Colonial DC369BT\Spring & Summer/1886
DC369BT Fall/Winter 1888 Deadline: [2011/09/11]
Turkish Player will be away from 08/19 -> 09/04!
Britain under assult, has two UNITS Destroyed!
The Game is registered on the below web site as active game DC369
{} diplomaticcorp Web Site}
You will also find results on my Web Site:
{} Engineered Diplomacy}
Note when listing retreats if you wish only retreats listed to
be executed add OTB to end of your list. [Retreat A_Can_to_ton,may]
can result in auto retreat to HKg if retreat to ton/may not possible.
France is now a Rogue Country in Civil Disorder.
[Players may offer up one or more of their moves in the Spring or Fall to try and order a French unit], this is a CD Bid.
Example: Britain has sent in orders A_Punjab_to_Tibet, A_Hyderbad support F_Ars_to_Bom and Civil Disorder order moves in form;
CD_Punjab_(GOS-Ban), CD_Hyderbad_(GOS-Ban)
The above means Britain is making two bids for France to move F_GOS-Ban. Another Country has also sent in a CD order for GOS-Ban for a total of three bids for FRENCH_F_GOS-Ban. If there are two or less bids for a different F_GOS order, F_GOS-Ban will be executed, and units in Punjab and Hyderbad are ordered to hold.
So let the guerrilla warfare begin! Send in CD orders for France with your Spring and Fall moves!
NOTE: [I do my best with orders not written in proper CD form. No re-adjudication for GM errors caused by badly written CD orders.]
Retreats Su/1886:
Brit A syr TO OTB
Brit N sig TO OTB
Brit(R.Skynner): [A syr-arm],[F sig-mal],F can-ton,[A pun-kam]
F cey-WIO,[A hyd-mad],F bom H
{F sig: Dislodged},{A syr: Dislodged}
Chin(G.Cash): A pek-lan,[A sik-tib],[A ass-ben],A nan-can
A chu S A pek-lan,A ran H ,A nsia H ,A hk H
Fran(P.Hawkins in CD): A ton-may,F GOS S A ban,F SCS H ,A ban H
Holl(L.Lyons): F JAS-sig,F sum-JAS,F mal S F JAS-sig
[F CES S F gui],[F gui S F CES],A sar H
Japa(J.Williams): [F lp-gui],[F dav-CES],F SUS-SNS,F mna-ceb
F ECS-for,F kyu-ECS,F kyo-up,F SOJ S A fus,A fus H
Russ(S.Drage): A vla-seo,[A tib-ben],[A kag-tib],[A kir-kag]
A kra-uru,[F BLS-arm],A mac-pek,A sha S A mac-pek
F YES S A sha,A mon S A mac-pek,A irk S A mon,A kam H
F rum H
Turk(P.Williams): F ade-arb(sc),A kar-raj,A prs-kar,[F mys-mad]
A mec-syr,F ang S A con,F egy S A mec-syr,F ARS S A kar-raj
F bag H ,A con H
Neut(Civil Disorder): {Bids Tied: SCS}
Britain |( 7)|[BRIT,del,mad,bom,sig](can),ben,cey
China |( 8)|[CHIN,pek,sik](hk ),ass,chu,may,ran,ubur
France |( 4)|[FRAN,ton,ann,coc],ban
Holland |( 6)|[HOLL,bor,jav,sum],gui,mal,sar
Japan |( 9)|[JAPA,tok,ota,kyu,kyo],ceb,dav,for,fus,mna
Russia |(13)|[RUSS,mos,oms,vla,ode,part](sha,mac),kag,kam,mon
Turkey |(10)|[TURK,ang,con,bag](ade),egy,kar,prs,shi,sud,tab
Neutral |( 1)|,sak
Total = ( 58)
Su\1886 |
Britain | F bom, A hyd, A pun, F ton, F WIO
China | A ass, A can, A chu, A hk, A lan, A nsia, A ran
A sik
France | A ban, F GOS, A may, F SCS
Holland | F cels, F gui, F javs, F mal, A sar, F sig
Japan | F ceb, F dav, F ECS, F for, A fus, F lp, F suns
F SOJ, F up
Russia | F blas, A irk, A kag, A kam, A kir, A mon, A pek
F rum, A seo, A sha, A tib, A uru, F yels
Turkey | F ang, F arb(sc), F aras, F bag, A con, F egy, A kar
F mys, A raj, A syr
Madman |
TUR ==> FRA: Having a strong link to the real U.K., we do
not approve of civil disorder - too many homicidal
anarchists thieving and setting light to things. What it
took Thatcher & Howe two years to achieve, Cameron &
Osborne have managed in one. Tell Argentina not to invade...
TUR ==> U.S.A.: Why do I have this vision of U.S. politics
as a laughing donkey extracting a wad of greenbacks from
under a Mad Alaskan’s tea party through which a herd of
hopeful, but undistinguished, elephants are trying to race
on tippy-toe (apart from one who’s retired hurt having
stabbed himself with a birth certificate)?
TURKEY ==> BRITAIN: You keep asking why I stabbed you -
here is a list of reasons:
1) It gave me more build-spots than you have by
transferring your build-spots to me.
2) Steve made a better offer than you did - I don’t get
boxed in a corner.
3) It was part of my strategy when I asked to play Turkey
and I would have done it no matter who was playing Britain.
4) The fact that you were playing Britain made it all the
more pleasurable!
Bye-eee, sucker!!!