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MapSengoku6DP  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonWinter 76
Next Deadline2021-11-30 @ 13:00:00 GMT
S. C.41
Start Date2021-07-28
End Date2021-11-30
Real-Life Time126 days
Slideshow SC Chart dpw File
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Asakura Artisan Gold Star9Shaunanthony1Survival 5 14 0 -4.67 1335.61
0 Chosokabe Artisan Blank9WobblySurvival 8 14 0 -2.08 1221.03
0 Hojo Artisan Blank9mgarceauEliminated 0 12 0 -4.15 1213.97
0 Mori Captain of the Watch Silver Star9ConradWSurvival 7 14 0 -3.26 1259.78
0 Oda Captain of the Watch Blank9BaronVonPWNEliminated 0 6 0 -4.99 1189.1
0 Shimazu Artisan Blank9DimatarokEliminated 0 8 0 -5.43 1225.97
0 Takeda Artisan Silver Star9CorvinusSolo 19 14 0 8.89 1343.25
0 Uesugi Artisan Blank9RSJEliminated 0 4 0 -5.29 1212.82

PREV  Spring 1574 Adjudication:  NEXT    

This is exciting! Takeda takes puts the squeeze on Hojo but the western clans have naval superiority and seem likely to have a key advantage in the coming fights. Any thought that the Chosokabe & Mori would have a skirmish of their own is mitigated by the exit of forces from Kyushu. My viewpoint is a long way from omniscient, but it sure looks like an A-C-M pact to me. Hojo may be included in that, at least out of necessity. Can Takeda's land strength see the clan through tough times? You tell me. The coming adjustments will tell the tale.

One disbanded unit but no retreats! Fall 1574 is due Tuesday, October 26th at 07:00 US-Central.

F Echizen Hold
A Omi Supports F Echizen
A Tango Supports F Echizen
F Toyama Bay Supports F Wakasa Bay - Noto
F Wakasa Bay - Noto
A Yamashiro - Ise
A Yamato Supports A Yamashiro - Ise

F Bungo - Bungo Strait
F Higo - Satsuma
F Hyuga Coast - South Pacific Ocean
A Iyo - Tosa
A Sanuki - Awa
F South Pacific Ocean - Pacific Ocean
F Tosa - Kii Straits

A Izu Supports F Totomi - Suruga
A Kai Supports F Totomi - Suruga (*Disbanded*)
F Kii - Totomi Sea
F Kumano Sea - Sagami Bay
A Sagami Supports F Totomi - Suruga (*Cut*)
F Totomi - Suruga (*Fails*)
F Totomi Sea - Atsumi Bay

A Bingo - Izumo
F Chikuzen - Kanmon Strait
A Hizen Hold
A Hoki - Bizen
F Iwami Coast Hold
F North Sea of Japan Supports F Wakasa Bay - Noto (*Cut*)
F Sea of Japan Hold

A Echigo - Shimotsuke
A Hida - South Shinano
A Hitachi - Sagami (*Fails*)
A Kaga - Echizen (*Fails*)
A Kozuke Supports A Musashi
A Mikawa Supports F Suruga - Totomi
A Mino Supports A Hida - South Shinano
A Musashi Supports A North Shinano - Kai
F Mutsu - North Sea of Japan (*Fails*)
A North Shinano - Kai
A Noto - Etchu
A Owari Supports A Mikawa
F Suruga - Totomi (*Fails*)

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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