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Cur SeasonWinter 76
Next Deadline2021-11-30 @ 13:00:00 GMT
S. C.41
Start Date2021-07-28
End Date2021-11-30
Real-Life Time126 days
Slideshow SC Chart dpw File
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Asakura Artisan Gold Star9Shaunanthony1Survival 5 14 0 -4.67 1335.61
0 Chosokabe Artisan Blank9WobblySurvival 8 14 0 -2.08 1221.03
0 Hojo Artisan Blank9mgarceauEliminated 0 12 0 -4.15 1213.97
0 Mori Captain of the Watch Silver Star9ConradWSurvival 7 14 0 -3.26 1259.78
0 Oda Captain of the Watch Blank9BaronVonPWNEliminated 0 6 0 -4.99 1189.1
0 Shimazu Artisan Blank9DimatarokEliminated 0 8 0 -5.43 1225.97
0 Takeda Artisan Silver Star9CorvinusSolo 19 14 0 8.89 1343.25
0 Uesugi Artisan Blank9RSJEliminated 0 4 0 -5.29 1212.82

PREV  Fall 1574 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Disaster? Salvation? All a matter of perspective. The Chosokabe & Mori turn against the Asakura clan, or at least the Mori actively did. The Chosokabe, maybe actively, maybe just opportunism. Takeda turned what looked like a "topple the leader" pact into a very advantageous situation, culminating in what may be the most impactful misorder I've seen since my own performance with the Windy City Weasels several years ago. Please double-check your submission, because when I input the orders this morning I was shocked by how much is affected by one order. As it stands, Hojo falls to one SC only, while Takeda rises to sixteen - but in that one order for F Totomi there is a swing of two SCs if I am wrong - but I don't think I am. It's been a busy week, not only preparing to move but getting rear-ended on top of everything else means I've got a lot on my plate.

There is one retreat with one valid destination, which has been done. Winter 1574 adjustments are due Friday, October 29th at 07:00 US-Central. Keep in mind that the threshold for a solo victory is 21 SCs!

F Echizen Supports A Omi - Mino (*Fails*)
A Ise Supports F Atsumi Bay - Owari (*Void*)
F Noto Supports F Toyama Bay (*Dislodged*)
A Omi - Mino (*Fails*)
A Tango Supports F Echizen
F Toyama Bay Supports F Noto
A Yamato - Kii (*Fails*)

A Awa - Kii
F Bungo Strait Hold
F Kii Straits Supports A Awa - Kii
F Pacific Ocean - Kazusa
F Satsuma Hold
F South Pacific Ocean - Pacific Ocean
A Tosa - Awa

F Atsumi Bay Supports F Totomi - Mikawa (*Void*)
A Izu Supports A Sagami
A Sagami Hold (*Disbanded*)
F Sagami Bay - Totomi (*Fails*)
F Totomi Supports A Sagami - Suruga (*Disbanded*)
F Totomi Sea Supports F Totomi - Mikawa (*Void*)

A Bizen - Inaba
A Hizen - Chikuzen
F Iwami Coast - Sanin Coast
A Izumo - Hoki
F Kanmon Strait - Iwami Coast
F North Sea of Japan - Noto
F Sea of Japan Supports F North Sea of Japan - Noto

A Etchu Supports F North Sea of Japan - Noto
A Hitachi - Sagami
A Kaga Supports A Mino - Echizen
A Kai Supports A Hitachi - Sagami
A Kozuke - Echigo
A Mikawa - Totomi
A Mino - Echizen (*Fails*)
A Musashi Supports A Hitachi - Sagami
F Mutsu Hold
A Owari - Ise (*Fails*)
A Shimotsuke Supports A Kozuke - Echigo
A South Shinano Supports A Mikawa - Totomi
F Suruga - Sagami Bay (*Fails*)

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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