DC229: The Fall 917 season has been adjudicated. First, Wagadu has been eliminated. Thanks to Mikael for his participation, and the elimination is a harsh outcome for a
well-played game.
The stunning stab of spring has been followed up with equally shocking developments in fall. Axum ceded as many of his SCs as possible to Srivijaya, with the result that Srivijaya has gained 4 SCs overall despite losing Indraprastha and Kannauj to the Tang Dynasty. This will help Srivijaya immensely in their defense against the Chinese armada. Meanwhile, Nigel edged closer to victory with another 4 SCs (gained from Axum), bringing Nigel to 35 of the 54 needed SCs.
There will be no Retreat season. The only order needed is from Arabia, and there is only one possible destination, and he will have a chance to disband it in Winter if he chooses. The Winter 917 deadline is Mon 10/26.
Also, please note the creative West Frankish orders for his holding units!
Power Player
Abbasid Caliphate (Arabia) Matt Kremer
Tang Empire (China) Lynn Mercer
Kingdom of Denmark Sanford "Former Trout" O'Donell
West Frankish Kingdom (France) Nigel Phillips
East Frankish Kingdom (German) Russell Manning
Kingdom of Sri Vijaya Mike Morris
Kingdom of Wagadu Mikael Johansson
Kingdom of Axum Benjamin Hester
Fall Adjudications
Arabian A Armenia S A Kahketi
Arabian A Azerbaijan - Ardebil
Arabian A Baghdad - Isfahan
Arabian A Basra S A Ujjain - Mansurah
Arabian A Damascus - Mecca *Bounce* *Dislodged*
Arabian A Derbent S A Kahketi
Arabian A Ghuzz - Urgench *Bounce*
Arabian A Kahketi H
Arabian A Mosul - Damascus *Bounce*
Arabian A Nefud S A Damascus - Mecca
Arabian F North Khazar Sea S A Ghuzz - Urgench
Axum A Al-Qatta'i H
Axum A Berenice S A Al-Qatta'i
Axum A Makuran - Daju *Bounce*
Axum A Sudd S A Malao - Roha
Axum F Gulf of Aden - South Red Sea
Axum F North Red Sea S F South Red Sea - Mecca
Axum F Rhapta S F Namib - Zimbabwe
Axum F South Red Sea - Mecca
Axum F Zimbabwe - Menuthian Sea
Chinese A Balkh - Herat
Chinese A Bukhara S A Urgench
Chinese A Herat - Sijistan
Chinese A Indraprastha S A Nepal - Kannuaj
Chinese A Kyzyl Kum S A Urgench
Chinese A Kyrgyzstan S A Kyzyl Kum
Chinese A Nepal - Kannuaj
Chinese A Tunguz S A Kyrgyzstan
Chinese A Urgench H
Chinese F Eastern Sea - Lusong Sea
Danish A Atil - Balanjar *Bounce*
Danish A Balanjar - Kahketi *Bounce*
Danish A Bashkortostan S A Udmurtia - Atil
Danish A Bulgar - Udmurtia *Bounce*
Danish A Komia S A Yugra
Danish A Rostov H
Danish A Stone Belt S A Bashkortostan
Danish A Udmurtia - Atil *Bounce*
Danish A Yugra S A Bashkortostan
Danish F Borussia H
Danish F North German Sea H
Danish F South Ocean Sea H
Danish F White Sea S A Yugra
French A Agades - Kanem
French A Barca S F Alexandria
French A Bure - Awlil
French A Cyprus chills out
French A Jerusalem S A Mecca - Damascus
French A Kanem - Daju
French A Kumbi Saleh H
French A Luba H
French A Mecca - Damascus
French A Niore H
French A Severyana H
French A Sijilmassa - Mauretania
French A Sarkel H
French A Tiraqqa - Jenne-Jeno
French A Tripolitania - Zawila *Bounce*
French A Zawila S A Kanem - Daju
French F Alexandria H
French F Cilician Sea goes on a holiday cruise
French F East Euxine Sea is in a dead end
French F Egyptian Sea looks carefully for atlantis
French F Ionian Sea fishes
French F North Ocean Sea catches sardines
French F Straits of Jebel Tarik wonders what to do
French F Sea of Tangiers is a bit lost
French F Sea of Tyre S A Mecca - Damascus
French F Takrur Sea S A Bure - Awlil
French F Tyrrhenian Sea H
French F Welsh Sea H
French F Western Sea S F South Ocean Sea
German A Abkhazia S A Georgia
German A Bucellaria S A Cappadocia
German A Cappadocia S A Cyprus - Damascus *Void*
German A Constantinople - Attalia
German A Georgia S A Cappadocia
German A Kiev S A Pechenega
German A Mordvinia S A Atil
German A Pechenega S A Tamantarka
German A Tamantarka S A Balanjar
German A Thrace - Constantinople
German F West Euxine Sea H
Srivijayan A Azania - Malao
Srivijayan A Jambi H
Srivijayan A Malao - Roha
Srivijayan A Meroe - Axum
Srivijayan A Ujjain - Mansurah
Srivijayan A Yemen S F South Red Sea - Mecca
Srivijayan F Arabian Sea S A Ujjain - Mansurah
Srivijayan F Chola - Coromandel Bay
Srivijayan F Gokomere Sea S F Namib - Zimbabwe
Srivijayan F Jeliba - Kongo
Srivijayan F Mahilaka - Southern Sea
Srivijayan F Malabar Sea - Socotra
Srivijayan F Namib - Zimbabwe
Srivijayan F Phebol S F Gokomere Sea
Srivijayan F Southern Sea - Java Sea
Wagadu F Awlil S F South Ocean Sea *Cut* *Dislodged*
Fall Retreat
Arabian A Damascus retreats to Baghdad
Wagadu F Awlil retreats OTB (eliminated)
Position Power Abb 916 917 Change SCs changing possession
1 West Frankish Kingdom (France) F 31 35 +4 +Awl, +JeJ, +KuS, +Nio
2 Kingdom of Sri Vijaya V 15 19 +4 +Axu, -Ind, -Knj, +Man, +Roh, +Soc, +Yem, +Zim
3 East Frankish Kingdom (German) G 16 16 0
4 Tang Empire (China) C 10 15 +5 +Buk, +Her, +Ind, +Knj, +Urg
5 Kingdom of Denmark D 13 13 0
6 Abbasid Caliphate (Arabia) A 11 7 -4 -Buk, -Her, -Man, -Urg
7 Kingdom of Axum X 10 2 -8 -Axu, -JeJ, -KuS, -Nio, -Roh, -Soc, -Yem, -Zim
8 Kingdom of Wagadu W 1 0 -1 -Awl
Abbasid Caliphate (Arabia) disbands 4 units
Tang Empire (China) builds 5 units, can build in ChA, Kai, Kas, Nan, OrB, Sam, Sil, Tib, Uyg, Yan
Kingdom of Denmark makes no adjustments
West Frankish Kingdom (France) builds 6 units, can build in Aqt, Bri, Cad, Cor, Cre, Crs, Dub, Gas, Ifr, LBu, Lot, Nar, Pam, Par, Rom (ec), Rom, Rom (wc), Sal, Sar, Scl, Swa, Tar, Tka, Val, Wal, Wsx
East Frankish Kingdom (German) builds 5 units, can build in Bav, Bre, Dal, Mor, Ono, Pec, Pec (ec), Pec (wc), Pol, Sax, Smo, Thr, Chs
Kingdom of Sri Vijaya builds 4 units, can build in Adu, But, Cah, Cho, Kal, Kam, Mah, Plm, Ser, Ujj, Var
Kingdom of Axum disbands 7 units