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Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through fog and filthy air.


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G.M. emaildriscollej-at-gmail-dot-com
VariantFog of War  [Wiki]
Cur SeasonWinter 07
Next Deadline2020-12-25 @ 13:00:00 GMT
S. C.34
Start Date2020-08-23
End Date2020-12-25
Real-Life Time125 days
Slideshow SC Chart
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Captain of the Watch Gold Star9ddz999cat23Solo 19 14 0 26.47 1345.74
0 England Order of the Jagged Edge Gold Star9jerome777Survival 11 14 0 -4.59 1306.21
0 France Order of the Acorn Blank9trezdkSurvival 2 14 0 -2.41 1108.74
0 Germany Nobleman Blank9tarakashkaSurvival 2 14 0 -4.05 1208.95
0 Italy Captain of the Watch Silver Star9scaponigEliminated 0 10 0 -5.97 1213.71
0 Russia Captain of the Watch Blank9StepperEliminated 0 12 0 -4.68 1154.36
0 Turkey Artisan Blank9Marlinspike33Eliminated 0 14 0 -4.75 1190.29

PREV  Winter 1907 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through fog and filthy air.

Folks, a very happy holiday season to you all. Across Europe the guns have fallen silent, and its battlefields resonate no longer with cries of anguish and pain, but with the soft song of Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht. Total victory belongs to the Austrians, who grabbed 19 SCs for the solo victory! Congratulations to Dan for his triumphant victory! Thank you all for playing this. Most (all?) of you joined after I wrote to those who have played with me in the past, and I appreciate you joining. We have some other fun games open now, including two that are nearly full - one standard game, and one Heptarchy variant. There is also another standard game for veterans (5+ games played on DC) and a Sengoku variant with chaos builds. I will open up another Fog of War variant game after some of the other games fill up and get started, though that will either be with all players known from the start, or gunboat with press.

This was a lot of fun to GM, and though it was a bit choppy at the start with how I determined who met whom, I appreciate all of you for sticking it through and making it one of the most interesting games I've ever seen. It is not hard to imagine how things might have differed had this been a standard game. The wandering Italian unit might have never even started its journey, the west might have unified to meet the Austrian threat, and all sorts of unconventional moves might have been employed. But that's the magic of this - a normal map with abnormal moves! And so we finish only seven years in with a definitive win, as the Austrians take Tunis, Munich, and Petersburg for 18, with Ankara the insurance SC to guarantee a solo.

Those of you who have a Fall 1907 adjudication have received that as well, but below you can find the table with all players, the supply centre chart, and the final omniscient map. One thing to note is that there was a lone dislodged unit to close the game, but there was only one valid retreat and it had no effect on the final result. The game page on DipCorp will be fully updated with maps and adjudication, if not today then tomorrow. Please do write up your after action reports and give us the insights that were veiled! I'm not sure if there was much negotiation or if this felt more like a straight gunboat game for some of you, but I'd like to know how it played out on the ground, and how being unable to see beyond your units/SCs affected how you played.

So enjoy the holidays! I look forward to seeing you in future games I will play or GM, and for the meantime, I wish all of you happy holidays and a happy new year! May 2021 be full of all the joy that 2020 was lacking!

Austria - Dan Dzikowicz - ddz999cat23
England - Jerome Payne - jerome777
France - Rene Kroll - trezdk
Germany - Ilya Guzman - tarakashka
Italy - Steve Caponigri - scaponig
Russia - David Harrison - Stepper
Turkey - Bailey Stutzman - Marlinspike33


Austria: Ankara, Budapest, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Moscow, Munich, Naples, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Smyrna, St. Petersburg, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.
England: Belgium, Berlin, Brest, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London, Norway, Portugal, Spain.
France: Marseilles, Paris.
Germany: Denmark, Sweden.


2. England - Survival, 11 SCs
3. France - Survival, 2 SCs
3. Germany - Survival, 2 SCs
5. Turkey - Eliminated 1907
6. Russia - Eliminated 1906
7. Italy - Eliminated 1905

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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