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5-Way Draw - Spring 1909


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G.M. emailkremer-dot-matthew-at-gmail-dot-com
Cur SeasonSpring 09
Next DeadlineSee adjudication
Result5-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2008-01-10
End Date2008-05-06
Real-Life Time118 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| MattTheLesser's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Countryman Blank9The_CanallerDraw 5 17 0 2.72 1209.47
0 England Countryman Blank9pyraseaDraw 9 17 0 2.72 1209.47
0 France Nobleman Blank9Integrity69Eliminated 0 12 1 -6.76 1174.77
0 Germany Nobleman Blank9HacosDraw 7 17 0 2.72 1209.47
0 Italy Countryman Blank9hengeDraw 7 17 0 2.72 1209.47
0 Russia Esquire Blank9thankslivingEliminated 0 8 0 -7.11 1174.41
0 Turkey Nobleman Blank9powbillypilgrimDraw 6 17 1 2.98 1198.42

PREV  Fall 1905 Adjudication:  NEXT    

The Italians finish their takeover of Iberia while the English storm into the Mid-Atlantic on their tail, Germany joins Italy and England on French soil, and the Kaiser also unwittingly helps Turkey, who reclaims Bul before the Austrians can assimilate it. Who will prevail in all this still remains to be seen; who has a trick up their sleeve?

The only two retreats were French so I have auto-retreated him since he is due two disbands anyways. This puts us at Winter 1905, which will be due this Friday, March 28, at 9 pm eastern time. Adjustments due are listed at the bottom of the adjudication, and as always with retreats and adjustments I will adjudicate early if I receive adjustments from everybody early.



Eas - Ion: Bounce with Ion;
Con - Bul: OK
Aeg S Con - Bul: OK
Bla S Con - Bul: OK

Tyr H: OK
Ven - Pie: OK
Mar H: OK
MAt - Por: OK
Spa H: OK
Wes - NAf: OK

Bel S Ruh - Bur: OK
Kie - Ber: OK
Mun S Ruh - Bur: OK
Ruh - Bur: OK
Sil - Boh: OK
Swe H: OK
Ukr - Rum: Bounce with Rum;

Par - Pic: OK
Bre S Par - Pic: Dislodged by Pic 2:1;
Bur S Par - Pic: Cut by Ruh; Dislodged by Ruh 3:1;

Sev S Ukr - Rum: OK
Nrg - NAt: OK
NAt - MAt: OK
Iri S NAt - MAt: OK
Eng S Pic - Bre: OK
Pic - Bre: OK
Nth S Eng H: OK

Vie H: OK
Ser S Rum H: OK
Bul S Rum H: Cut by Con; Dislodged by Con 3:2;
Rum S Bul H: Cut by Ukr;
Gre S Bul H: OK
Ion - Eas: Bounce with Eas;

Austria disbands unit in Bul

France may retreat army in Bur to: Par Gas

France may retreat fleet in Bre to: Gas

*** Adjudicated with Diplo 2.8 ***

England takes Sev from Turkey.
England takes Bre from France.
Germany takes Swe from England.
Italy takes Por from France.

Italy may build 1 unit.
Germany may build 1 unit.
France disbands 2 units.
England may build 1 unit.
Austria may build 1 unit.

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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