower-Green) Captain of the Watch Blank9StepperEliminated 0 14 0 -5.13 1164.86

PREV  Fall 1904 Adjudication:  NEXT    

"I will take what is mine. With fire and blood, I will take it."

Oh boy are things heating up (again, pun totally intended). The big story of the season is the misfortune of the Baratheons at the hands of the Martells and Targaryens. The Martells grab the Dornish Marches and the ancient Baratheon holdfast at Storm's End, while the Targaryens have repeated history and landed in King's Landing again, only this time it's to win back the iron throne. The blood of old Valyria has only assimilated one of the centers for now, but if things don't change the dynasty will be back in full next year. The flip side is that the Baratheons do still hold half the power in the capitol, and, given also the assimilation of their spring gain in Highgarden, are not out of this yet, especially since the Targaryens and Tyrell each nipped a center from the Martells, leaving the Dornishmen with no builds. Lastly, given the action in the south it's almost a side-note that the Greyjoys have all but finished their decimation of the Starks in the north; only Lord Karstark is holding out at this point.

Poul of House Stark was a no-show on orders again, so he NMRs. Poul, if you don't submit winter disbands I will be placing your house in civil disorder.

There were only two retreats, and they both only had one on-board option, so I have chosen those for now:
Baratheon A King's Landing retreats to Crackclaw Point
Baratheon F Storm's End retreats to Kingswood
Jeff, if you wish to retreat both off the board and rebuild let me know, otherwise you can just submit your one winter disband.

Winter is coming this Wednesday, June 5th, at 9pm Pacific. Adjustments due are below.

Also, some of you have been great about keeping up with the commentary, others have fallen off a bit. I realize you all are busy, but even just a couple lines every season or two into how things are going are immensely appreciated and helpful. In addition/alternatively, feel free to cc on any correspondence with each other; some of you have done so and I find it fascinating.

Valar dohaeris,

P.S. How freakin awesome was the last episode of season 2?! Though now I'm really sad that I have to wait until next year for more...

Adjustments due:
House Baratheon: Supp 3, Unit 4, Remove 1 (Unless retreat 2 OTB, in which case Build 1)
House Greyjoy: Supp 9, Unit 7, Build 2
House Lannister: Supp 5, Unit 5, Build 0
House Martell: Supp 6, Unit 6, Build 0
House Stark: Supp 1, Unit 3, Remove 2
House Targaryen: Supp 7, Unit 5, Build 2
House Tyrell: Supp 3, Unit 3, Build 0


House Baratheon:
A Highgarden S A Stormlands - The Reach (Cut)
A Stormlands - The Reach (Fails)
A King's Landing - Stoney Sept (Bounce) (Dislodged)
F Dornish Marches - Griffin's Roost (Bounce) (Disbanded)
F Storm's End Supports F Dornish Marches - Griffin's Roost (Dislodged)

House Greyjoy:
A Moat Cailin - White Harbor
A Winterfell Hold
A The Twins - The Neck
F Bay of Ice - Beyond the Wall (wc)
F North Sunset Sea Supports F Bay of Ice - Beyond the Wall (wc)
F The Golden Sound - South Sunset Sea (Bounce)
F Ironman's Bay Hold

House Lannister:
A Blackmont - Highgarden (Fails)
A The Reach Supports A Blackmont - Highgarden (Cut)
A Riverrun - Stoney Sept (Bounce)
A Crownlands S F Kingswood - King's Landing
F South Sunset Sea - Shield Islands

House Martell:
A Ashford - Dornish Marches
A Prince's Pass Supports A Ashford - Dornish Marches
A Sandstone Supports A Prince's Pass (Cut)
F Griffin's Roost - Storm's End
F Shipbreaker Bay Supports F Griffin's Roost - Storm's End
F Sea of Dorne - Griffin's Roost (Bounce)

House Stark: NMR
F Castle Black (wc) Hold
F The Shivering Sea Hold
F North Narrow Sea Hold

House Targaryen:
A Braavos Hold
F Kingswood - King's Landing
F Blackwater Bay S F Kingswood - King's Landing
F The Eyrie - North Narrow Sea (Fails)
F South Narrow Sea - Tyrosh

House Tyrell:
A Starfall - Sandstone (Fails)
F Oldtown - Redwyne Straits (Fails)
F Redwyne Straits - South Sunset Sea (Bounce)

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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