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DCI #7 (2013)


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G.M. emailuntitled36-at-hotmail-dot-com
BuildChaos  [Wiki]
MapAnarchy3  [Wiki]  [Stats]
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Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next Deadline2014-04-07 @ 17:00:00 GMT
Result4-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2013-08-26
End Date2014-04-14
Real-Life Time232 days
Slideshow SC Chart dpy File
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Dickensians Esquire Gold Star9RichelieuDraw 16 20 0 6.01 1279.76
0 Drunkards Order of the Shrubbery Gold Star9garry.bledsoeEliminated 0 16 0 -5.15 1290.52
0 GGugvuntt Order of the Jagged Edge Gold Star9jerome777Eliminated 0 10 0 -5.76 1290.52
0 Mike Order of the Alliance Gold Star9FuzzyLogicDraw 11 20 0 3.52 1435.15
0 PDR Marchmont Captain of the Watch Blank9catsfatherDraw 2 20 0 6.79 1231.15
0 PR Schemia Captain of the Watch Gold Star9SlangersEliminated 0 10 0 -6.43 1330.71
0 Sarducci Vatican Captain of the Watch Gold Star9ddz999cat23Draw 5 20 0 5.18 1329.52
0 Zonotrichia Order of the Unicorn Silver Star9alwayshuntedEliminated 0 20 0 -4.14 1254.07

PREV  Fall 1909 Adjudication:  NEXT    

*Zonotrichia is Still Alive, but says the Cake is a Lie*
*Orphans lose Warsaw and MAO, but Gain Centers*
*Mike Takes Trieste*

Hey all,

Marchmont takes big hits this year, Mostly to the vatican, as the forces of adulthood rally to stop the soot-covered children. We have three retreats this season, prior to builds. Marchmont F Bre can retreat to Gas or OTB. Zonotrichia A Ank can go to Arm or OTB. Dickensian A War has an actual choice, with going to Pru, Gal, or OTB. Retreats due thursday. See ya then!


F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Piedmont - Marseilles
A Rome - Venice
F Tunis Hold
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon

F Brest - English Channel (*Dislodged*)
F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Picardy - Paris
F Portugal Supports F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Spain(sc) Supports F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Western Mediterranean Supports F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic

A Belgium - Picardy
A Berlin Supports A Munich
A Burgundy Supports A Belgium - Picardy
F Denmark - Baltic Sea
F English Channel Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Brest
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Livonia Supports A St Petersburg - Moscow
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Brest
A Munich Hold
F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
A St Petersburg - Moscow
A Warsaw - Ukraine (*Dislodged*)

A Armenia - Sevastopol
A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Constantinople Supports A Smyrna - Ankara
A Moscow - Livonia (*Disbanded*)
A Silesia - Warsaw
A Smyrna - Ankara
A Syria - Smyrna
A Tyrolia - Trieste
A Ukraine Supports A Silesia - Warsaw

A Ankara Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec)

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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