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dc445 winter 02 - catsfather   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:24 pm)
Adjustment orders for Winter of 1902. (dc455)

Austria: Remove F Albania.

France: Build F Brest.

Russia: Build A Warsaw.

Turkey: Build A Constantinople.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Trieste, A Vienna.
England: F English Channel, A London, F North Sea, F Sweden.
France: F Belgium, F Brest, A Burgundy, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Paris, A
Germany: A Berlin, F Denmark, A Munich, A Picardy, A Ruhr.
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon, F Ionian Sea, A Tyrolia, A Venice.
Russia: F Baltic Sea, A Budapest, A Galicia, F Norway, F Rumania, A St
Petersburg, A Warsaw.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, F Bulgaria(sc), A Constantinople, F Eastern
Mediterranean, A Greece, A Serbia.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Trieste, Vienna.
England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Sweden.
France: Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Serbia, Smyrna.

Austria: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.

The next phase of dc455 will be Movement for Spring of 1903.


DC436 Spring 07 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:23 pm)
We are back.
Sorry for the delay, but I hope that everyone had a great week with family and friends.
For all the movement around northern??Europe (France has landed in London), the major action was in Eurasia. Italy and Turkey bounced in a few places, with Turkey dislodging Italy in Serbia.??

Italy, I will need a retreat from Serbia to either Albania or Trieste.Summer retreats are due Tuesday??November??27 at 8:30 pm (28-11-12 03:30 GMT)
Movement results for Spring of 1907.

England: A Edinburgh - Liverpool (*Fails*).England: F London - Wales.
France: F Belgium - Holland.France: F Brest - English Channel.France: A Burgundy - Belgium.

France: F Denmark - North Sea (*Bounce*).France: F English Channel - London.France: F Liverpool Hold.France: A Marseilles - Burgundy (*Fails*).France: A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Burgundy.

Germany: F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*).Germany: A Finland - Sweden.Germany: A Munich Supports A Picardy - Burgundy.Germany: F Norway - North Sea (*Bounce*).

Germany: A Picardy - Burgundy.Germany: A Prussia - Berlin.Germany: A Ruhr Supports A Picardy - Burgundy.
Italy: F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea (*Fails*).Italy: A Galicia - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Italy: F Ionian Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea.Italy: A Serbia Supports A Galicia - Rumania (*Dislodged*).Italy: A Tyrolia - Bohemia.Italy: A Venice - Tyrolia.

Italy: A Vienna - Budapest.
Russia: A Moscow - St Petersburg.Russia: F St Petersburg(sc) - Livonia.Russia: A Warsaw - Prussia.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports A Greece (*Cut*).

Turkey: A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*).Turkey: A Bulgaria - Serbia.Turkey: A Greece Supports A Bulgaria - Serbia.Turkey: F Rumania - Black Sea.Turkey: A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Turkey: F Smyrna Supports F Aegean Sea.
The following units were dislodged:
Italian A Serbia can retreat to Albania or Trieste.
Unit locations:

England: ?? A Edinburgh, F Wales.France: ?? ??A Belgium, F Denmark, F English Channel, F Holland, F Liverpool, F London, A Marseilles, A Paris.Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, A Burgundy, A Munich, F Norway, A Ruhr, A Sweden.

Italy: ?? ?? A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Eastern Mediterranean, A Galicia, F Ionian Sea, A Tyrolia.Russia: ?? ??F Livonia, A Prussia, A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Aegean Sea, A Armenia, F Black Sea, A Greece, A Serbia, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.

The next phase of DC436 will be Retreats for Spring of 1907.

For Immediate Release...---------------------Italy-Turkey I don???t think we have much to gain your fleets won???t beat mine and mine won???t beat yours, allow one to be defeated, don???t retreat it but disband for an army, and head into Russia with my support.

Italy to France

Keep pie dmz. I think we have very successfully disentangled ourselves and allowed us to make significant progress against the games early leader Germany. I hope we can work together against a common enemy.

.....Just Keep Swimming


Diplomacy Update - USA Holiday Schedule - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:22 pm)
I had hoped to get a round of play done this week before Wednesday (Thursday is Thanksgiving in the USA and Friday isn't useful for anything), but it doesn't look like it is going to work.

I already have players who are not responding to email requests for orders - and I am still waiting on orders. I don't like handing out NMRs, in particular around holidays when the players may not have control over their ability to play. So, I am suspending the game until Monday, November 26. Our current orders will be due then at the regular time, and any revisions to orders will be welcome until then.

I am sorry that I pressured some of you to get orders in over the last few days... especially when there are people that did not submit their orders at all.

Let's work particularly hard here the next few weeks and get as far along in the games as possible - because we will have this same issue at Christmas/New Years.




DC436 Winter 06 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:20 pm)
Here are the results for Winter adjustments 1906
If no one objects, Spring 07 orders will be due in 23 hours at 9:00 pm 11-18-12 (04:00 19-11-12 GMT)

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1906.

France: Build A Paris.France: Build F Brest.Germany: Remove A Budapest.
Germany: Remove A Silesia.Italy: Build A Venice.
Russia: Remove A Livonia.

Unit locations:
England: ?? A Edinburgh, F London.France: ?? ??F Belgium, F Brest, A Burgundy, F Denmark, F English Channel, F Liverpool, A Marseilles, A Paris.

Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Finland, A Munich, F Norway, A Picardy, A Prussia, A Ruhr.Italy: ?? ?? F Eastern Mediterranean, A Galicia, F Ionian Sea, A Serbia, A Tyrolia, A Venice, A Vienna.Russia: ?? ??A Moscow, F St Petersburg(sc), A Warsaw.

Turkey: ?? ??F Aegean Sea, A Armenia, A Bulgaria, A Greece, F Rumania, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.
Ownership of supply centers:
England: ?? Edinburgh, London.France: ?? ??Belgium, Brest, Denmark, Liverpool, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.

Germany: ?? Berlin, Budapest, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Norway, Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? Naples, Rome, Serbia, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna.Russia: ?? ??Moscow, St Petersburg, Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna.

The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Spring of 1907.
For Immediate Release...

Mr Floppy to Deep Throat: Hey baby! If that grouch Lovespuds is staying on the shore, I'll come for that dip with you!

France - Germany: Geez sorry buddy, thought you were going to attack me with that Ruhr move...

Allan Calhamer to Italy:
Doing well as Italy is only for the best players my friend, and it looks like you're doing just fine to me!

Russia to germany - Oww! That is you off my Christmas card list, I'm coming for you now dude!

Strangely Brown to Lovespuds: All this talk of krill is really getting to me, schnookums - want to come pull that turkey wishbone with me? It's not just you that will be giving thanks... Grrrr!

Turkey to Germany: Keep the faith, once we defeat Italy together I will help you with France

Italy to Turkey -??Do I have to fight you for Budapest?


---Just Keep Swimming


DC 436 Autumn 06 Retreats with Maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:19 pm)
Repeat after me... Fish are Friends, not Food
We have a quick turn around with our Autumn retreats, so we move to Winter 06 adjustments. Germany was able to secure a former Russian territory, but lost two to France. France was able to take both Denmark and Belgium. Italy was able to take Serbia and Russia is out one unit.

Winter Adjustments are due Saturday, Nov 17 at 9:00 pm MST (04:00 18-11-12 GMT)
Does anyone have issue with having Spring 07 orders due Sunday night, 9:00 PM MST? Let me know... I will try to get 07 done by Wednesday night.

France: Builds ?? 2 units.
Germany: Removes ??2 units.Italy: Builds ?? 1 unit.Russia: Removes ??1 unit.
Retreat orders for Fall of 1906.

Germany: A Belgium - Picardy.Germany: A Vienna - Budapest.
Italy: F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean.
Unit locations:

England: ?? A Edinburgh, F London.France: ?? ??F Belgium, A Burgundy, F Denmark, F English Channel, F Liverpool, A Marseilles.Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Budapest, A Finland, A Munich, F Norway, A Picardy, A Prussia, A Ruhr, A Silesia.

Italy: ?? ?? F Eastern Mediterranean, A Galicia, F Ionian Sea, A Serbia, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.Russia: ?? ??A Livonia, A Moscow, F St Petersburg(sc), A Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??F Aegean Sea, A Armenia, A Bulgaria, A Greece, F Rumania, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:
England: ?? Edinburgh, London.France: ?? ??Belgium, Brest, Denmark, Liverpool, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Berlin, Budapest, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Norway, Sweden.

Italy: ?? ?? Naples, Rome, Serbia, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna.Russia: ?? ??Moscow, St Petersburg, Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna.

Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.England: ?? ??2 Supply centers, ??2 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.France: ?? ?? 8 Supply centers, ??6 Units: ??Builds ?? 2 units.

Germany: ?? ??7 Supply centers, ??9 Units: ??Removes ??2 units.Italy: ?? ?? ??7 Supply centers, ??6 Units: ??Builds ?? 1 unit.Russia: ?? ?? 3 Supply centers, ??4 Units: ??Removes ??1 unit.Turkey: ?? ?? 7 Supply centers, ??7 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

The next phase of DC436 will be Adjustments for Winter of 1906.
For Immediate Release....
hmm... sure is quiet
---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Fall 06 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:17 pm)
Fish are Friends, not Food

We made up for the lack of action last season this time!

England is still alive. France and Italy have struck Germany hard and Germany is looking at two disbands. Italy tried to gain ground in Greece too, but failed. Turkey expected to be attacked in Bulgaria, but the attack never came there... thankfully he was still able to withhold the attack on Greece. Russia?

The only unit needing input for the retreat is Germany in Vienna. You can retreat to Budapest, Bohemia or disband.

Retreat orders will be due by tonight at 8:30 pm (03:30 16-11-12 GMT)
I will get new information out for winter adjustments as soon as I hear from Germany. I will try to run a condensed year next week so we can get our usual season in without affecting the Thanksgiving holiday in the US to much.

Movement results for Fall of 1906.??

England: A Clyde - Edinburgh.England: F London Hold.
France: A Burgundy Supports F English Channel - Belgium.

France: F English Channel - Belgium.France: F Liverpool Hold.France: A Marseilles Supports A Burgundy.France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel.France: F North Sea - Denmark.

Germany: A Belgium - Holland (*Dislodged*).Germany: A Berlin - Prussia.Germany: A Finland - Norway (*Fails*).Germany: A Munich - Tyrolia (*Fails*).Germany: F Norway - Finland (*Fails*).

Germany: F Prussia - Baltic Sea.Germany: A Ruhr - Holland (*Bounce*).Germany: A Silesia Supports A Berlin - Prussia.Germany: A Vienna Supports A Munich - Tyrolia (*Dislodged*).

Italy: F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Dislodged*).Italy: A Galicia Supports A Trieste - Vienna.Italy: F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Fails*).Italy: A Serbia Supports F Ionian Sea - Greece.

Italy: A Trieste - Vienna.Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Vienna (*Cut*).
Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia - St Petersburg(sc).Russia: A Livonia Supports F Gulf of Bothnia - St Petersburg(sc).

Russia: A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Fails*).Russia: A Warsaw - Moscow (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Ankara - Armenia.Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Greece.Turkey: F Constantinople - Aegean Sea.

Turkey: A Greece Supports A Bulgaria (*Cut*).Turkey: F Rumania Supports A Bulgaria.Turkey: A Sevastopol Supports F Rumania (*Cut*).Turkey: F Smyrna Supports F Constantinople - Aegean Sea.

The following units were dislodged:
Italian F Aegean Sea can retreat to Eastern Mediterranean.German A Belgium can retreat to Picardy.German A Vienna can retreat to Budapest or Bohemia.

Unit locations:
England: ?? A Edinburgh, F London.France: ?? ??F Belgium, A Burgundy, F Denmark, F English Channel, F Liverpool, A Marseilles.
Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Finland, A Munich, F Norway, A Prussia, A Ruhr, A Silesia.Italy: ?? ?? A Galicia, F Ionian Sea, A Serbia, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.Russia: ?? ??A Livonia, A Moscow, F St Petersburg(sc), A Warsaw.

Turkey: ?? ??F Aegean Sea, A Armenia, A Bulgaria, A Greece, F Rumania, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.

The next phase of DC436 will be Retreats for Fall of 1906.

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Spring 06 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:16 pm)
Only a few bounces this round, and little taking place. Spring is often a dull season, and this one proved to be mostly??positioning for later moves.????
A note to Germany, Russia, Turkey and Italy re: orders... please check your orders when fleets are involved with multiple coast??territories.

We move on to Fall 06. Orders will be due on Wednesday, November 14 at 8:30 PM MST (03:30 15-11-12 GMT)
Movement results for Spring of 1906.??
England: A Clyde - Edinburgh (*Bounce*).

England: F Wales - London.
France: F Brest - English Channel.France: F Irish Sea - Liverpool.France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Brest - English Channel.
France: F North Sea - Edinburgh (*Bounce*).
France: A Picardy - Burgundy.France: A Spain - Marseilles.
Germany: F Baltic Sea - Prussia.Germany: A Belgium Hold.Germany: A Berlin Supports A Munich - Silesia.

Germany: A Holland - Ruhr.Germany: A Kiel - Munich.Germany: A Munich - Silesia.Germany: F Norway - St Petersburg(nc) (*Bounce*).Germany: A Sweden - Finland.Germany: A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Fails*).

Italy: F Aegean Sea Hold.Italy: A Albania - Serbia.Italy: A Bohemia - Galicia.Italy: F Ionian Sea Supports F Aegean Sea.Italy: A Trieste Supports A Albania - Serbia.

Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste (*Cut*).
Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia - St Petersburg(sc) (*Bounce*).Russia: A Moscow Hold.Russia: A Prussia - Livonia.Russia: A Silesia - Warsaw.

Turkey: A Ankara - Smyrna (*Fails*).Turkey: A Armenia - Sevastopol.Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Serbia - Greece.Turkey: F Constantinople Supports F Smyrna - Aegean Sea.

Turkey: A Serbia - Greece.Turkey: F Sevastopol - Rumania.Turkey: F Smyrna - Aegean Sea (*Fails*).
Unit locations:
England: ?? A Clyde, F London.

France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Liverpool, A Marseilles, F??Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Sea.Germany: ?? A Belgium, A Berlin, A Finland, A Munich, F Norway, F Prussia, A??Ruhr, A Silesia, A Vienna.

Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Galicia, F Ionian Sea, A Serbia, A Trieste, A??Tyrolia.Russia: ?? ??F Gulf of Bothnia, A Livonia, A Moscow, A Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??A Ankara, A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, A Greece, F Rumania, A??Sevastopol, F Smyrna.

The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Fall of 1906.

For Immediate Release...--------------------------
Italy ??? turkey

I love your shiny new fleet don???t sail west keep it in dock so it stay all nice and new.

Germany to Russia
Let???s make peace and attack turkey
Deep Throat to Lovespuds: Looks like we're going for a splash in the sea, baby! Hope you brought your swimmers!

Turkey to RussiaConfused?Great we are now allies we will rule the world until I stab you
England to anyone-help!
Germany to everyone -??I am going for the solo

Turkey to ItalyConfused?Let???s be friends
Italy to Allan Calhamer

Why is Italy so difficult to play look at the stats Allan.--------------------------

--Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Winter 05 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:15 pm)
Oh look--- Krill. ??The whale is coming from behind... who will get swallowed next?
Here are the results from the Winter 05 adjustments.

Spring 05 orders are due on Monday, November 12 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 13-11-12 GMT)

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1905.
England: Remove F Yorkshire.England: Remove F Edinburgh.France: Build F Brest.
Germany: Build A Berlin.

Germany: Build A Kiel.Italy: Remove F Tyrrhenian Sea.
Russia: Remove A Budapest.
Turkey: Build F Smyrna.
Turkey: Build F Constantinople.Turkey: Build A Ankara.

Unit locations:
England: ?? A Clyde, F Wales.France: ?? ??F Brest, F Irish Sea, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Sea, A Picardy,??A Spain.Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Berlin, A Holland, A Kiel, A Munich, F??Norway, A Sweden, A Vienna.

Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Albania, A Bohemia, F Ionian Sea, A Trieste, A??Tyrolia.Russia: ?? ??F Gulf of Bothnia, A Moscow, A Prussia, A Silesia.Turkey: ?? ??A Ankara, A Armenia, A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, A Serbia, F??Sevastopol, F Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:
England: ?? Edinburgh, London.France: ?? ??Brest, Liverpool, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Norway, Sweden,??Vienna.

Italy: ?? ?? Greece, Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.Russia: ?? ??Budapest, Moscow, St Petersburg, Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol,??Smyrna.

The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Spring of 1906.
For Immediate Release...-----------------------Well done Turkey!-----------------------

--- Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Fall 05 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:14 pm)
Nemo was bouncing on all the jellies this season. There were so many bounces I got dizzy! Despite that, there was a lot of ground that changed hands this year... Everyone gets to either build or remove some units. England did a nice move to remove France from Liverpool, but lost two supply centers in the process. Germany saw some success in the north, but nothing much came of the moves in the south. Italy was bouncing everywhere but has been able to hold on to Eastern Europe. Russia allowed? Turkey into Sevastopol. Perhaps this is his was of hunting? Turkey was able to hold off Italy and Russia and gained three supply centers in the process!

England: Removes ??2 units.France: Builds ?? 1 unit.
Germany: Builds ?? 2 units.Italy: Removes ??1 unit.Russia: Removes ??1 unit.Turkey: Builds ?? 3 units.

Winter 05 adjustments are due Saturday night, Nov 10 at 9:00 pm MST (04:00 11-11-12 GMT)

Movement results for Fall of 1905.

England: A Clyde Supports F North Sea - Edinburgh.England: F London - Yorkshire.England: F North Sea - Edinburgh.England: F Wales - Liverpool (*Bounce*).

France: A Brest - Picardy.France: A Edinburgh - Liverpool (*Disbanded*).France: F English Channel - North Sea.France: A Gascony - Spain.France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea.

France: F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
Germany: F Baltic Sea - Berlin (*Bounce*).Germany: A Belgium Hold.Germany: A Denmark - Sweden.Germany: A Holland Supports A Belgium.

Germany: A Munich - Tyrolia (*Bounce*).Germany: F Sweden - Norway.Germany: A Trieste - Tyrolia (*Disbanded*).Germany: A Vienna - Bohemia (*Fails*).
Italy: F Aegean Sea - Smyrna (*Bounce*).

Italy: A Albania Supports A Venice - Trieste.Italy: A Bohemia - Vienna (*Bounce*).Italy: F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Bounce*).Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia - Vienna (*Cut*).

Italy: A Venice - Trieste.Italy: F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea.
Russia: A Budapest - Vienna (*Bounce*).Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea (*Fails*).

Russia: A Livonia - Prussia.Russia: A Moscow Hold.Russia: A Silesia - Berlin (*Bounce*).
Turkey: A Armenia - Smyrna (*Bounce*).Turkey: A Bulgaria - Greece (*Bounce*).

Turkey: A Rumania - Serbia.Turkey: F Sevastopol Hold.
Unit locations:
England: ?? A Clyde, F Edinburgh, F Wales, F Yorkshire.France: ?? ??F Irish Sea, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Sea, A Picardy, A Spain.

Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Holland, A Munich, F Norway, A Sweden, A Vienna.Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Albania, A Bohemia, F Ionian Sea, A Trieste, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea.
Russia: ?? ??A Budapest, F Gulf of Bothnia, A Moscow, A Prussia, A Silesia.Turkey: ?? ??A Armenia, A Bulgaria, A Serbia, F Sevastopol.
Ownership of supply centers:

England: ?? Edinburgh, London.France: ?? ??Brest, Liverpool, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Norway, Sweden, Vienna.
Italy: ?? ?? Greece, Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.Russia: ?? ??Budapest, Moscow, St Petersburg, Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Smyrna.

England: ?? ??2 Supply centers, ??4 Units: ??Removes ??2 units.France: ?? ?? 6 Supply centers, ??5 Units: ??Builds ?? 1 unit.
Germany: ?? ??9 Supply centers, ??7 Units: ??Builds ?? 2 units.Italy: ?? ?? ??6 Supply centers, ??7 Units: ??Removes ??1 unit.Russia: ?? ?? 4 Supply centers, ??5 Units: ??Removes ??1 unit.Turkey: ?? ?? 7 Supply centers, ??4 Units: ??Builds ?? 3 units.

The next phase of DC436 will be Adjustments for Winter of 1905.
For Immediate Release...
Italy to France

Wms retreats in a gesture of good will. Please get your armies active and into bur and pic to start pressing the german

Italy to Russia

We need to stick together!

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Summer 05 retreat results with maps and pres... - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:13 pm)
Here are the retreats for Summer 05

We move on to Fall 05

Orders are due on Thursday, November 8 at 9:00 am MST (8-11-12 16:00 GMT)

(FYI... one of the reasons we took last week off, and have been a bit slow this week is we have a player who has been away at his parent's house on the east coast of the USA helping them prepare for and clean up after the storms. We have kept the game moving, but hopefully a bit slower to give him time to deal with life - as far as I can tell, they didn't have any serious problems)

Retreat orders for Spring of 1905.

Italy: F Bulgaria(sc) - Aegean Sea.Italy: A Trieste - Venice.
Russia: F Baltic Sea - Gulf of Bothnia.
Russia: A Sevastopol - Moscow.
Unit locations:
England: ?? A Clyde, F London, F North Sea, F Wales.France: ?? ??A Brest, A Edinburgh, F English Channel, A Gascony, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Spain(sc).

Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Denmark, A Holland, A Munich, F Sweden, A Trieste, A Vienna.Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Albania, A Bohemia, F Ionian Sea, A Tyrolia, A Venice, F Western Mediterranean.

Russia: ?? ??A Budapest, F Gulf of Bothnia, A Livonia, A Moscow, A Silesia.Turkey: ?? ??A Armenia, A Bulgaria, A Rumania, F Sevastopol.

The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Fall of 1905.

For Immediate Release...
We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,

we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender,
and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island will
fall to the French hands -- Germany will solo.


--- Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Spring 05 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:11 pm)
Is everyone else as busy as I seem to be? I am sorry I am late again, but here are the much anticipated results for Spring 05!

England is still being chased by France. Germany and Russia are fighting on two fronts - in Baltic and in Eastern Europe along with Italy. Turkey was able to break the stalemate in the Black Sea and was able to make an advance on Russia there. Italy took a hit both in Trieste and Bulgaria.

Russian F Baltic Sea can retreat to Gulf of Bothnia or Prussia.
Russian A Sevastopol can retreat to Moscow or Ukraine.
Italian F Bulgaria(sc) can retreat to Aegean Sea or Greece.
Italian A Trieste can retreat to Venice or Serbia.

We have elections here in the USA tonight, so orders will be due in the morning here.

Summer 05 retreats due Wednesday November 7 at 9:00 am MST (16:00 7-11-12 GMT)

Movement results for Spring of 1905.

England: A Edinburgh - Clyde.
England: F English Channel - Wales.England: F Holland - North Sea.England: F North Sea - London.

France: F Irish Sea - English Channel.France: A Liverpool - Edinburgh.

France: A Marseilles - Gascony.France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Irish Sea - English Channel.France: A Picardy - Brest.

France: F Spain(sc) Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
Germany: A Belgium Supports A Kiel - Holland.

Germany: F Berlin - Baltic Sea.Germany: A Budapest - Trieste.Germany: A Denmark - Kiel (*Bounce*).

Germany: A Kiel - Holland.Germany: A Munich - Kiel (*Bounce*).Germany: F Sweden Supports F Berlin - Baltic Sea.

Germany: A Vienna Supports A Budapest - Trieste.
Italy: A Apulia - Albania.

Italy: F Bulgaria(sc) Hold (*Dislodged*).Italy: F Ionian Sea Convoys A Apulia - Albania.Italy: A Trieste Supports A Venice - Tyrolia (*Dislodged*).

Italy: A Tyrolia - Bohemia.Italy: A Venice - Tyrolia.Italy: F Western Mediterranean Hold.

Russia: F Baltic Sea - Berlin (*Dislodged*).Russia: A Serbia - Budapest.

Russia: A Sevastopol Hold (*Dislodged*).Russia: A St Petersburg - Livonia.Russia: A Warsaw - Silesia.

Turkey: A Armenia Supports F Black Sea - Sevastopol.Turkey: F Black Sea - Sevastopol.

Turkey: A Constantinople - Bulgaria.Turkey: A Rumania Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria.

The following units were dislodged:
Russian F Baltic Sea can retreat to Gulf of Bothnia or Prussia.

Italian F Bulgaria(sc) can retreat to Aegean Sea or Greece.Russian A Sevastopol can retreat to Moscow or Ukraine.Italian A Trieste can retreat to Venice or Serbia.

Unit locations:
England: ?? A Clyde, F London, F North Sea, F Wales.

France: ?? ??A Brest, A Edinburgh, F English Channel, A Gascony, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Spain(sc).Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Denmark, A Holland, A Munich, F Sweden, A Trieste, A Vienna.

Italy: ?? ?? A Albania, A Bohemia, F Ionian Sea, A Tyrolia, F Western Mediterranean.
Russia: ?? ??A Budapest, A Livonia, A Silesia.Turkey: ?? ??A Armenia, A Bulgaria, A Rumania, F Sevastopol.

The next phase of DC436 will be Retreats for Spring of 1905.

For Immediate Release...-----------------------------

Turkey from the Tsar.....Turn West and together we will JUGGERNAUGHT to victory!

---Just Keep Swimming!


DC436 Press 05 - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:09 pm)
For Immediate Release...
Hi Russia please support Italy to hold in bul, you don???t want tur getting a build and Germany finding things easier against me if I get a disband


Italy to France

Sorry panicked when you built f Marseilles, the fleet is simply sitting there, not intent or threat merely defensive, see form the rest of my moves and you will understand.

Silver Tongue to Deep Throat: How come we don't talk anymore, baby?
Italy to all players

I predict German solo.

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Press 05 - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:08 pm)
For Immediate Release...
England to FranceConfused? You can still??stop this??.??Please do.

France to Germany: The Isles are just fine for me, thanks!

France to Italy: What's with the fleet in WMS?

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Press 05 (dc436) cbconnell Jan 25, 04:09 pm
For Immediate Release...
Hi Russia please support Italy to hold in bul, you don???t want tur getting a build and Germany finding things easier against me if I get a disband


Italy to France

Sorry panicked when you built f Marseilles, the fleet is simply sitting there, not intent or threat merely defensive, see form the rest of my moves and you will understand.

Silver Tongue to Deep Throat: How come we don't talk anymore, baby?
Italy to all players

I predict German solo.

---Just Keep Swimming
DC436 Winter 04 results with maps and press & anno... - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:07 pm)
Here are the results for the Winter 04 builds...??
FYI ??We are going to take a break from the game for a week. One of our player's parents lives on the east coast of the US, and he has gone to help them prepare for the storm that is due to hit Monday night/Tuesday morning. We have been playing hard for the last month, so a week off may be in order.

Feel free to send orders or revisions during the week.

Spring 05 orders will be due Monday, November 5, at 8:30 PM MST (03:30 6-11-12 GMT - Summer Time ends here on Sunday next)
Adjustment orders for Winter of 1904.??

Austria: Remove A Tuscany.England: Build A Edinburgh.Germany: Build F Berlin.
Italy: Build A Venice.
Unit locations:
England: ?? A Edinburgh, F English Channel, F Holland, F North Sea.France: ?? ??F Irish Sea, A Liverpool, A Marseilles, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A??Picardy, F Spain(sc).

Germany: ?? A Belgium, F Berlin, A Budapest, A Denmark, A Kiel, A Munich, F??Sweden, A Vienna.Italy: ?? ?? A Apulia, F Bulgaria(sc), F Ionian Sea, A Trieste, A Tyrolia, A??Venice, F Western Mediterranean.

Russia: ?? ??F Baltic Sea, A Serbia, A Sevastopol, A St Petersburg, A Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??A Armenia, F Black Sea, A Constantinople, A Rumania.
Ownership of supply centers:

England: ?? Edinburgh, Holland, London, Norway.France: ?? ??Brest, Liverpool, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Belgium, Berlin, Budapest, Denmark, Kiel, Munich, Sweden, Vienna.

Italy: ?? ?? Bulgaria, Greece, Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.Russia: ?? ??Moscow, Serbia, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Constantinople, Rumania, Smyrna.

The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Spring of 1905.
For Immediate Release...-----------------------

Germany to Russia. ??Are you ready to talk yet? We are bashing heads, Italy is using you, England is vulnerable. Let me know.

Germany to France. Are you okay with just the isles? Nice move, keep your eye on Italy. If you come to Piedmont... great.

Germany to Austria. If it wasn't gunboat, maybe. Sorry but where were you?

Germany to Turkey. ??Nice wait. Break your silence, what do you need?----------------------
--Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Autumn 04 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:06 pm)
First, We say goodbye to Austria this week (I will reveal all the players at the end of the game). Russia claimed Austria's last supply center in the retreat and Austria is forced to disband. England has chosen to disband Sweden.??This Winter, England, Germany and Italy each get 1 build.

Winter Builds are due Saturday night, 10:00 PM MDT (04:00 28-10-12 GMT)
(are we going too fast? at this point in the game, do we need more time to plan? let me know your feelings)

Retreat orders for Fall of 1904.??
England: disband A Sweden.
Russia: A Budapest - Serbia.

England: Builds ??1 unit.Germany: 1 unit.Italy: Builds ?? 1 unit.
The next phase of DC436 will be Adjustments for Winter of 1904.

--Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Fall 04 results with maps and Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:05 pm)
Nemo was spotted... oh wait, I did that joke.
We had some serious game play this time. France made a nice move into Liverpool, around the English Channel. England and Germany fought over Sweden with Germany prevailing. Italy was able to take Bulgaria from Turkey, but Turkey was able to take Rumania. Germany and Russia went all in for Budapest, with Russia taking a beating this time.??

Russia has a choice to make... if Russia retreats to Serbia, Austria looses his only supply center and is out of the game. If Russia decides to disband, Austria plays another year.

England in Sweden can retreat to Norway, Finland or disband, and Russia in??Budapest can retreat to Serbia or disband.Please submit these retreat orders by 8:30 pm MDT Thursday (02:30 26-10-12 GMT)

Movement results for Fall of 1904.
Austria: A Piedmont - Tuscany.
England: F English Channel - Brest (*Bounce*).England: F North Sea - Holland.

England: F Norway - North Sea.England: A Sweden Hold (*Dislodged*).
France: A Brest - Liverpool.France: F Irish Sea Convoys A Brest - Liverpool.France: A Marseilles Supports F Spain(sc).

France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Brest - Liverpool.France: A Picardy - Brest (*Bounce*).France: F Spain(sc) Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
Germany: F Baltic Sea - Sweden.

Germany: A Belgium Hold.Germany: A Denmark Supports F Baltic Sea - Sweden.Germany: A Galicia - Budapest.Germany: A Kiel Supports A Denmark.Germany: A Munich - Tyrolia (*Fails*).

Germany: A Vienna Supports A Galicia - Budapest.
Italy: F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea.Italy: F Greece - Bulgaria(sc).Italy: A Rome - Apulia.Italy: A Trieste Supports A Venice - Tyrolia.

Italy: A Venice - Tyrolia.Italy: F Western Mediterranean Hold.
Russia: A Armenia - Sevastopol.Russia: A Budapest Hold (*Dislodged*).Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea.

Russia: F Rumania - Bulgaria(ec) (*Disbanded*).Russia: A Silesia - Warsaw.Russia: A St Petersburg Hold.
Turkey: F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania.Turkey: A Bulgaria - Rumania.

Turkey: A Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria (*Ordered to Move*).Turkey: A Smyrna - Armenia.
The following units were dislodged:
Russian A Budapest can retreat to Serbia or disband

English A Sweden can retreat to Norway, Finland or disband
For Immediate Release...-------------------------

Italy to France
Sorry I though following the build of fleet mar you were coming for me, the move to spa sc proves you were not! F wms is clearly defensive only-check out my other moves.


---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Summer 04 Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:03 pm)
For Immediate Release...

----------------------------Tsar (real this time) to England: You have a friend and as such I am asking you to move your fleet out of Nwy. This will show that we are together in ridding the world of Germany and it will allow me to get that Stp army into the land war. In exchange you will get my fleet attacking the German fleet in Bal.


Tsar (maybe real maybe not) to Germany: So my friend, what will you cover? Ber, Hol, Bel? Looks to me like your empire will be taking a step or two back this season. Very sad to see. "Note to self" head towards Ber, worth the trade in the long run.


Tsar (yep real one this time) to Italy: Looking good but could use your support in Bud, want some help in Bul? Let us chat over some lemonchello!


--- Just keep swimming


DC436 Spring 04 Results with maps and Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:02 pm)
Alright... here are the results from the Spring 04 orders.

England was able to hold his own against Germany and France... however the most sought after territory this round was Tyrolia! Germany, Austria, and Italy all attempted to move into that one small space. The surprise is that no one succeeded!

We move on to Fall 04, orders will be due Wednesday, Oct 24 at 8:30 pm (25-10-12 02:30 GMT)

Send any press for distribution tonight... I will send press around 9 pm (03:00 GMT)

Movement results for Spring of 1904.

Austria: A Piedmont - Tyrolia (*Fails*).
England: F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*).England: F North Sea Supports A Sweden - Denmark.
England: F Norway - Sweden (*Fails*).England: A Sweden - Denmark (*Fails*).
France: A Brest Hold.France: A Burgundy - Marseilles.France: F Liverpool - Irish Sea.

France: F Marseilles - Spain(sc).France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel (*Fails*).France: A Picardy Supports A Belgium.
Germany: F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark (*Cut*).

Germany: A Belgium Hold.Germany: A Denmark Hold.Germany: A Kiel Supports A Denmark.Germany: A Munich - Tyrolia (*Bounce*).Germany: A Silesia - Galicia.Germany: A Vienna Supports A Munich - Tyrolia.

Italy: F Aegean Sea Supports F Greece - Bulgaria(sc).Italy: F Greece - Bulgaria(sc) (*Fails*).Italy: A Rome - Venice (*Fails*).Italy: A Trieste Supports A Venice - Tyrolia.

Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean.Italy: A Venice - Tyrolia (*Bounce*).
Russia: F Black Sea - Rumania.Russia: A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Vienna (*Void*).

Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea (*Fails*).Russia: A Sevastopol - Armenia.Russia: A St Petersburg Hold.Russia: A Warsaw - Silesia.
Turkey: F Ankara - Black Sea.

Turkey: A Armenia - Smyrna.Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Constantinople (*Cut*).Turkey: A Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria.

For Immediate Release....

Tsar (the real one...perhaps) to EnglandConfused? It is good to have a
friend.?? Onward to Berlin and a nice even split of the bratwurst!
Tsar (the real one...perhaps) to ItalyConfused? I will of course support
you into Vie as I am sure you will move on Bul/Smy/Con we can't have the
Turk get a build now can we.?? Next stop Turkish extermination!

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Winter 03 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:00 pm)
Adjustment orders for Winter of 1903.
France: Build F Marseilles.
Italy: Build A Rome.
Spring 04 orders will then be due on Monday, October 22 at 8:30 pm MDT 02:30 23-10-12 GMT)

Unit locations:
Austria: ?? A Piedmont.
England: ?? F English Channel, F North Sea, F Norway, A Sweden.France: ?? ??A Brest, A Burgundy, F Liverpool, F Marseilles, F Mid-Atlantic??Ocean, A Picardy.Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Denmark, A Kiel, A Munich, A Silesia, A??Vienna.

Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, F Greece, A Rome, A Trieste, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A??Venice.Russia: ?? ??F Black Sea, A Budapest, F Gulf of Bothnia, A Sevastopol, A St??Petersburg, A Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??F Ankara, A Armenia, A Bulgaria, A Constantinople.

Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: ?? Serbia.England: ?? Edinburgh, London, Norway, Sweden.France: ?? ??Brest, Liverpool, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.

Germany: ?? Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Vienna.Italy: ?? ?? Greece, Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.Russia: ?? ??Budapest, Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw.

Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.
For Immediate Release...----------------------------

Italy to France
My build reveals my peaceful intent to you, as have my moves. I hope yours will do the same.

??Italy to Russia

I will be attacking vie, with your support I hope and I will reciprocate soon, we have plenty of opportunities to work together but I imagine a German disband would please you.


France - Germany: Of course I supported Belgium, it was the best move available for both you and for me!??

France - Italy: I appreciate the way you've been moving this year. Am hoping this marks the start of a new relationship between us.

Lovespuds to Deep Throat: Ooooh, you are a saucy one, aren't you! If Silver Tongue ever trumps on your trump, you can come and begin Phase Two with MY operation any time you like, baby!

The deep throat comment???what the hell does that mean?
Hi Russia will you support me into vie, you did it once before??? why not again. I am pretty sure we can find a way for me to repay you plus it is in your interests to peg bag the German aggressor.

Love italy
??Hi France. As you can see my fleets are well away. Bel awaits your beneficent liberation, don???t disappoint them. I???m hoping mar and pie plus the associated sea zones can be dmz.

Love Italy
??Hi Germany
Why would you take vie, I???ve been so sweet on my press about you???how could you.??J
Kind regards (not love) from Italy----------------------------
Austria to Germany - Good job taking Vie. Sit tight and hopefully some trouble can be stirred up.??Enjoy the Von Trapp Family singers!
Austria to England - Hey there, it's nice to see you loaning Liverpool to France. It's that kind of trust and graciousness that is so often lacking in these contentious games.
??Austria to Russia - I think there's a lot of alliance going on and not enough infighting. You can fix this.
Austria to France - If you take the English Channel and Belgium, you're home free.??
Austria to Turkey - You're rather cooked (apologies for the pun) right now, soon to be utterly roasted over the fires of greater powers. Make bold moves, even if they might fail.
??Austria to Nemo - trying to impress your friends always ends badly.----------------------------

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Autumn 03 retreat results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 3:59 pm)
Austria has disbanded the unit in Greece and has moved to??Piedmont.
We are now awaiting orders for the Winter 03 builds.

France and Italy will each get one build. Please submit build orders??orders by 8:30 pm Saturday MDT (2:30 21-10-12 GMT)

Spring 04 orders will then be due on Monday, October 22 at 8:30 pm MDT 02:30 23-10-12 GMT)
Continue to send press as well. I will send press with the Winter build results Saturday night.

Unit locations:
Austria: ?? A Piedmont.England: ?? F English Channel, F North Sea, F Norway, A Sweden.France: ?? ??A Brest, A Burgundy, F Liverpool, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy.

Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Denmark, A Kiel, A Munich, A Silesia, A Vienna.Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, F Greece, A Trieste, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.Russia: ?? ??F Black Sea, A Budapest, F Gulf of Bothnia, A Sevastopol, A St??Petersburg, A Warsaw.

Turkey: ?? ??F Ankara, A Armenia, A Bulgaria, A Constantinople.
Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: ?? Serbia.England: ?? Edinburgh, London, Norway, Sweden.

France: ?? ??Brest, Liverpool, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Vienna.Italy: ?? ?? Greece, Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.

Russia: ?? ??Budapest, Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.


DC436 Fall 03 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 3:59 pm)
Do you know who your friends are yet? Can you??believe??all the press that you read?

We had a break in the Russia/Turkey stalemate... kind of. ??Let's see what happens there next, shall we? Austria and Italy are still going at it too- Austria just hasn't gone away like people had planed. France has landed on the shores of England, even while England held's it's own in Sweden.??

Austria however was dislodged from both its territories, so I will need retreat orders by 8:30 pm Saturday MDT (2:30 21-10-12 GMT) or sooner?

One unit will need to retreat, the other disbanded.
France and Italy will each get one build. Please submit build orders??orders by 8:30 pm Saturday MDT (2:30 21-10-12 GMT) as well. Italy, I will try to get you information on Austria's plans before your build orders will be due.

Spring 04 orders will then be due on Monday, October 22 at 8:30 pm MDT 02:30 23-10-12 GMT)

Again, sorry for the delay in these results... meetings that go till 11pm don't help me get the fun stuff done.

Movement results for Fall of 1903.??

Austria: F Greece Hold (*Dislodged*).Austria: A Venice Hold (*Dislodged*).

England: F English Channel - Belgium (*Fails*).England: F North Sea Supports F English Channel - Belgium.

England: F Norway Supports A Sweden.England: A Sweden Hold.

France: A Gascony - Brest.France: A Marseilles - Burgundy.France: F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool.

France: A Picardy Supports A Belgium.France: F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

Germany: F Baltic Sea - Sweden (*Fails*).Germany: A Belgium Hold.Germany: A Berlin - Silesia.

Germany: A Denmark Supports F Baltic Sea - Sweden.Germany: A Kiel Supports A Denmark.Germany: A Munich Supports A Berlin - Silesia.

Germany: A Tyrolia - Vienna.
Italy: F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea - Greece.

Italy: F Ionian Sea - Greece.Italy: A Rome - Venice.Italy: A Trieste Supports A Rome - Venice.

Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold.
Russia: A Budapest - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea (*Fails*).Russia: A Rumania - Sevastopol.Russia: F Sevastopol - Black Sea.

Russia: A St Petersburg Hold.Russia: A Warsaw - Silesia (*Fails*).

Turkey: F Ankara Hold.Turkey: A Armenia Hold.Turkey: A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Turkey: A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*).
The following units were dislodged:

Austrian F Greece can retreat to Albania.Austrian A Venice can retreat to Apulia or Piedmont or Tuscany or Tyrolia.

For Immediate Release...

Deep Throat to Silver Tongue: Phase Two of our operation is beginning, you know we gonna come up trumps baby!


England to France:
I must admit your moves are very alarming, ecpecially vacating Brest and heading to NAO.
However I'm taking my chances and hope this doesn't mean your'e heading towards me, as this will ruin
both of us. I will vacate Eng per your request hoping for the good.

Italy to turkey
is little to gain from you propping up ah and further boxing yourself
in. Allow me into gre and I will reciprocate by helping you into Serbia.
We can
renegotiate from there. I pose no threat to Smyrna.
Italy to France
feel free to dmz mar/pie area. I have shown my good will and changed
direction. By doing this we both have security, you can reclaim full
control over
Bur and you leave mar free for a build should I ever play dirty.
Italy to Germany
get out of my backyard! Don???t even think of taking vie, or I will
seriously consider removing you from my Christmas Card list.
Italy to Russia
Let???s still be friends!
Italy to England
Well done. Heligoland looks nice, bel looks even better, plus fra would probably like channel dmz!

Germany to England. Honestly I
had assumed someone had mimicked you there, since Germany attacking
Russia while England masses in Scandinavia is pretty silly... if you're
Germany anyhow. ??Perhaps you felt the same about spreading yourself into
Russia. Well you have made your choice, as much as I don't agree with
the long term planning. I hope it wasn't Italy's self-serving diplomacy
that influenced you. I will try to keep them both busy as long as I can,
let me know if you have a change of heart.

to France. It seems there isn't to be a three way, and now I ask you to
look beyond the short term. Russia is going to be pretty well off soon,
I guess I should be screaming "board leader! board leader!". Hopefully
you wait a little while at least to see how things work out. ??Italy
talks about me as the "task at hand" as though I am a threat to anyone
other than him, so I am hopeful that you will leave me alone enough to
continue to annoy him at least. ??As much as I want Austria to be in
this, I still think it is too late, and now dealing with England I won't
be able to help him much. ??You know where I hope you planted your
fleet, although the west coast of England is pretty miserable in the
fall from what I hear. Italy has moved away from you because he has
other issues now (Austria is now playing), but I wouldn't take my eye
off him. And Oh My do I ever hope you supported Belgium.

to Turkey. ??I'm hoping you stay the course. ??Russia can't move for
another season or two at least, as long as you don't change plans, and
he has now been given free reign everywhere else.----------------------------------------

...just keep swimming


DC436 Summer 03 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 3:58 pm)
Retreat orders for Spring of 1903.??
Germany: A Sweden - Denmark.
Italy: A Venice - Rome.
Unit locations:

Austria: ?? F Greece, A Venice.

England: ?? F English Channel, F North Sea, F Norway, A Sweden.France: ?? ??A Gascony, A Marseilles, F North Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy, F??Spain(sc).Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Berlin, A Denmark, A Kiel, A Munich, A??Tyrolia.

Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, F Ionian Sea, A Rome, A Trieste, F Tyrrhenian Sea.Russia: ?? ??A Budapest, F Gulf of Bothnia, A Rumania, F Sevastopol, A St??Petersburg, A Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??F Ankara, A Armenia, A Bulgaria, A Constantinople.

For Immediate Release...--------------------------------

England to Germany:
Sorry about this, However I don't think this is much of a surprise as I did say I prefer Sweden over Stp/Mos.
Anyway I would be happy to help?? you with StP or Mos, this is up to you.
??England to France:
As you can see There was no bounce. I'm ready to leave Eng Ch if that will make you happy.No problem. Let's keep our good relations.

From the ???silver tongue???-I???m flattered!
???the Italian fleets will not give up their advantage in the west.?????As you can see, I have and moved elsewhere. Now France and eng untangle yourselves and attend to the pressing matter at hand!

Best wishes to all especially Germany for taking the press in the spirit it was intended.
--------------------------------Austria to Russia/Turkey - you guys are just stalling each other, figure it out. I don't intend to agitate either of you, but I'd like to keep Greece (would Turkish support be possible?), at least for Fall before I turn the fleet against Italy.

Austria to Germany - I'd like support in Venice, but I'd also rather you have Vienna than Italy, and I don't think Russia's in a position to steal that from Italy. Your choice, although I would lean towards support since I can't do much with just a fleet.

Austria to Italy - if you have??a better plan than attempting to push through me, then I'll hear it. Otherwise, game on.


---just keep swimming


DC436 Spring 03 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 3:54 pm)
Nemo was spotted... (I mean, striped)

I found a moment to do the adjudication... Also, someone asked that I send along a copy of the DPY file, so I will try to remember to include it from now on.

Once again Turkey and Russia butt heads without making any advances. Italy and Germany were both dislodged and will need to retreat. Germany will move to Denmark, but Italy needs to choose between retreating to Apulia, Piedmont, Rome or Tuscany. Don't forget to send press along with your orders.

Summer 03 retreats will be due Wednesday night, October 17 at 8:30 pm MDT (02:30 18-10-12 GMT)

Fall 03 orders will be due Thursday night, October 18 at 8:30 pm MDT (02:30 19-10-12 GMT)

Movement results for Spring of 1903.

Austria: F Albania - Greece.Austria: A Trieste - Venice.
England: F English Channel Hold.England: A Finland - Sweden.

England: F Norway Supports A Finland - Sweden.England: F Norwegian Sea - North Sea.
France: A Brest - Picardy.France: A Gascony - Marseilles.France: F Marseilles - Spain(sc).

France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Atlantic Ocean.France: A Spain - Gascony.
Germany: F Baltic Sea - Gulf of Bothnia (*Fails*).Germany: A Belgium Hold.Germany: A Berlin - Silesia (*Bounce*).

Germany: A Holland - Kiel.Germany: A Munich Supports A Tyrolia.Germany: A Sweden Hold (*Dislodged*).Germany: A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Venice.
Italy: F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea.

Italy: F Tunis - Ionian Sea.Italy: A Venice Supports A Vienna - Trieste (*Dislodged*).Italy: A Vienna - Trieste.Italy: F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea.

Russia: A Budapest - Serbia (*Bounce*).Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A St Petersburg (*Cut*).Russia: A Rumania - Sevastopol (*Bounce*).Russia: F Sevastopol - Black Sea (*Bounce*).

Russia: A St Petersburg Hold.Russia: A Warsaw - Silesia (*Bounce*).
Turkey: F Ankara - Black Sea (*Bounce*).Turkey: A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Bounce*).Turkey: A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Bounce*).

Turkey: A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*).
The following units were dislodged:
German A Sweden can retreat to Denmark.Italian A Venice can retreat to Apulia or Piedmont or Rome or Tuscany.

For Immediate Release....--------------------------------------Germany to the silver tongue. Well this part is true anyway: ??"no doubt laced with no small degree of self-interest and a slightly anarchic and mischievous desire to stir up a hornet???s nest."

Germany to England and France. ??A western triple it has been called, which sits well with me. It has emerged out of the need to counter the Austrian nmrs, and Italian aggression against France, but I say let's go with what we have been given.??The map we are looking at now may tell a different story, but I am hoping you have seen fit to give this a try. The "bear" that I referred to will emerge very quickly if I am forced to turn around, and the Italian fleets will not give up their advantage in the west. To refer to me as the board leader is laughable. ??I know that Italy is not so blind as to miss the clear advantage that the Austrian nmrs have given both he and Russia, although he will certainly try to convince you otherwise.


France - England: Either we will have bounced in NAO, or I will have occupied it. I'm getting a bit nervous about the presence of your fleet in ENG, it's causing me to worry that you've a lightening attack on MAO planned for this year, hence the bounce that I'm half-expecting (or rather, fearing the consequences of not making). Let me know your thoughts - assuming I've taken NAO, I'm happy to move my fleet from there.

France - Germany: Thanks for your understanding regarding Bur. I'm manoevring for defence this year, seeing whether Italy is serious or whether he's lying in his public statements, and trying to cover my back door from the north. Let's talk more before the autumn moves.


Just Keep Swimming....


DC436 Additional Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 3:52 pm)
I have been asked to send out additional press before these orders are due. ??I will??accept??press THIS TURN ONLY until 4:00 pm MDT (22:00 GMT) today.

For Immediate Release....


Italy to all- a comment on Germany???s recent press.One of the great things about diplomacy is the discussion, and in this gunboat, my first, it is even more fun as one can see the spin in public. Many excessively subjective diplomatic offers fall into two categories. Either they are a reflection that the player is poor, or that he/she thinks the recipient of their missive is poor. Germany has played so well his latest must certainly be the latter. He conveniently forgets to mention that whilst he is negotiating a western triple that leaves him free to gain advantage in the east it is only made possible by the biddability (not a real word but it should be) of his two smaller and slower growing neighbours. He also forgets to mention he is the largest power on the board, in addition he has the greatest capacity for growth.

Closer examination of his reasoning does not stand up to scrutiny.?????I wonder where those "two or three" centres that Italy talks about will come from.?????Germany has managed to negotiate both a vacant nts and a vacant bur (Any German who can do both deserves some kind of diplomatic award-my metaphorical hat is doffed!) this frees up his units to head elsewhere. Mun, hol and ber, plus fleet bal can all head east. I would expect those 2-3 gains to come from Warsaw and perhaps vie in the first instance. Remember Russia can only defend war by abandoning sc???s which are adjacent to potentially hostile forces. ??In addition he comments,?????Please consider what releasing that bear would do?????is surely some sort of gag. Russia is pinned down in the south with turkey, what units he does have are all tied up in retaining his gains thus far leaving only one unit, a war, with any flexibility. It???s not a bear but a cub (no offence Russia it???s just the way the board has fallen). By taking stp and leaving swe alone England may well precipitate a Russian collapse which will probably be more profitable to the already largest nation on the board than himself. By letting Russia off the hook for now it will hardly release a bear, but may well restrict the growth of the German. Consider which centres are more accessible to England-Moscow Warsaw sev, OR hol bel den? And who poses the greatest lead and possibility of winning at the moment Russia or Germany?

I???m trying to impose sound reasoning based on the board, no doubt laced with no small degree of self-interest and a slightly anarchic and mischievous desire to stir up a hornet???s nest. Dear Germany don???t take it personally I mean no offence I genuinely think you???re playing a superb game and are deservedly winning, the move to tyr was inspired. I hope at the end we can see who we all are and maybe play some other dip together in the future.

Italy to FranceOur last press release came out simultaneously and said almost exactly the same thing. I will withdraw to the east, and hope you will match this yourself. We have more to gain by not engaging in a pointless my fleet versus your fleet stalemate which benefits others more than us. F wms will retreat and I will head elsewhere. As for your intentions re Germany and working with eng that is up to you and your reading of the board. Bur will make you safer, put to good use your armies, restrict the growth of the board???s largest power and give some flexibility in the future. Or we can simply fight it out, you may well win??? one thing is for sure I certainly won???t win but I love the diplomacy all the same.


----- Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 3:50 pm)
For Immediate Release...


Hi France
Is there any way we can disentangle ourselves? We are heading for a stalemate and Germany are heading for an easy ride. I can use my fleets more productively securing Greece or getting tri, Germany will be delighted to see us locking horns. I???m in a position as Italy to be flexible and switch east rather than west. What will your gains be while Germany continues to rampage? Tun? I out number you in fleets but ultimately you will make gains but they will be much slower than your neighbour???s gain? In a year or two when Germany is 2-3 centres stronger and you are maybe one centre better off you will rue the day you gave him an easy ride. Cut a deal with eng and move on ger.??Six of his seven centres are coastal, yet he has only one fleet to your combined force of five.

As a gesture of good will I will withdraw my fleets, dmz wms naf gol. Let me (and everyone else) know your thoughts



France to ItalyConfused?

I'm not interested in 'playing everybody else's game', I'm just trying to defend myself against you in what I think is the best way I can in a gunboat game. You've displayed hostile moves to me since winter 01, I take defensive action against you whilst recovering from an admittedly poor set of autumn 01 moves, and now you accuse me of 'letting my tummy get rubbed' by Germany? I take it your attacking me rather than acting directly against Germany is completely different, is it?

If you're serious about wanting to do something about Germany's growth, then I suggest you stop attacking me (both in press and on the board, 'dude'Wink and come up with some constructive suggestions as to how that might be achieved.??

France to Germany:

I'd appreciate it if you didn't move to Bur this turn. There's no need for you to do this - I think you may have enough on your plate otherwise.


....Just Keep Swimming


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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