DC229: Sorry for the late adjudication, but it's a Friday night adjudication. Nigel has reached 41 SCs, with only 13 to go until a solo victory. The Danes and East Franks combined have 25 SCs, plus there are the 6 Srivijayan SCs in Africa and Arabian SCs in the Middle East, so 54 is certainly a reachable number. We'll see if Nigel can make these 9 (!) builds count. Axum managed to survive another year, finding a safe harbour in Socotra. In East Asia, there looks to be Chinese-Srivijayan peace, with both players focused west. Finally, I should note that no orders were received from Matt Kremer (Arabia), and so his units all held, consistent with an NMR.
Our next deadline for Fall 918 Retreat is technically Monday, with Winter on Tuesday. However, hopefully I will receive the orders from Arabia and the East Franks sooner, and we can move the Winter deadline to Monday. The deadline for Spring 919 will be on Thu or Fri.
Before the adjudication, we have some Danish press.
Danish Press
"Dah dah dah, daaahhh-de-dom, daaahhh-de-dom...
(Is anyone else hearing the Imperial March in their heads right now, besides me?)
Punch it, Chewie!"
Fall Adjudications
Arabian A Alidistan H
Arabian A Baghdad H
Arabian A Damascus H *Dislodged*
Arabian A Isfahan H *Dislodged*
Arabian A Kipchak H
Arabian A Mosul H
Axum F Gulf of Aden - Socotra
Axum F Mecca H
Chinese A Balkh H
Chinese A Bukhara - Herat
Chinese A Ghuzz S A Kyzyl Kum
Chinese A Indraprastha S A Kannuaj - Nepal
Chinese A Kashmir H
Chinese A Khorasan S A Sijistan - Isfahan
Chinese A Kannuaj - Nepal
Chinese A Kyzyl Kum S A Ghuzz
Chinese A Kyrgyzstan S A Kyzyl Kum
Chinese A Nanjing H
Chinese A Sijistan - Isfahan
Chinese A Tunguz S A Kyrgyzstan
Chinese A Urgench - Alidistan *Bounce*
Chinese F Eastern Sea H
Chinese F Kaifeng H
Danish A Atil S A Mordvinia - Sarkel
Danish A Balanjar S A Mordvinia - Sarkel
Danish A Bashkortostan S A Yugra
Danish A Komia - Saamiland
Danish A Novgorod - Livonia
Danish A Saamiland - Norway
Danish A Stone Belt S A Yugra
Danish A Vyatichia - Severyana
Danish A Yugra Thumbs Nose at West Franks
Danish F Abodrite Sea - Jelling
Danish F North German Sea - Wessex
Danish F South Ocean Sea Bangs Head Against Western Sea Wall
Danish F White Sea C A Komia - Saamiland
French A Al-Qatta'i - Berenice
French A Aquileia - Dalmatia
French A Awlil H
French A Barca - Alexandria *Bounce*
French A Bavaria - Moravia
French A Cyprus H
French A Franconia - Bremen
French A Helvetia - Bavaria
French A Jeliba - Kongo
French A Jerusalem - Damascus
French A Jorvik H
French A Kangaba - Jeliba
French A Luba - Roha *Bounce*
French A Makuran H
French A Mauretania H
French A Sanhaja H
French A Sarkel - Tamantarka *Bounce* *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
French A Sudd S A Luba - Roha
French A Zawila - Alexandria *Bounce*
French F Aegean Sea S F Epirus - Constantinople
French F Alexandria (sc) - Al-Qatta'i
French F Cilician Sea - Attalia *Bounce*
French F East Euxine Sea - West Euxine Sea *Bounce*
French F Epirus - Constantinople
French F Illyrian Sea S A Aquileia - Dalmatia
French F Ionian Sea S F Epirus - Constantinople
French F North Ocean Sea S F Sea of Worms - Icelandic Sea
French F Sea of Tangiers - Sea of Worms
French F Sea of Tyre S A Jerusalem - Damascus
French F Sea of Worms - Icelandic Sea
French F Takrur Sea S F Western Sea
French F Wessex - South German Sea
French F Western Sea H
German A Abkhazia S A Tamantarka
German A Attalia S A Constantinople *Cut*
German A Cappadocia S A Attalia
German A Constantinople S A Attalia *Cut* *Dislodged*
German A Georgia S A Cappadocia
German A Macedonia S A Constantinople
German A Mordvinia - Sarkel
German A Pechenega - Cherson
German A Severyana - Pechenega
German A Tamantarka S A Mordvinia - Sarkel
German F West Euxine Sea S A Constantinople *Cut*
Srivijayan A Axum S A Roha
Srivijayan A Basra S A Sijistan - Isfahan
Srivijayan A Chalukya - Kannuaj
Srivijayan A Kambuja H
Srivijayan A Malao H
Srivijayan A Rastrakuta - Ujjain
Srivijayan A Roha H
Srivijayan A Varanasi S A Chalukya - Kannuaj
Srivijayan A Yemen - Nefud
Srivijayan F Arabian Sea S A Basra
Srivijayan F Butuan H
Srivijayan F Coromandel Bay - Malabar Sea
Srivijayan F Gokomere Sea - Zimbabwe
Srivijayan F Java Sea - Southern Sea
Srivijayan F Malabar Sea - Gulf of Aden
Srivijayan F Namib S F Gokomere Sea - Zimbabwe
Srivijayan F Sea of Cham - Karimata Straits
Srivijayan F Southern Sea - Gokomere Sea
Srivijayan F Zimbabwe - Menuthian Sea
Fall Retreat Possibilities
Arabian A Damascus can retreat to Armenia or disband
Arabian A Isfahan can retreat to Ardebil or disband
French A Sarkel is destroyed (no valid retreats)
German A Constantinople can retreat to Bucellaria, Thrace or disband
Abbasid Caliphate (Arabia) disbands 2 units
Tang Empire (China) builds 1 unit, can build in Buk, ChA, OrB, Sam, Sil, Tib, Uyg, Yan
Kingdom of Denmark makes no adjustments
West Frankish Kingdom (France) builds 9 units, can build in Ale, Ale (nc), Ale (sc), Aqt, Bri, Cad, Cor, Cre, Crs, Dub, Gas, Ifr, JeJ, Jer, Jor (ec), Jor, Jor (wc), Kan, KuS, LBu, Lot, Nar, Nio, Pam, Par, Rom (ec), Rom, Rom (wc), Sal, Sar, Scl, Swa, Tar, Tka, Val, Wal
East Frankish Kingdom (German) builds 1 unit, can build in Kie, Ono, Pec, Pec (ec), Pec (wc), Pol, Sax, Smo
Kingdom of Sri Vijaya builds 1 unit, can build in Adu, Cah, Cho, Jam, Kal, Mah, Man, Plm, Ser, Yem
Kingdom of Axum disbands 1 unit |