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< dc456 >

I have set my life upon a cast; I will stand the hazard of the die.


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G.M. emaildriscollej-at-gmail-dot-com
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Cur SeasonFall 12
Next Deadline2013-11-15 @ 08:00:00 GMT
Result4-Way Draw
S. C.28
Start Date2013-04-18
End Date2013-11-18
Real-Life Time215 days
Slideshow SC Chart dpw File
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Alamanni Esquire Blank9KnightofRomaDraw 3 23 0 3.02 1238.64
0 Franci Nobleman Blank9Haile31Civil Disorder 1 22 2 -7.59 1206.45
0 Gothi Captain of the Watch Blank9egniDraw 5 23 0 3.72 1198.48
0 Hunni Captain of the Watch Blank9ZydecoEliminated 0 2 0 -6.72 1178.01
0 Saxones Captain of the Watch Blank9bret_pollackDraw 5 23 0 4.52 1152.49
0 Vandali Esquire Silver Star9pedrosDraw 14 23 0 3.05 1236.85

PREV  Spring 408 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Early reports of a conflict brewing between the Alamanni and Vandali have, it appears, been rather exaggerated. Either they worked out their difficulties, or, as the Monaco odds deem more likely, we merely observed a centre transfer. Aside: does Monaco even exist yet? Many headlines remain the same; the Saxones and Vandali continue to advance through the once-strong Franci territory, while the Alamanni siege of Byzantium continues without end. However, a successful convoy may well tip the scales in favor of the Alamanni. Much intrigue awaits us come the Fall deadline—03 September at 08:00 GMT.

War weariness sets in! Two draw proposals have been made. Standard procedure requires that all active players support an End Game Proposal in order for it to succeed. As both are two-way draws, if both are accepted then the first proposed will take precedence (shown below as №1). Please send in your votes with orders; the deadline is the end of Spring 409.

EGP №1: Alamanni/Vandali
EGP №2: Gothi/Vandali

A Syracusæ – Macedonia
F Mare Ionium C A Syracusæ – Macedonia
F Rhegium S F Mare Ionium
F Brundisium – Mare Adriaticum
A Dalmatia – Dacia (*fails*)
A Vindobona – Iazygi
A Scytia – Byzantium (*bounce*)

A Aquitania – Viennensis (*fails*)
A Rotomagus – Lutetia
F Litus Saxonicum S F Mare Germanicum – Belgica (*void*)
A Flavia Cæsarensis – Londinium (*bounce*)

F Athenium – Mare Ionium (*fails*)
F Mare Internum S F Athenium – Mare Ionium
F Numidia S F Mare Internum
A Hunni Quarti – Scytia (*fails*)
A Thracia – Byzantium (*bounce*)
A Dacia – Thracia (*fails*)

F Mare Germanicum – Londinium (*bounce*)
F Olisipo – Tarraconensis
F Eburacum/ec Hold

A Carthago – Mauretania
F Mare Tyrrhenicum – Carthago
F Baleares S F Mare Tyrrhenicum – Carthago
F Roma – Mare Tyrrhenicum
A Sequanorum – Viennensis
A Colonia Agrippa S A Sequanorum – Viennensis
A Massilia – Aquitania (*fails*)
F Saguntum – Mare Ligusticum

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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