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C/R/P Draw in 9


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G.M. emailtimothyl-dot-crosby-at-gmail-dot-com
MapAncient Med  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonSpring 09
Next Deadline2012-03-16 @ 21:00:00 GMT
Result3-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2011-10-31
End Date2012-03-16
Real-Life Time138 days
Slideshow SC Chart dpy File
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Carthage Captain of the Watch Gold Star9pieandmashDraw 13 17 0 4.65 1204.99
0 Egypt Captain of the Watch Blank9JoralEliminated 0 15 1 -6.95 1172.04
0 Greece Order of the Acorn Blank9trezdkEliminated 0 15 0 -5.85 1117.23
0 Persia Herald Blank9hatricvsDraw 10 17 0 4.89 1192.1
0 Rome Esquire Silver Star9gizmo8204Abandon 11 7 2 -3.77 1235
1 Rome Captain of the Watch Gold Star9Blueraider0Draw 11 17 0 3.42 1201.66

PREV  Fall 6 Adjudication:  NEXT    

All orders in on time and I thank you....a few units from a couple of powers did not get orders so they hung out where they were.

A proposal for ending the game has come up. It is a 2 way draw between Rome and Carthage. Submit your vote with your spring orders. I will need 5 YES votes for the game to end. Failure to vote will be considered a NO vote.

There are no retreats needed, so Winter 6 will be due by Friday February 10th at 4pm eastern US time. Three powers have orders due.

map and .dpy are attached. Please check for errors and report immediately.

F Aegean Sea, no move received (Hold)
A Athens - Sparta (*Fails*)
F Ausonian Sea - Messenian Sea
A Cyrene - Alexandria
A Dacia Supports F Aegean Sea - Macedonia (*Void*)
A Dalmatia - Illyria
F Ionian Sea Supports A Athens - Sparta
F Messenian Sea - Crete
A Rhaetia - Sarmatia
A Roma - Ravenna (*Fails*)
F Sardinia Hold
F Tyrrhenean Sea - Ausonian Sea

F Baleares Hold
F Berber Sea Hold
F Gulf of Tacape - Libyan Sea
F Leptis - Gulf of Tacape (*Bounce*)
A Marmarica - Cyrene
F Ravenna, no move received (Hold)
A Sahara - Phazania
A Sinai Supports A Cyrene - Alexandria
A Tarraconensis - Saguntum
F Thapsus - Gulf of Tacape (*Bounce*)

A Armenia - Sinope
A Chersonesus Supports A Armenia - Sinope
F Cilician Strait - Cyprus (*Bounce*)
A Jerusalem Supports A Nabatea - Petra
A Nabatea - Petra
F Sidon - Syrian Sea

A Galatia - Miletus
A Macedonia Supports F Sparta - Athens
F Sparta - Athens (*Fails*)

F Egyptian Sea - Cyprus (*Bounce*)
A Memphis - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
F Thebes - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
Rome: Alexandria, Athens, Crete, Dalmatia, Massilia,
Neapolis, Roma, Sardinia, Sicilia, Vindobona.
Carthage: Baleares, Carthage, Cirta, Cyrene, Leptis, Numidia,
Ravenna, Saguntum, Thapsus.
Persia: Antioch, Chersonesus, Damascus, Jerusalem, Petra,
Sidon, Sinope, Tyre.
Greece: Byzantium, Macedonia, Miletus, Sparta.
Egypt: Cyprus, Memphis, Thebes.

Rome: Supp 10 Unit 12 Remove 2
Carthage: Supp 9 Unit 10 Remove 1
Persia: Supp 8 Unit 6 Build 2
Greece: Supp 4 Unit 3 Build 0
Egypt: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0


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