Colonial DC369BT\Spring_Summer/1898
DC369BT Fall/Winter Deadline: First Sunday moves are all in or [2012/04/08]
Check over results and let me know if you spot any errors!
The Game is registered on the below web site as active game DC369
{} diplomaticcorp Web Site}
You will also find results on my Web Site:
{} Engineered Diplomacy}
[France is in Civil Disorder.]
Civil Disorder Move Form:
CD (your unit for) [Rogue Unit Order]
CD Punjab (GOS - Ban)
I have re-written a lot of code over past few weeks, hope I have not messed up something that was working previously.
Holland Build N bor
Japan Retreats N SOJ - aki, AUTO REMOVAL: N ECS
Russia Build A oms, N part, N vla
Turkey Build A bag, A ang
Brit(R.Skynner): F cey H ,F ann H
Chin(G.Cash): A can-hk,[A may-can],[A ban-mal],[A ton-can]
A nsia-cam,A ubur-ben,A ran-ubur
Fran(P.Hawkins): F coc-GOS,!!No Moves Received!!
Holl(L.Lyons): F sar-SNS,F bor-sar,F lp-mp,[F SCS S A can]
F mal H ,F JAS H ,A dav H ,F CES H
{No Such Order_nso: F SCS S A can}
Japa(J.Williams): F aki-ota,F LUZ-for,F SUS-LUZ,[F up-OKS]
A fus H
Russ(S.Drage): [A mos-bak],[A tib-pun],F YES-ECS,F kyo-tok
F part-YES,A mac-mon,A kag-afg,[F vla-OKS],[A oms#prm-mos]
F SOJ-aki,F kyu S F YES-ECS,A chu S A yun,A ass S A yun
A kam S A kag-afg,A tas S A kag-afg,[F ode S A mos-bak]
A yun H ,A seo H ,A nan H
Turk(P.Williams): F mad-GOM,F GOA-WIO,[A del-pun],A afg-bok
A ang-arm,F MES-BLS,[F rum-ode],[A con-rum],A bag-kar
F PEG C A bag-kar,F hyd S F mad-GOM,F mys S F GOA-WIO
A prs S A afg-bok,[A bak S F rum-ode]
Neut(Adjudicator):{Bid loss: coc - ann}
No Retreats or OTB!
Britain |( 2)|(ann),cey
China |( 8)|[CHIN,can](hk ,ton),ban,ben,may,ran,ubur
France |( 1)|[FRAN,coc]
Holland |( 8)|[HOLL,bor,jav,sum](sig),dav,gui,mal,sar
Japan |( 5)|[JAPA,ota],ceb,for,fus,mna
Russia |(19)|[RUSS,mos,oms,vla,ode,part]
Turkey |(14)|[TURK,ang,con,bag](del,mad,bom,ade),egy,kar,prs
Neutral |( 1)|,sak
Total = ( 58)
SU\1898 |
Britain | F ann, F cey
China | A ban, A ben, A cam, A hk, A may, A ton, A ubur
France | F GOS
Holland | F cels, A dav, F javs, F mal, F mp, F sar, F SCS
F suns
Japan | F for, A fus, F luzs, F ota, F up
Russia | A afg, F aki, A ass, A chu, F ECS, A kam, F kyu
A mon, A mos, A nan, F ode, A prm, A seo, A tas
A tib, F tok, F vla, F yels, A yun
Turkey | A arm, A bak, F blas, A bok, A con, A del, F GOM
F hyd, A kar, F mys, F perg, A prs, F rum, F WIO
Madman |
TURKEY ==> WORLD: Looking forward to the coming 20th Century in this game. I believe it will herald a new era of peace in the western seas from the Black Sea to Ceylon as well as peace in Africa and the Arabian peninsula. May the whole world soon come to enjoy this kind of peace.
TURKEY ==> RUSSIA: An error gave me Odessa wrongly in the last move - please look after it as I will be taking it correctly soon if not now.
TURKEY ==> BRITAIN: The only noises we need to hear emanating from your remaining units is 'Glug, glug' and 'Abandon Ship!'
Dear Robert, please get your grammar and facts right 'I WILL get even' indeed! It should be 'I MAY TRY TO get even'. Whether you will persist in your petty fantasies of revenge let alone actually achieve anything is sometime only the future will tell. Given your pathetic performance in this game, it is really doubtful. Tell me, did the Russians turn down the idea of supporting your army into Hyderabad or (more likely) did you not even think of that? While paranoia means I can’t rule it out, past experience suggests the Dutch won’t be in the South Indian Ocean or the Andaman Sea in the autumn, so you can wave fare-thee-well to Ceylon.
Dear Steve, sorry I can’t say much - if I was Robert I could boast of your mistakes (i.e. tell you where I think I’m weak), my plans to take your build spots (i.e. tell you what I’m aiming for) and the other thing (what you don’t need to know). However, I am NOT Robert so I’m keeping stumm...