First, We say goodbye to Austria this week (I will reveal all the players at the end of the game). Russia claimed Austria's last supply center in the retreat and Austria is forced to disband. England has chosen to disband Sweden.??This Winter, England, Germany and Italy each get 1 build.
Winter Builds are due Saturday night, 10:00 PM MDT (04:00 28-10-12 GMT)
(are we going too fast? at this point in the game, do we need more time to plan? let me know your feelings)
Retreat orders for Fall of 1904.??
England: disband A Sweden.
Russia: A Budapest - Serbia.
England: Builds ??1 unit.Germany: 1 unit.Italy: Builds ?? 1 unit.
The next phase of DC436 will be Adjustments for Winter of 1904.
--Just Keep Swimming